PART I: 1964 - 1980
Let me start at our beginning! Once upon a time…
…There was born a son to Tully and Elizabeth Elkins. They named him Donald Tully. He created an ET channeling experiment which is unique, I believe, in UFO contactee literature. This experiment came out of his studies of the paranormal.
Elkins was born in 1930, a native Kentuckian who graduated from Speed Scientific School, the engineering college of the University of Louisville, in mechanical engineering. He went on to take his M.E. master’s degree there and also received a master’s degree in general engineering. For ten years, he taught at Speed School, offering half a generation of students their training in physics and mechanical engineering.
He had two interruptions during his tenure at Speed School. Firstly, his educational years spanned the Korean War, and Elkins’ Army unit was activated while he was an undergraduate. Don rapidly became a Master Sergeant, at that time the youngest man holding that rank in the Army, having been installed, bending regulations, before he was 21. He was a born teacher, used to strenuous activity in the woods and rivers of Kentucky, and a crack shot. He led a unit of light artillery. Fortunately for his longevity, his unit was sent to Germany! He stayed in the Army Reserves for 13 years after returning from Germany and retired from the Reserves with the rank of Captain.
His second interruption occurred during his professorship at U of L, when he went to Alaska to establish the mechanical engineering program at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. He loved the wildness of the country there, but the arctic cold was too much for him and he left after a year to return to Kentucky and continue teaching at U of L. The year he came back from Alaska he ran across the information which prompted him to begin the experiment in ET channeling.
In 1965, Elkins retired from teaching and went to work as a pilot for Eastern Air Lines, where he rose to the rank of 727 Captain several years before his death in 1984. He made the career move from teaching to flying in order to fund his research. Pilots make a good deal more per hour than professors.
Don was a solid person, firmly grounded in consensus reality. He was an original and creative thinker, a fascinating lecturer and an accomplished and charming storyteller.
He was also a thoroughgoing scientist. His activities were always aimed, very practically, at putting together what he called the puzzle pieces of “What’s really going on?” He was not a dabbler or an amateur. His interest in the truth was profound and from the age of 26 he dedicated his life, outside of making a living, to searching for that truth.
I wish you all could have met him! He was a pleasure to know. Ask Leo Sprinkle to relate to you the tale of our making of a movie in 1975 called The Force Beyond. We wrote many screenplays, hoping to make a film about the metaphysical aspects of UFOs, but Hollywood is a tough room! We were unsuccessful there.
Being a pilot, Don was able to pursue his research by flying to meet many of the contactees of the fifties, such as Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassel, George Hunt Williamson and George Adamski. He found all of these men to be very interesting and valid experiencers.
We wrote a novel in 1969 called The Crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweetwater. We did not find a publisher, but published the book later. Remarkably, the novel was an accurate account of our relationship with Andrija Puharich, which transpired from 1974 to 1978. We had no idea we were being psychic! It is a parable about polarity and ET contact which is worth reading even today.
The material which started Don’s mind working on conducting a channeling experiment was that which was offered by both Dan Fry and Walt Rogers, both of whom had independently begun receiving telepathic messages shortly after their UFO contacts.
The specific data from which Don created the ET-channeling experiment was a collection of telepathically received messages which Walt Rogers of Detroit, Michigan, shared with Don. Rogers had a psychic UFO contactee experience. Shortly thereafter, he began receiving what he felt were contacts from the entities he had met in the UFO experience.
The collection of these channeled messages from the UFO occupants was called The Brown Notebook, available on our website.
A sample of the messages that gave Don the idea of starting the channeling experiment is this one, from page 18 of the Notebook, received by Rogers on October 26, 1958:
“You spoke of starting a group, my friend. That is good. There cannot be too many working in the service of the Father. These groups are needed. We will help when the time comes. Start as soon as possible in the service of the people of this planet. It can never be too soon.”
As to how one would form such a group, there were several instances in The Brown Notebook material where the source suggested to Rogers that he, or his mate, meditate and in this way they would develop naturally as channels.
So Don decided to form a group that would test this hypothesis. He asked twelve of his best physics students if they would be interested in performing an experiment. He explained that the experiment would consist of meditating together as a group once a week. I was a friend of one of these physics students and asked if I could join as well. I was accepted, and the Louisville Group began meeting at the home of Hal Price, an executive detailing checker for the Ford truck plant here in Louisville. Hal had been a member of Walt Rogers’ group in Detroit.
At first the experiment remained scientifically clean, but null. Then, about six months into the experiment, Rogers visited the Louisville Group and channeled his Confederation contact to the group. The gist of the message was, “Why aren’t you speaking our words? You are receiving them, but you are not saying them.”
This channeling by Rogers permanently tainted the scientific nature of the experiment while at the same time breaking a logjam in the meditators of the Louisville Group. All of them except for me began channeling and produced the standard ET message.
I refrained from learning to channel because I did not like the idea. I enjoyed hearing the “cosmic sermonettes”, as Brad Steiger has called them, but I had no desire to channel. I did not begin to channel until Elkins asked me to learn in 1974, a full twelve years later. At that time, the original channels had graduated from engineering school and were gradually scattered to the four winds, taking jobs all over the country. In order to carry on this experiment, new channels were needed. I agreed to learn to channel and Don began to record my channeling sessions. Thus began the channeling archives of L/L Research. The type of channeling I have done all along is conscious channeling. It was only in the case of our contact with those of Ra that I channeled from trance.
Don and I had formed a creative partnership in 1969, and I went to work full time for him in 1971. I was trained as a librarian, with degrees in English Literature and Library Service, and he hired me to create a special library of his collected materials, to do research for him in the fields of UFOs, UFO contactees and the paranormal in general and to write reports about our research.
I enjoyed being Elkins’ research partner. Don and I did a good deal of UFO field research throughout the seventies. Our field reports from that period are included in contemporary issues of Flying Saucer Review, The APRO Newsletter and The MUFON Newsletter. We dropped this type of physical UFO research when the channeling experiment proved to be a far richer source of data. As Don wrote in 1984,
“It seems to me that the presently accepted scientific paradigm is less than adequate. It is my opinion that our present natural philosophy is a very special case of a much more general case yet to be unveiled. It is my hope that our research is in the direction of this discovery. After assimilating several million words of alleged extraterrestrial communication, it is also my opinion that this book and the subsequent volumes of the Ra material contain the most useful information that I have discovered.”
Again, in 1983, writing about this new paradigm in an unfinished manuscript intended to be a commentary on the principles of the Confederation information, he wrote,
“All of the puzzle parts fit together to make an understandable picture of the way things work and a new and workable paradigm for natural philosophy emerges. Practical applications in many fields become obvious, but the one salient objective of our extraterrestrial communicant overshadows all of these. We are told how to accelerate our personal mental development, how to become an active participant in our own evolutionary process. Perhaps we are being offered priceless information that can only be appreciated if we accept and then use it.
“It seems that the technological advances that we hold in such great esteem at our present state of evolution are in no way comparable to what can be achieved with the mind. In this book is the foundation knowledge of the nature of mental evolution, a knowledge that may be of greater value than any technological advance.”
Later in that manuscript, he summed up his position:
“The matrix underlying all phenomena seems to be consciousness. The material worlds and beings are a product of consciousness.”
Thirty years ago, then, Elkins was talking about the “new paradigm” which is only now becoming a cliché of current research into the nature of the universe and the nature of consciousness. He was amazingly ahead of his time in his thinking.
The ET channelings speak of there being various densities of existence, including many which are unseen by us. To investigate this, Don and I attended many séances. We found mostly fakes, so-called psychics running around in sheets and pretending to be deceased relatives. We also found one excellent materialization medium, James Tingley, whose remarkable sessions validated Don’s theories of other, non-physical realms of existence.
Another way to explore unseen realms was to study psychic surgery, and Don and I also researched that area. We traveled to the Philippines in 1975 and visited five psychic surgeons there. In 1978, we traveled to Mexico to investigate Pachita, a “surgeon of the rusty knife” who did psychic surgery there.
We also spent considerable time researching cattle mutilations, which offer data concerning the way unseen realms can manifest in our time/space
Another issue raised by the UFO channeling information is reincarnation. The ET message states that this is the way things work. To investigate the truth of reincarnation, Don became skilled at conducting hypnotic regressions, and eventually regressed over 200 people to a point before their birth. In answer to his questions these people described their experiences of living other lives before this present one.
In 1976, Don and I wrote a book entitled Secrets of the UFO, which was a report of our research up until that point. I recommend this book to any UFO researcher. It is not at all out of date! The audience for what Don had to say is only now becoming ready to listen to him.
In Secrets of the UFO, he describes a ufologist as
“A detective who is exploring the single largest mystery of our time. As he wends his way through the elaborate maze of red herrings, misinformation, cover-ups, fanatics, skeptics, true believers and nonbelievers, he may well find that his most valuable ally in his search is a good sense of humor. Or, as Groucho Marx said, “Either he’s dead or my watch has stopped!”
Here is how he described the genesis of the ET channeling experiment in 1976:
“My own interest in the possibility of telepathic contact with UFO sources stemmed from my original study of the UFO literature of the 1950s. Most of the people who claimed contact with UFOs were considered charlatans or crackpots by the scientific community in general. It seemed to me, however, that this was the historically classic attitude of men of science toward genuinely new ideas.”
“This is true to this day, and was emphatically true then. The numerous contactees of the ’50s, as well as many of the more recent contactees, seemed to have a common denominator: most of them claimed direct, mind-to-mind contact with the aliens, rather than verbal communication. It was not hard to see why the scientific community would be sorely tempted to classify all UFO contacts in a lump under cultist claims because of the metaphysical or religious orientation of most of the messages. On the surface, such contacts seemed like highly imaginative science fiction stories, or like the creations of fanatic cultist groups seeking frantically for their new Messiah.
“What the scientific community chose to overlook was the independence of many of the claims from other claims of contact, and the extreme degree of consistency in the content of the messages. This independence was a fact in several of my own contact experiments: the participants did not know when they started what their goal was or what they should expect to happen to them. The messages which they eventually produced were extremely consistent in content with other alleged UFO messages.
“I have found increasing numbers of functioning contact groups around the country, in Canada and England, and elsewhere in the world. And in addition to the growing number of voluntary contacts, one can come across many sincerely told stories of involuntary contact.”
He revisited the subject in a lecture given at Jefferson Community College in 1981 by saying,
“In the early 60’s we started an experiment, here in Louisville, which had the objective of training people to get in the proper mental configuration so that, with certain catalysts added, you might say, they could receive telepathic information from UFO operatives.
“We started an experiment using what I called “the gullibility factor.” I made the assumption that it was going to be necessary to be gullible in order to be successful, because the experiment seemed so naive that no one who was oriented toward orthodox scientific approaches to things would make such an attempt to create a channeled communication.
“There was a necessity for this gullibility. What we had to do was to produce data with no attempt to analyze that data or to fit it into any preconceptions. We had to eradicate all preconceptions of what things should be.
“So what we did, regardless of how ridiculous the instructions might sound about how to do this thing, how ridiculous the information we got out of it might sound, we went ahead and did it. We proceeded to accumulate as much information as possible. We have accumulated a mountain of it. We have continued the experiment, and it continues to today”
And writing in his unfinished manuscript in 1983, he added,
“I use a carefully tuned human brain in place of the electronic circuitry of a radio transceiver. The ears replace a microphone and the vocal mechanism replaces the speaker. The inhabiting mind is temporarily removed by a precise method and communication with a resonant external system is possible. The tuning process is quite complex and took about twelve years to perfect. Since January 15, 1981, our research group has been using this form of communication to question a sixth density social memory complex.
“Please keep in mind that we didn’t pull these techniques out of a hat and achieve instant success, but, through years of research and the process of trial and error, achieved the quality that helped in producing our current level of communication.”
On the issue of whether this experiment was scientific, he said in 1976,
“I have chosen not to abide within the approved scientific method of verification of accepted data within the boundaries of currently accepted scientific opinion because this method has proven a tool ineffectual in dealing with this phenomenon. I make the assumption that the reason for this lack is that the system is set up to investigate the present level of reality within our technological and scientific nexus of thought. I make the further assumption that the nexus of thinking or technology which underlies the UFO manifestations may not have any close connection to our present Earthman’s philosophy of reality. History is replete with examples of the events in which reality itself proved unconformable with the current scientific or philosophical thinking. I think it is happening again.”
Eight years later, in the Introduction to The Law of One, Book I Don further noted,
“I consider my point of view to be purely scientific. Many readers of this material have used as a basis for its evaluation a previously assumed philosophical bias which has ranged from what I would call objectively scientific to subjectively theological. It is not the purpose of our research group to attempt to do anything other than make experimental data available. Each reader will undoubtedly reach his own unique conclusion about the meaning of this body of data.”
On the issue of the reliability of this data, he said,
“It seemed to me to be rather an exaggeration of scientific caution to declare, as so many did, that all of the people who claimed this telepathic communication were suffering from identical forms of mental aberration. The more appropriate response seemed to me to be to attempt to check this common denominator out.
“For this reason, I set up a control group of people whose sanity and habitual veracity I could vouch for, and proceeded to expose them to conditions which allegedly would produce UFO contact. The instructions, of course, had come from an alleged UFO source which I had come across several times in my research.
“Since 1962, I have worked with over 100 of these human guinea pigs who were successful in mentally receiving what I believe to be messages from UFOs. The data collected through these telepathic receivers created a problem in evaluation. I had originally hoped to be able to extract material of a scientifically evidential nature from these experiments, but soon after the start of the experiment, I realized that rigorous analytical control was not possible. Telepathy itself is still proving extremely difficult to investigate scientifically, when the receiver and the sender both can be monitored exhaustively. And, needless to say, if we could put our hands on the UFO senders to test them, we would have our experiment’s end.
“Yet it was possible to produce an unending supply of data. So I simply chose to generate a great deal of data, figuring that it was a mistake to expect material of this nature to fit any preconceived notion that I might have had. After carrying on this experiment for over 13 years, I now feel that I can make the following statement: The information claimed to be received by numerous UFO contactees can be duplicated in a controlled situation.”
Parenthetically, I have just concluded the first Channeling Intensive Gathering at L/L Research since the mid-eighties. Again, the reason is that I am the only remaining channel. I shall attempt to create more instruments as time goes on.
As always when this technique is taught, people were able to pick up this type of information telepathically. The information produced was, as in every previous instance, consistent with the content of other channeled material.
Don wrote, in 1976:
“The obvious weakness of this contactee information is that evidential proof of its validity is not obtainable. Its strength lies in its sheer bulk and in the similarity of messages produced by sources widely scattered around the world. The last 25 years have produced millions of words of these communications allegedly originating within the UFOs.”
Speaking in 2008, I think this point can be underlined: this experiment is now 45 years old. We now have over 1,500 channeling sessions in our archives and, thanks to a small army of volunteer transcribers, the transcripts of these sessions are all available on our archive site, in the on-line Library.
Here are Don’s conclusions, writing in 1976, on the research into ET communications:
- “People who have had face-to-face encounters with UFOnauts report telepathic communication more often than any other form.”
- “Those who claim communication at a distance with a UFO source report that telepathic contact was used in an overwhelming majority of cases.”
- “The same general message permeates over 90% of the millions of words received by thousands of people around the world.”
- “I have been able experimentally to fabricate contactees who, with no prior background in UFO literature, produced the general UFO “doctrine” in detail.”
- “Most of my fabricated contactees who have seen a UFO have done so shortly after becoming contactees.”
- “There are over 100 contactees which have been fabricated in my group. Their backgrounds represent a general sampling of our society with educational levels ranging from grade-school to post-doctoral.”
- “Over 90% of these fabricated contactees experienced identical physical symptoms during the time of the contact.”
- “A single message would sometimes be delivered through a dozen contactees, a part through each one. Though the contactees were of different backgrounds and educational levels, the message would be uniform, of coherent continuity, and largely free from normal errors and hesitations of speech.”
- “Two of my fabricated contactees were given only one day of training before returning to their home some 600 miles away. Their progress was monitored by mail, and the result was still the same.”
- “I have found that some people can achieve the contact phenomenon simply by being hypnotized. No preparation or training is necessary for this type of contact. The content of messages received is the same as the great majority of all other contacts.”
- “It is not necessary for the fabricated contactees to believe in UFOs or the reality of the contact phenomenon to produce the communications. One of my best hypnotic contactees has never believed, and still refuses to countenance, any part of the phenomenon, although her communications have in all cases been excellent and have matched in exact detail the bulk of other contactee material.”
- “Several of the contactees, particularly those with extensive training in the physical sciences, maintained a highly objective and somewhat skeptical attitude throughout the experiment and still produced excellent communications, precisely analogous to the bulk of material received.”
Don tackles the issue of the consistently metaphysical character of all of this channeling material by saying, in 1976,
“My personal bias, at least during the initial stages of my investigation, was wholly on the side of the scientific disciplines. As the investigation continued, however, I kept finding what seemed to be a religious or spiritual factor in the contact phenomenon. My determined bias towards open-minded and impartial observation led me finally to acknowledge this factor as a genuine part of ufology. At present, I no longer regard this factor as separate from a scientific understanding of the phenomenon. The seemingly religious content of the communications is seen as such because of our own cultural conditioning: we interpret these messages as religious. It is my belief that the foundation of a much more nearly absolute and true philosophy of natural phenomena is being made available through the UFO contacts.”
He sums up the content of some of this metaphysical content in Secrets of the UFO, by writing:
“The stuff of which the universe is made is consciousness, a single, infinite consciousness. This by definition is the Creator. This consciousness created vibrations through infinite space. This basic vibration is identified in our physical science as the photon, the basic particle-wave called light. This light vibration is the raw material used to make everything that there is within the creation.
“The vibrations which were fashioned from light exist over a large range of frequencies, only a small portion of which is apparent within our present physical reality. All atoms, whether within or outside of our physical reality are simply more complex rotations and vibrations of the basic photon. We are then, a highly complex, vibrational, single, infinite, entity. Presently we are experiencing the illusion of individualization as separate entities, but still we have been created by the one consciousness, and our basic essence resides within the Creator’s one consciousness.”
The ET channeling message is at heart very simple: All is one, and that one thing is love. Here is a quotation from Walt Rogers’ Brown Notebook:
“Countless time you have heard, “Why do these people contact us?” Our reason, my son, is very simple: love. Love is the reason we are here. Love is the reason we have been here before. Love is the reason we will come here again if need be. Love, understanding and wisdom await from the Father. You know what awaits from man. People of Earth, make your choice. The time of decision is near.”
Fast-forward from 1959 to 1981, to Elkins’ selection of the most central message from the Ra group. It is this:
“In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity, for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light; light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.”
I’d like to share one last quote from Don Elkins before I go on. It catches the detachment and scientific objectivity that characterized Don’s approach as a scientist looking at data concerning an area of research which he knew was considered to be fringe. Bill Tush was interviewing Don and me in January of 1978, when we were on our way back from Mexico, researching Pachita’s psychic surgery. Tush asked Don,
“What do you say to somebody that just comes up and says ‘I don’t believe in any of that?’ What’s your first argument?”
Don laughed and said,
“That’s all right. I don’t have an argument. If you don’t want to believe in UFOs, fine. If you’re interested in it I’ll tell you anything that I know.”
PART II: 1980 - 1984
In the summer of 1980, Don and I invited Jim (James Allen) McCarty to join our community and our work. Jim, whom I call Mick, was educated as a businessman, a sociologist and a teacher, with an undergraduate degree in sociology from Kearney State College, which is now the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and a graduate degree in early childhood education from the University of Florida at Gainesville. Faced with the choice of which career track to pursue, he opted for the out-of-the-box choice of retiring from the world.
By 1973, Mick was a landowner in Marion County, Kentucky, where he had found over 200 acres of bottomland and knobland in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Joner Creek ran through his land and constituted his “driveway”. Mick worked as a welder, a concrete worker and a grocery produce man to buy the land and to furnish himself with the beginning necessities of life on the land, including, nails, a tent and food enough to last him until his first harvest. During the next six and a half years, he built his homestead cabin, a marvel of function and efficiency and a very comfortable living space.
He also built a cabin for guests and a smaller cabin for his bee supplies, for he became a beekeeper. He created a beautiful root cellar and an outhouse with a scenic view out the private side of the privy. He topped off these creations with a playground for adults. Its swings and seesaw were oversized so that adults could re-experience their inner child all they liked. He called his place Hummingbird Mountain, and there he gave classes on opening the frontal lobes of the brain through various techniques.
Mick harvested tobacco and corn, soybeans and garden produce and did rock work to earn his living on the land, but his goal was to be self-sufficient and he made his own bread from wheat he ground himself and ate his own produce and honey. He owed no man, had his mornings for meditation and contemplation, reading and journaling and did his daily work from noon until dusk in utter content.
Then something changed. He had thought he would live on Hummingbird Mountain for his life long. In 1980, he began to have inner promptings to leave the land and move into society in order to serve with more effectiveness than he could by himself. After serving with Paul Shockley’s group in the fall of ’80, he set himself to a weekend of meditation to discover if he should stay with the Cosmic Awareness group in Oregon or come back to Kentucky to accept the offer given to him by Don and myself and serve with L/L Research. Thirty seconds into the meditation, he knew, absolutely, that his future was with L/L Research. On December 23, he arrived in Louisville with all his worldly goods in the back of his truck and a kitten on his shoulder. The kitten, Chocolate Bar, was a parting gift from the folks at Cosmic Awareness and the Windsong School.
Mick settled into his space at our home, which was conveniently made so that he had his own office and bedroom completely separated from the main dwelling. This was a necessity, as he was accustomed to living in absolute solitude, and he needed the private space. Indeed, he still does! Don, he, and I decided that he would begin to do the research needed to update a book which Don and I had written called Secrets of the UFO.
Three weeks later, while teaching a student to channel, I received our first contact from those of Ra.
I had been channeling since 1974 and was accustomed to receiving various entities from within the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. The voice of Ra, however, was by far the most interesting Confederation contact we had ever received. I had been channeling fourth-density and fifth-density sources like Hatonn and Latwii up until that point. The Ra group was a sixth-density source and all the rules changed. Whereas I was able - and am still able - to channel the other sources consciously, when I channeled Ra, I went into an unconscious state, similar to deep sleep except that, unlike deep sleep, upon returning to consciousness I was exhausted! The contact was narrow-band and everything about the conditions of the sessions needed exquisite care. You can look at the photos at the beginning of Book I of The Law of One and see the lengths to which we went in order to support this contact.
The message of Ra was the same as all of the Confederation sources offered, yet because of the clarity and precision of Ra’s words and the impeccable questioning done by Don Elkins, the five books of the Ra sessions stand out as the very best information which L/L Research has ever generated. The Law of One series is the heart of our offering to the world. Its 106 sessions were generated between January 15, 1981 and March 15, 1984 and constitute a golden age for our group.
PART III: 1984 - Present
In November of 1984, Don died after a year of increasing illness and Jim McCarty and I were left with Don’s legacy of the ET channeling experiment and everything that had stemmed from that. We continued to collect the “conscious channeling” data at our weekly study and meditation meetings. Indeed, we still offer these channeling meditations twice a month through the school year of September through May.
However, I ended the Ra contact. I was following the Ra group’s suggestion that I not attempt to channel the Ra group if either Jim or Don was unavailable. This particular contact was different from all my other channeling in that it was done in trance. I have never been trained as a trance channel and the trance state was an involuntary occurrence. In my case, trance work was extremely hard on my physical body. I lost two to three pounds after every Ra session and weighed no more than 85 pounds for the three years the contact was ongoing. So I heeded the Ra group’s advice and did not attempt to contact Ra directly again.
After three years of channeling the Ra group, I had become rather spoiled as a channel. I knew that I could not contact the Ra group, after Don’s death, but I hungered for the highest and best contact I could carry of the Christ consciousness in a stable, conscious manner. I began to ask for the highest and best. And at that point, the Q’uo group appeared.
When we asked who Q’uo was, they said that they were a principle made up of three social memory complexes: Hatonn, Latwii and Ra. When Q’uo receives a question, all three of its groups are involved in forming the answer. Latwii is the energy which generally communicates their answer to me, although upon occasion Hatonn will be the speaker for the Q’uo principle. I have worked exclusively with the Q’uo group for over twenty years now.
L/L Research has matured through the years, along with its founders. The group has attracted a large number of volunteers who have enabled us to offer far more service than we ever hoped for. Ian had manned the archive web site,, from the mid-nineties to 2012. By accessing the site you can download for free our books and transcripts. You can find my speeches, articles and interviews. The number of transcripts stands at above 1,500 as of this writing in 2008 and grows each time one of our wonderful transcriber volunteers transcribes a new session.
Who knows what the next turn in the road shall be, and what we shall offer in the future! Keep up with us at these two web sites, and help us welcome in fourth density!
On behalf of Jim, Gary, Melissa, Romi, and all the folks at L/L Research, lots of love/light,