After asking you to go with me into the world’s affairs, for the last two articles in this series, to look upon ways we can think and act in society which are worthy, I invite you now to move with me into our inmost hearts to contemplate worthiness from a metaphysical viewpoint.
I talked a bit earlier in this series about how we can internalize the consciousness of Jesus the Christ. In a universe that is one great being of which we are all a part, one unified and interactive body of which we are all cells, it is logical that we inherently are one with Christ-consciousness. We are holograms of the infinite Creator. Every cell of our beings is full of the Creator. We are made of Love.
That Christ-consciousness of unconditional love is one with the Logos which made all that there is. On this one point, the Confederation ET sources which I channel and the dogma of the Christian church are agreed. John’s Gospel begins, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). John wrote in Greek. The Greek for “Word” is “Logos.” To John and to the Church, the Logos or Word is the incarnate Jesus, a living being with a big story. To the Confederation, the Logos is the one great original Thought which created all that there is; a non-living being; an infinite and ungraspable mystery.
The big problem with the Confederation point of view, for most people, is that there is no big story to catch our attention and make us think. There is no character with which to identify. There is no wounded hero to follow. There is only an impersonal web of paradox and mystery. The Confederation teaches that we are already the Creator, although we may not know this. We may not yet have allowed this core identity of Christ-consciousness or Logos-consciousness to emerge from the sacred centers of our hearts and minds, since our minds are involved with worldly things.
How do we work with this mystery? The main method that the Confederation suggests we use for becoming more aware of the consciousness of the Christ is entering the silence. The channelings insist again and again that the silence is packed with truth deeper than words. They suggest that we can breathe in this Mystery that is Christ-consciousness.
Here is Q’uo, from a channeling dated 11-26-89:
“You must go deeper. You must move from the mind which condemns, judges, evaluates, and so forth, to the heart, where resides that infinite spark of imperishability which is the Creator within. It is this portion of the self that is worthy, and because you carry within yourself, within this Earthly vessel, the glorious perfection of the infinite One, so you may move into the point of view of that within you which is the Creator, as the Creator forgives a perishable, various, woeful entity for making the errors of childhood.”
As a spiritual being, I certainly feel like a child. If I am the Creator, I feel like a very young, foolish and error-prone Creator.
The Q’uo source reassures us:
“The Creator has already forgiven all that you may do. You yourself, however, must forgive the self, be at peace with the self, acknowledge all of the thoughts of the self, and attempt as much as possible to become better. It is well to realize that perfect behavior is not only impossible but meaningless. It is the heart, the love, the emotion that makes you worthy, and as the intensity of your love of the Creator and your love of fellow men and your love of yourself grow, so shall you become a more and more metaphysical light being, moving affirmatively from your strength — that is, the Creator within — rather than running from, avoiding or being embarrassed about many, many errors that any limited, somewhat ignorant, and often biased child might make.”
Speaking for myself alone, I say that although I love the silence and spend time there daily, I have an enormous appreciation of Jesus the Christ and his big story. In Him I have someone to love and to follow. Embodied in the way He lived His life, the teachings He offered and His nature is a wayfarer’s guide with the route of the King’s Highway made plain.
Jesus Himself, by His teachings, brought us into union with Him, carefully and thoughtfully, never denying that to be one with Him would be costly. He said, in The Gospel of John: “I tell you the truth: unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. … Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me” (John 12:24, 26).
That refrain of “follow me” rings through the Gospels and through the millennia. And Christians have faithfully tried to follow Jesus.
Mostly, we Christians do so by outer show. We attend services. We donate money. We listen to our pastors and try to discern how to follow our Lord. In listening and re-listening to the big story, with its grand panoply of temptation and virtue, angels and archangels, devils and demons, prophets and apostles, suffering and service, passion and absolute love, we have the feeling of help along the way.
In general, we remain without firsthand knowledge of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ. However, I am an exception. And this is where my two worlds of being a Christian and being a channel meet. I have repeatedly had firsthand knowledge of Jesus the Christ. Metaphysics is strangely consistent in that it connects all of our loose ends as we pursue its secrets.
As a very tiny child, 2 to 5 years old, I knew Jesus personally. He was part of the magic forest to which I repaired when I was supposed to be napping. He would sit with me and hold my hand and look at me with eyes of love.
My parents found out about this magic forest when I was 5 and told me I was incorrect; that this was not real. I could never go there again, although I tried.
After that, I floundered for a while, loving and yearning for Jesus and attending church every time the doors were opened, but feeling more distant than I would like.
Then came that time when I was deeply involved in opening my ET channel and I discovered I could also talk to the Holy Spirit. I became aware that the flame was touching my head every day; that Christ-consciousness was near at hand, closer than my very body.
So why do I still go to church if I am so aware of the Christ within?
There are three reasons, for me. The first two are less substantial: I love the spiritual community of faithful people and I love to sing. The third and more substantial reason is that it keeps me in a state of remembrance of who and what I am.
Each Sunday I take the bread. Do this in remembrance of me.
I take the wine. Do this in remembrance of Me.
I reset my default point of view and vow to follow Him into new life.
Jesus the Christ lived a humble worldly life. Offered political power, he turned it down flat. He wended His way through a teaching and healing ministry to the cross and soared from that sweetest tree to the heavens. With His death I am buried. With His resurrection I rise. I am born again, literally, each Sunday.
The German hymn writer Johann Heermann wrote in 1630:
“For me, kind Jesus, was Thy incarnation,
Thy mortal sorrow and Thy life’s oblation.
Thy death of anguish and Thy bitter passion,
For my salvation.”
This is the big story. Jesus the Christ stands ready to redeem all my sins with His very life. If I cannot understand yet how to forgive myself, at least I know that I am forgiven by my Redeemer.
Spiritual seeking is a very intimate pursuit. Some of us have no need of a story to understand; no need to follow someone; no need for outer structure. As for me, I do. I am most grateful, this Holy Week, to stand in the shadow of His cross and sing,
“I know that my Redeemer lives. Glory Halleluiah!”
I open my arms and embrace your spirit. Whether you seek the mystery in silence or in your parish church, I urge you to be single-minded today in your remembrance of who you are — a creature made of love, wrapped in love and sent forth in love to be the consciousness of love in the world.