Group question: We find ourselves in a situation where differing worldviews and different perceptions of reality are clashing more and more on a greater social scale. How can we, as seekers of love and truth, help to reconcile these worldviews and bring love and harmony to an increasingly disharmonious world?
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo and am with this instrument. We greet you in love and in light, and are grateful for your invitation to us to join your practice channeling circle and speak through those who wish to learn this skill this evening.
We are always aware that it is a necessity for our words to be carefully considered in order that only those which are—we correct this instrument—that only those which are helpful might be retained for use, and those which are not at this time helpful be set aside. If you would do us this simple favor, we would be able to speak freely.
This evening, your topic is one which is full of the challenges of the third-density illusion. Each of you is within this illusion for the purpose of discovering how to bring love through your heart chakra in a manner which has no conditions, and which is a response to the world around you—with all of its difficulties and disharmonies—that seemingly requires of you that you bend your will and desire to seek the truth [despite] many and sundry demands that you behave, think, and conduct yourself in a manner which seems antithetical to the open heart.
This is the challenge for all who are here now and willingly accepted before the incarnations began. This is a concerted effort upon the population of Earth’s preincarnative choices, so that there would be available at this time the type of opportunity for growth that might accelerate each conscious seeker’s path. For time, as you would say, and as you measure it, grows short.
Each seeker, whether they’re conscious or unconscious of this purpose for the third density, is making each opportunity available to itself in a manner which is unique to each self and yet contains qualities of commonality which pervade the population. That is to say, each of you has the ability to make these choices of loving responses to whatever catalyst confronts you, and yet each of you will do it in your own way, for you have free will infinitely throughout your experience within this illusion and all further levels of experience beyond this illusion.
At this time, we would transfer this contact to the one known as Gary. We are those of Q’uo.
(Gary channeling)
We are those known to you as the principal of Q’uo, and we would express that it brings us joy to be with your group again and to be exercising these instruments, and rusty though this instrument feels we assure him that he has not fallen out of service. And in fact, [this instrument] is working diligently to clear the energetic pathways that make our service more efficient—more able to reach your shores—from those places we call home.
In our experience, when we look about, when we look within, we see love unbounded. We see that which is the truth of the creation, unobscured, unhidden by artifice, apparent to both what you would call our senses and the marrow of our souls. In this love we see all beings made of light as of the same substance, different only in surface features of memory and history, of interests and configurations of mind.
Your world, however… it is quite different. In your experience you are surrounded with that which is foreign. Most of the minutes of your day you may feel a certain comfort or ease with that which is familiar, but often still your experience is not one of communion with that which you call home, that which you call family or friends. The pathways to the merging that is so prevalent in our experience begin in your experience through the opening of the heart and the experience of love, but still you relate to one another as other-others, other than you, entities worlds apart, separated by worldview, ideology, background, upbringing, and the sources of information which your particular vibrations attract to yourself.
We would not through this instrument get into the diagnostics of the disrepair that your collective seems to be experiencing presently in an heightened state. We would acknowledge the great despair among your peoples. For many are upon islands separated by seemingly—we correct this instrument—separated by distances which seem to be many times insurmountable. The other islanders look from that distance [to be] menacing, or clueless, or at risk of sinking the whole chain; this is, as this instrument would say, quite a pickle for your peoples.
What would one do in such a geographically-visualized predicament? Would those upon one island see the benefit of sending out emissaries in order to network, shall we say, in order to begin a process of linking these disparate locations so that information could…
(We pause to deepen this instrument’s contact)
…so that information could again begin to move between these groups, so that the deprivation felt in these siloed or isolated experiences could be lifted, so that instead of looking upon the ground in sorrow and misery at the discord among your people, there might be a note of a musical nature that travels through the air from one soul in need to another. Upon reaching the second, another note added on to the third and the fourth until a melody of hearts crying out singing in joy and praise to the One in a sense of relief and rescue from the fragmentation and destruction that seemed at hand.
You do occupy an illusion, which shall pass, which is a temporary phenomenon in the ever-present gaze of the One. You who are walking through this simulation… where we do confirm that you are in a predicament… but as in all such problems as you may call them, all such scenarios that disorient and confuse, they are writing and manifesting and expressing the momentum of that which came before. They carry with them history, however unseen, so much of it may be to your conscious minds. But they do not carry with them certain inevitabilities. They carry probabilities.
The outcomes are not foregone. What inputs, my friends, affect outcomes? What variables are those that offer the greatest doorway for transformation, or indeed, miracles? How does the infinite stream into your enclosed, seemingly sealed-off moment to reconfigure and transmute and uplift the stuck energies, the bellicose energies?
One variable we may note is hope, and its corresponding mindset, optimism, and the vision to know that light and love are always available, and that in the darkest, most loss-seeming moment there is ever a pathway, my friends. The Creator awaits your invitation. The Creator yearns to enter your heart if you can but trust enough to hold to the vision of that which is your birthright, that which is your nature, that which is the nature and essence and being of everything that you can see, everyone you’ve ever known, everyone you will ever know.
No external force and no situation has greater key than that which you are. Awaken my friends. Earth and the cosmos calls to you. Now is your time to ring and proclaim loudly the bells of your heart. We invite you to join this chorus.
This instrument asks us that we would now pass this contact, with gratitude to this circle, to the one known as Kathy. Adonai.
(Kathy channeling)
We are those of Q’uo, and we are with this instrument.
We feel your perception of the seemingly unstable ground on which you all walk at this time, the seemingly-turbulent atmospheres that you feel from time to time, the differences… seeming differences of opinions and outlooks, and perspectives that you feel with the collective and with one another from time to time.
We know also there is that sweet, abiding feeling of love that you feel with those who share your own perspectives as you grow ever higher in your development, the companionship that you feel with those, and we wish to express a kind of love for you in this time that may seem like a struggle. From the outer sight, it does seem that way. We would have you understand, so to speak, that the souls on Earth are becoming unmoored from their former moorings. They cannot stay where they were, and so become unmoored and feel themselves upon the choppy sea waters that are not comfortable—that require constant attention to navigate. But it is through this process that each one is growing. For the choices, the action-choices each one makes, help them grow. Help each one grow. Help others grow.
We wish for you to understand that though the waters underneath may seem choppy and difficult, uncertain, and the winds around you may feel not familiar or uncomfortable, that actually each one has higher guidance at all times. Each one is wrapped in the hands of the Creator at all times. Each one on the inner level is making a valiant effort to grow, to understand more, to progress more toward love though it may not seem so on the outside. But ever that higher guidance is there, ever that hand of the Creator keeps holding them. The water itself is made of love; the atmosphere around each one of you is made of love, though it may sometimes seem not so.
For every untoward act one of you may witness in someone, in which they seem to be acting selfishly, there may be three more acts chosen like that, and then a moment of awareness in which that same soul realizes and chooses another action, another action that is more toward love. We do not see all the pathways of everyone, we do not know all of the moments of awakening that each may have.
We say to you to trust that the world in which you live has a metaphysical composition that supports you, that is made of love and gently assists you, each of you, in growing toward that love more and more on the outer choices that you make and on the inner level. Whether it be small gestures toward the plants and animals of your world, to care for them in loving ways, whether it be in larger grander ways, you can look for changes. When you look in the eyes of all the other-selves you’ll begin to see and understand more, when looking into each other’s eyes and knowing that each one is on the path of growth, of self-love, of self-knowledge, and of knowing themselves as part of the Creator, and in the process, learning to love others more and more.
We thank you for this opportunity to share this perspective, and now we pass this contract to the one known as Austin. Adonai.
(Austin channeling)
We are Q’uo, and we are with this instrument. We acknowledge again through this instrument the despair that we are able to perceive upon your planet. We feel the call of despair deep within our own beings, and we bend all of our will towards offering what service we can to you and your peoples and your planet in response to this call, yet we ourselves do not despair. And we offer a certain perspective in hopes that the context of our perception aids your own seeking and your own ability to find your place upon your planet and within this universe, and find comfort in following your own path and trusting your internal voice.
The conditions upon your planet as you currently experience are not a surprise to us. We sense among your peoples a great confusion and we understand the calling out among many of your peoples: “How have we arrived here? Where did this condition come from? How may we free ourselves from this confusion and disharmony?” In offering our perspective we do not wish to plumb the depths of the great tangle of distortions buried deep within your social complexes upon your planet, but rather describe a greater intelligence and pattern of energies at play, intended to aid you upon your paths and to bring about harvest on your planet.
You asked this evening about a seeming increase in disparate perceptions and disparate worldviews. And we can confirm from our perspective that indeed, there is a greater and greater crystallization of worldviews that, from the perspective of third density, may not be reconciled.
Technologies and advances in consciousness have allowed your peoples to resonate stronger and stronger amongst each other, yet this resonance amongst your peoples tends to bring the like-worldviews closer together, and thus the disparate worldviews further apart. With the advent of what you call social media and greater attention paid towards a global system of communication, more and more people are drawn to each other through agreement of worldview.
There is an energy underlying these technologies and this advancement in consciousness. And this my friends, though it may not seem like it, is the coming of the fourth density—the density of love and understanding—for it is these energies which call each individual to resonate with all those around them, and it is the result of your planet becoming more and more in resonance with the fourth-density energies that is causing the challenge that you now face.
And so it may seem like things are at their most dire upon your planet, and that you may feel more lost now than you ever have, we assure you that this is natural, and indeed, a planned event for this is the catalyst needed for your planet, as a unified population, to form a social memory complex and unify in your seeking of the Creator. It is the way of distortion that in order for it to be balanced and reconciled it must be accentuated and acknowledged.
What you’re facing now are the fourth-density energies eliminating the possibility for those upon your planet to ignore the distortions among your social memory complex. These energies are bringing greater and greater awareness to where you, as a peoples, must focus your love and bring your greatest attempts at understanding.
We sense within this instrument a feeling of failure to bring this understanding to bear within his own life and we affirm to this instrument that he is not alone in this feeling. For seekers in many circumstances, the failure to achieve their own ideals is one of the greatest catalysts generated by the self. We would like to offer the perspective for this instrument and all seekers who struggle with meeting their own ideals that these feelings are a bountiful crop of experience awaiting to be harvested as catalyst and to transform your heart to bring it more and more into resonance with love.
We find in general the key ingredient, if you will, missing from this alchemical recipe is that of patience… patience with the self, and patience with other-selves. Each moment contains the potential of infinity. And yet it is a self-sabotage to expect the self to meet that highest potential, moment after moment.
(We pause to allow this instrument to deepen its state.)
So, it is our hope that in sharing the perspective of the metaphysical processes at play that you may find patience within yourself for yourself and for the others upon your plane.
We offer one more perspective which we believe may either seem hopeful or bleak, depending on the interpretation of each seeker. As we perceive the energies playing out upon your planet and the great desire within each of you to bring your love and your light to bear and resolve the tension that you feel so palpably within your hearts, we wish for you to release the burden of responsibility, for you alone as an individual seeker can only do so much in the face of such a great mire of distorted energy. As energies continue to progress and manifest upon your plane, there is an inevitable progression that the great tangle of distorted energy within your social memory complex will manifest as some level of disharmony within your physical realm.
But this too, even if it seems as though it could lead to great destruction and suffering, is part of a process, and as energies play out upon your physical plane, they are dispersed and are allowed to be relieved. You may aid this process [by] continuing to seek the love within your hearts. No matter what seeming disharmony and difficulty continues to appear upon your planet and within your social complexes, we admire your efforts so much. You are all truly uniquely powerful beings and you are upon this planet at this time by no accident.
At this time, we leave this instrument and transfer the contact to the one known as Jim to offer our final thoughts for this evening. We are Q’uo.
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo and am with this instrument. We are most pleased that you have been able to perceive the nature of the experience that you all share at this time upon planet Earth. It is a grand illusion, my friends, and yet it has much to teach. Each of you, by opening your hearts in unconditional love, are able to take in that catalyst of the worldly despair and transform it in your own experience into an understanding of your purpose here and the purpose of the disharmony that you all perceive on the level of group consciousness.
You’re all in the beginning stages of forming a social memory complex that is resolving the distortions that have infected your peoples for millennia. This is a monumental process that has much to offer. Each entity upon your planet, each is making an effort to offer itself in some kind of service that may or may not be an accurate representation of the overall plan at this time. However, as that which you call time moves forward, in each instance there is the perpetual infinity of opportunity which is ever-available in the resolving of disharmony through the offering of unconditional love for any disharmony that may exist.
You are each warriors for peace, for love, for unity, and for understanding. You fight the gallant fight. You give without reserve. You blend your being with the One in all. We thank you for your persistence and for your optimism and for your unconditional love. We thank each in this circle for offering itself in that regard. We shall be with you again. It is our great honor to be with you. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. We leave you now in love and in light, in peace and power. Adonai, vasu borragus.