Latest Channeling

February 22, 2025

Saturday Meditation

Topics: Healing and guilt; realizing one’s potential; the current political environment of the USA.

February 8, 2025

Saturday Meditation

Topics: External influence on thought; on seeking love in the moment; aligning to highest purpose and service to others; plasma clouds; Confederation interactions; guidance for the next step; importance of purpose and meaning in life; visualization; should one be meditating more; general counsel.

January 18, 2025

Saturday Meditation

Topics: Angels in human form; agents of the angelic realm; management vs control of the emotional body; the importance of the emotional body; gratitude as an aid in service to others; emotional catalyst manifest as physical pain; letting go of attachments in the disciplines of the personality; acceptance and dark humor upon the path; intensification and acceleration of catalyst in late third density; loving and guiding the child in the Law of One.

December 14, 2024

Saturday Meditation

Topics: Clearing the lower energy centers; use of crystals to potentially enhance allopathic medicine; crystallization of medicine; impact of dogma and conception of the Creator as wrathful; the emergence of love from unity; the perplexities of time/space; lucidity in the dream state for navigating time/space; healing in time/space; discovering direction and purpose; ritual of anointing by oil.

November 23, 2024

Saturday Meditation

Topics: Former human civilizations; stargates; the “plasma state”; the Merkaba; the variety of experiences after death; Jesus’s resurrection; activating the pineal gland; the return to the Creator vs. the continuation of evolution.

November 9, 2024

Saturday Meditation

Topics: Significance of sleep paralysis; alignment to true purpose; balancing the ego or shadow; temptations of arrogance; service across levels of awareness; service at the moment of death; side effects of embodiment of higher frequencies; exploring ancestral healing; in and out of alignment with the spiritual journey.

November 8, 2024

C/C Channeling Circle

Topics: Processing the catalyst of a presidential election; serving others who may be in fear, anger, or despair; exploring the use and purpose of fear; interpreting the Confederation material.

October 26, 2024

Saturday Meditation

Topics: Saying goodbye with gratitude to a dwelling; the aliveness of dwelling places; native prophecies; working together to harmonize and heal the planet; body complex challenges as the vibrations rise; the body as a catalyst for the other-self caretaker; wisdom and love; the perennial hope of quick planetary change and deliverance

October 12, 2024

Saturday Meditation

Topics: Balacing the fear of conspiracy theories; the source of negative thoughts; the nature of the higher self; martyrdom and service to others; naivety and wisdom.

September 29, 2024

Prague gathering

Topics: Balancing the over-emphasis of development of the mind; serving those with mental disorders; violence in the Middle East; sharing a spiritual life without infringing on the free will of others.