Sharing spiritual tools; fear as catalyst; dream interpretation; bodily limitations in service to others; communication with spirit guides; the difficulty of loving the self; members of the Confederation; balancing the needs of the illusion; emotional trauma’s impact on the body.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo and am with this instrument at this time. We thank each of you present for inviting our presence this day. It is a great honor to walk another step or two on our spiritual path by attempting to be of service to you in joining with you on your spiritual path, and attempting to answer those queries which have meaning for you. This is a path which we all travel together. We have moved perhaps a bit further upon this path than have you. Yet we still are within our own realm of experience, learning every day, every moment.

And we would ask you, as we attempt to speak to your queries, to let them resonate within your being. And if there is a resonance, then to take that which we say and use it as you will. If you feel no resonance or little resonance, then please do let what we say pass by the wayside. For this will give us the ability to speak more clearly to each of you, knowing that we have not presented a stumbling block to you. We are certainly not infallible. Only the Creator within us is infallible, and we are all making that journey back to that same Creator.

At this time, is there a query to which we may speak?

I have one. Hi, Q’uo. My question is, how can we best support those on the verge of awakening, especially when the tools that help one person may not work for another? How can we discern the most effective ways to share the tools that have worked for us while honoring the unique needs of each soul’s journey?

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my sister. You have spoken of a concept which each seeker here has the ability to partake in, and does so in the way that the life is lived. How you live is a facet of who you are, for who you are, and who each entity you meet on your spiritual path, in your daily round of activities, is also the Creator.

At some point, when it is possible, you may live your life in a way that would have such people ask you, “How is it that you feel so bright and loving and service-to others-oriented?” And then you may speak as you will, for the question has been asked, and you are free to share whatever you wish to share, just as we share this with you.

Another way of looking upon helping others to awaken is to, while in relationship or conversation, make a comment that represents what you feel at the moment is helpful. Use your intuition. Plant that seed that may be a little unusual in the normal way of looking at things, but perhaps it will awaken within your friend or your family member that knowing that it has deep within the subconscious mind, that it is more than it thinks it is in the rational mind. And perhaps that knowing will cause it to ask you a question, and then you can develop a conversation that might go far or be a short one. And yet the beginning will have been made so that when you are with this entity in the future, as you call time, then maybe the question will be asked of you to elaborate on what you said before.

These conversations are connections, much like the round robin connections that each of you were a part of prior to this channeling’s beginning. All are connected by the unity of One Creator that exists within each, and there are various ways of becoming able to create this conversation through a question asked through an intuitive seed. Is there a further query we may answer, my sister?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

I have one. Fear can be a great motivator or, oftentimes, a great paralyzer. It seems to me that an exploration of our individual fears could be beneficial as one seeks to increase in love and understanding. Would you be willing to share some concepts that might be helpful to understand as we seek to explore the root of all of our fears?

I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my brother. This is a fascinating concept as well, for it is one which each entity here has dealt with at some point in the life experience. What is feared is what is unknown, usually, or what is feared is what seems to be a threat because it is also unknown. The fears that each feels as the life is lived are facets of those lessons that you have programmed pre-incarnatively, to learn by programming their opposites so that the fear can help you learn more about yourself.

Learning about oneself is the expansion of the self, the changing of the self, and change is often difficult and full of pain, and subconsciously this is known. And yet, if you go through that fear of pain, that experience of pain, you do expand. There is more that you are aware of in your own spiritual journey that grew out of the fear, when you discover what was feared was merely a step along your spiritual path and would only be feared for certain amount of time, the time that it would take for you to explore that fear—where it came from, when it developed. Who was a part of that? What was a part of that? What kind of experience brought it about?All that you experience within your life pattern is meant to help you grow, to expand your consciousness, to move more and more into the unity with the One Creator.

But this is the journey of many lifetimes, the journey of many densities. And here in the third density, within the illusion of the veil of forgetting, it is hard sometimes to see that fear is your friend, that fear is the way that you can grow. And if you accept it, learn to love it, discover where it came from, and make it a part of you, then it is a part of the puzzle of your life pattern and can help you move further along your spiritual journey. Is there a further query, my brother?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

I’m not hearing you real well over here, I believe you answered this, but my ears aren’t working very well. Is fear not the primary kind of linchpin upon which we hang everything? The fear and trying to meet that fear and get past it? Now, if you already answered that, that’s fine. That that is my question about the fear, is it the absolute driver of just about everything we do? I mean anything, like one country is afraid to another country’s going to take them over so they jump on them real quick because they’re afraid of them, and on and on. If you have any further comments, I’d appreciate it.

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my brother. We have asked this instrument to increase the volume of its voice so that perhaps everyone may hear more of what we say in response to queries. The fear that you speak of as being something that everyone experiences is the truth of a great portion of each life path. For there would be no fear if there had not been the veil of forgetting that causes us to forget that there is no need for fear. But because there is a need for fear in the third-density illusion, then that fear can be used to look into its cause, its genesis. Where it came from, how it was experienced, how it aligns with previous fears that you have dealt with in your life pattern. For as you say, everyone has the fear at some point.

It is a part of each life path, and is a piece of that puzzle which you can solve by taking it into your being and examining its origination. How it affects you, what you feel is possible to learn from fear, how to move another step forward with each fear that you balance by the love that is within each [portion] of your beingness, that has no need for fearing for love is the source of all beingness.

The One Great Original Thought of Love has created all that there is. And if there were no veil of forgetting within your third density, that would be very clear. However, that veil of forgetting is also your friend, just as is fear, for it makes you search to become conscious of your life pattern and to move forward by working with your fears, by working with what you have forgotten—but truly within the heart of your being, you have not forgotten anything.

Because within the heart of your being is the One Infinite Creator, who is all things and has created all things, and is accessible to you in your meditative state. So that this is one way you can utilize to discover the nature of the fear, its cause, how you can work with it and grow from it. Is there a further query, my brother?

No, that’s fine. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

I have a question. I record my dreams when I can remember them. When you have dreams where you can’t really decipher the meaning, does that point to something that you should just refer back to the in the future, or is there some other dynamics, something that you’re missing? And how would you know the difference? So that’s what I’ve been struggling with, and I was wondering if you could speak on that.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The dream state is a state of your awareness expanding into the subconscious mind that has a great deal of knowledge about your pre-incarnated choices, and can reflect to you various aspects of these choices that you have experienced as the dream. When you are uncertain as to the meaning of the dream and the potential of the dream to aid in your spiritual path, this is simply a chance to look further within yourself, in your conscious state, to see if there is any fragment of the dream that was meant for you to remember.

In most cases, the dreaming is that which is the result of your conscious desire to know more of your spiritual journey. And as you dream more and more, there is more that you know of the steps, one after the other, that this path of seeking will bring you upon. If you are able to forget that you do not know, then there is the chance that this forgetting will bring the message of the dream around again in what you could call a circular pattern, so that the dream, in many cases, will be repeated.

If you are truly desiring to work with your dreams, this you can let your subconscious mind know by making the commitment before sleep, to the subconscious mind, to be willing to accept messages in the form of dreams, and then have some means of recording the dream so that it may be reviewed when you are awake. In this way, there is often much more layering, shall we say, of meaning to the dreams so that you may feast upon, we shall call it, the meal of the message.

There is within each soul, such as yourself, the subconscious mind that wishes to work with the conscious mind, and dreaming is one of those ways, along with intuitions and visions and messages within the meditative state that are seen as images or heard as messages. The subconscious mind is quite willing to work with you, because it is part of the base of your being. The One Infinite Creator that has materialized, shall we say, in your being, to speak to you of the nature of your being, a portion of its being in some facet or function. Thus, the dreams are most important to those who seek to accelerate their spiritual journeys.

Is there a further query, my sister?

No, thank you so much, Q’uo.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

I have a question. I’m becoming more aware of my energy and limitations and how my body reacts to this world. I’m trying to understand how I can use it to better serve and better understand other people who are like me, who are more sensitive and how it may be impacting their body. Can you help me better understand this and how I can use it to help others?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The experience that you have with your body that could be seen as debilitating also can be seen as facilitating, as you have noticed in your round robin sharing. The way that you have been able to learn on your own spiritual path by experiencing the limitations and sensitivities of your body is something that you could, shall we say, make a book of. Whether it is an actual paperback copy, or in your own memory and inspiration that you share with others who may have similar limitations with their physical bodies and their emotional bodies. What you experience in the fruits of your learning through your lifetime of this limitation of the body can be shared with others that have not traveled as far on this journey as have you.

For as long as you have been on this journey, one step at a time, you have accumulated information that can be useful to those who have not traveled as far as you have. All forms of learning come from those who have traveled a little further than you have. We learn from those who have traveled further than we have. All are the One Creator. All reach back their hand to others who have the same desire to learn and help them in their learning with what they have learned. This you can do, my sister. This in many cases you have already done without even intending it. If you intend it, your teaching of others and serving of others will increase manyfold.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Yes, so the fact that I can feel the energy, is there something that I can do with that to make it of good use to serve, instead of it feeling overwhelming?

I am Q’uo and would ask you if you could repeat the first portion of your query, were you referring to suffering?

It’s more physical. I can physically feel all of the energy around me, and I think it sometimes blocks me from being able to physically help others, because my body is shutting down in a way. So I’m wondering if there’s a better way for me to work with this energy, or feel this energy so that I can use it to help instead of it feeling like it’s creating more of a shut down.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The feeling of being shut down by the ineffectiveness of your body to function in a normal fashion is part of your journey of seeking as you well know. That you feel it is a barrier, or [that it] makes more difficult sharing with others and experiencing their life path, is something that can also help you in your life path of dealing with the sensitivities of your body.

As you learn more about what causes you to feel shutting down is happening and you cannot control it, then you can learn how to deal with the inability to control. And perhaps by giving up control, which you have done so well, you may be able to have more of a feeling of resonance with the shutting down of your body, so that you can learn more about how to awaken it when there is a chance that you can serve another person by going through the shutting down of the body.

Each difficult experience that you or any entity anywhere in the infinite creation experiences is a part of the path of the spiritual journey. There are no mistakes. Everything happens for a reason. Look you then for the reason, and find it by the persistence of your seeking, and it will come to you. It is part of you. It is your path. It is your service.

Is there another query, my sister?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

I have a query. How can one come to know their spirit guides or higher self, and how can one consistently communicate with their spirit guides or higher self?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Your spirit guides and your higher self and your subconscious mind are all means of higher levels of communication that you may engage [with] in the meditation. That you go into the meditation with the intention of seeking contact with these sources of yourself that are most often willing and quite able to give you some kind of a message, some kind of an inspiration, an intuition, a synchronicity, or perhaps the actual words, depending upon your ability to understand various kinds of communications.

This is something that you can do by setting your intention in your meditation, in your going to sleep and dreaming, in your writing with the automatic writing, in the momentary reflection within the daily experience. Asking a question that has such meaning to you at that time that it draws forth from your guides the answer, the direction, the intuition.

Is there another query, my friend?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

I have a question that I was sparked to say and something that I struggle with in the moment of it happening. Why is it so easy to love freely in others, when it can be so hard to self-love in the moment? That’s hard to remember some of the reasons why we have that as a pre-incarnative choice.

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my sister. The inability to love oneself is usually programmed as a means by which one may love others more easily when one has been able to love the self. In your case, it seems that you have reversed this process, perhaps as a means of working harder to love yourself, to accept yourself, to look at those things and experiences that you might call failures in your life experience to one thing or another that has not been done as well as you would hope to do it.

These types of experiences are meant to be those [that] attend to your consciousness, append themselves to your consciousness, penetrate your consciousness, give you more feeling of your consciousness, of your acceptability, of that about you which you have not noticed, that which has been either forgotten or never known. As you explore more of yourself, looking at those areas where you feel you have failed, seeing how you might have done better, accepting yourself for knowing that always one can do better, you should accept yourself for whatever means that you have made to do the best that you can.

All third-density beings, all beings that are not totally one with the Creator in the eighth density, have failings or shortcomings or lack of total experience of the unity with the One Creator. What you experience within your third-density life is a simple facet of that one great jewel of yourself, which you can see with more clarity if you look more deeply into your intention. It is not the result of your actions, your thoughts or feelings that is of most importance. It is your intention, and you know your intention is well made.

You intend, but you feel you fail. Do not feel so lacking in love for failing. All fail. Get your intentions into high gear and keep trying, and you will succeed. You will learn to love yourself, and then you can love others even more than you do now. Is there another query, my sister?

No, that’s beautiful. Thank you, Q’uo.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

I have query, who are the members of the Confederation, and what role do they play within the Confederation?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The members of the Confederation in the service of the One Infinite Creator in this region of what you would call the galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, is a joining together of social memory complexes from many hundreds of planetary beings that have been able to move past the third density that you now experience by learning to open their hearts in unconditional love so that they were able to move into the fourth density, some the fifth, some the sixth. Thus it is like a college that has many students that have passed many courses and their future learnings and services are offered to those who have not learned as much, most usually in the third density that you now exist in.

For within this third density, learning is quite difficult due to the veil of forgetting. So a great deal of service by the Confederation to the third density is experienced by third-density entities who call for this assistance—whether the call is from a group such as this group, or from one entity that seeks more information about its spiritual path, perhaps to be delivered in the dream, in the intuition, in the synchronicity of the day, seeing the totem animal.

Feeling that there is more that you are learning by simply opening your eyes, opening your heart, examining what you see, what you feel, where you are going, where you hope to be, where you are, who you are. All of these are facets of that manner in which you can receive information from the Confederation, and the way that the Confederation seeks to be of service in all of those ways.

Is there a further query, my brother?

Yes, are there names that we can call upon in the Confederation?

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my brother. There are some entities within the Confederation who have names, but few there are that utilize what you call the naming. Because it is not necessary in the higher densities that do not have the veil of forgetting to use the procedure of naming for identifying a person or a group of people. The vibration of their beingness is that which is unique, more unique than the name, so that most Confederation entities do not utilize the naming. In some cases, with some entities who have requested the names, the names are given, perhaps in the dream, perhaps in meditation.

Is there a further query, my brother?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

I have a question. Reconciling the spiritual journey of understanding that we’re in an illusion with how we live in this world, specifically through money. I create money to be able to support myself, but it’s not coming in, and I’ve struggled with that dichotomy of knowing it’s an illusion, but also trying to survive in this world. Do you have advice for people that are in similar situations, or trying to understand how to remain on the spiritual path, while also recognizing this world that we live in.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. You experience the lack of the ability to support yourself within, what you call, the illusion of the world around you. All is illusion. For if it were not illusion, there would be no creation. The One Infinite Creator has created each illusion, or density, so that each spiritual seeker, such as yourself, may look within that illusion, look within the self to see what the true needs are.

Now you have said that to support yourself is a true need, and indeed within the material world, that is a need that needs to be met. We would suggest that you look within the meditative state that sees things more clearly beyond the illusion, so that your question that you could utilize while in meditation would be: how can you support yourself materially while being a spiritual soul seeking the nature of truth beyond illusion?

This is a question which only you can answer. It is a question that is unique to each spiritual seeker. If we could give you a specific answer, we would do so. All we can give you is the means by which you can utilize the meditative state focusing upon your own question so that your subconscious mind, your spirit guides, your higher self, or those who have passed on into larger life and who have communication with you can give you the answer that you seek. For the answer is unique to each.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Yeah, I don’t know if this is something you can answer, but I’m trying to reconcile within myself as deep craving and yearning that I’ve always had that feels very opposite of my spiritual side. And I see it in this world, and I think I have judgment of it, and I’m trying to reconcile, if that’s pre-incarnative, the value that can come from this craving that might actually be leading to suffering.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. There is indeed a value in suffering. The value in the suffering is that which one learns from what is suffered. Suffering indecision, suffering a desire for monetary remuneration, suffering not knowing what you wish to know: all suffering can be utilized to see there is a reason for the suffering. Again, the reason for this suffering is unique to each entity.

And again, we must recommend the meditative state to find the reason for the suffering, the way to experience it most effectively to satisfy the quality of the life that has brought on the suffering. There are no mistakes in any spiritual journey, in any spiritual seeker’s desires. All are a part of the life plan. You are here because you chose to be here pre-incarnatively in the way that you are here. Again, we suggest meditation to ask the question: why?

Is there a further query, my sister?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

I have a question. My friend earlier in the round robin mentioned something about loneliness, which very much resonates, and in thinking of loneliness, there’s been an underlying loneliness and melancholy my entire life. Yet I’m a positive, joyful person in general. Is there a potentially pre-incarnative reason for this? Or is this potentially maybe a byproduct of other pre-incarnative choices? And is there a purpose, is there the ability to use this to our advantage and to the advantages of others perhaps?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. The concept of loneliness is often a concept that is experienced most usually by those entities that are called wanderers, who have come from the higher densities to be of service to this planet by lightening its vibrations, by bringing a certain quality or expertise in one area or another that can also be of service to the population of the planet. However, the vibrations of this third density are often difficult, so that there are times when the wanderer feels the need to become in isolation, you might say. Like what you would call the monk who has the inner life path to remind itself that it is here to share its service, its abilities, its desires to find love in each moment.

The loneliness is a means by which this may be obtained to balance what the wanderer feels within the disharmonious third-density vibrations. It is a difficult choice sometimes for a wanderer to make to come here, go through the veil of forgetting and then live the life of perhaps not knowing it’s a wanderer, and having the feelings of wishing it could be apart from others, of needing the loneliness. So my brother, it is very possible that you experience this type of loneliness that the wanderer has as a kind of way of remembering where it is from, why it is here.

Is there a further query, my brother?

No further, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

I have a question. I’m working through understanding how to help others through the things that I’ve been through, and I feel like there’s an opportunity for me to help people live when their bodies have been impacted by emotional trauma. And I’m curious if that’s something that is happening now in our density to a greater extent, because of where we’re at in the transition, and if this is something of value that I might be able to teach and to share about through the experience of healing the body, to be able to create the connection that we want to the Creator?

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my sister. Yes, you have, shall we say, hit the nail on the head. This is a time of transition. Times of transition produce many situations which could seem to be traumatic and difficult to understand. Yet, if one knows (as you seem to know) that there is a reason for these difficulties with the body, with the mind, with the emotions, and that there are ways of being of service through one’s own experience of these difficulties, then all of these difficulties are parts of the path of the transition of each soul on Planet Earth into the fourth density of love and understanding.

And yet, even if the transition is not made as a social memory complex, there are individuals who have the difficulties that you have spoken of that you may be of service to, so that they can see that they can learn from their difficulties as you have learned from yours, as you have benefited, and have said that they are a blessing. If you can teach this to one other soul, you have done a great deal of work of a spiritual nature, and have aided the transition of that soul into the fourth density of love and understanding. This is your great gift. May we answer you further, my sister?

If you’re able to help me better understand how to use this craving to want to help, to best serve and to help as many people as possible.

I am Q’uo and aware of your query, my sister. We would suggest that you simply be aware, in your living of your life, in the daily round of activities, of what opportunities present themselves to you as a means by which you can do what you wish to do. These types of synchronicities or coincidences are oftentimes a way of knowing who needs your help when they need it, and how you may give it. Trust that deep sense of self that is your subconscious mind that is connected to the totality of the creation, to the creator and ask that those synchronicities be your reality, your path of service to others.

Is there a further query, my sister?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?


I am Q’uo, and as we experience the silence of the group, we believe that we have exhausted the queries. We thank each entity for each query, for in being able to respond to your queries, we are able to move a little further along our spiritual path. And hopefully, we have been able to give you the tools to do the same for your spiritual path. The third-density illusion is one which is a challenge for any seeker of truth. Searching within the darkness, searching within difficulties, searching within the self: all of this searching is part of the great path, a reunification with the One Infinite Creator. Step by step, self with self, self with other-self, self with all selves. This is the great work, my friends, and each of you are working well. We thank you for your diligence, for your desire and for the love of your open heart. We could ask no more.

At this time, we shall take our leave of this group and this instrument, leaving each in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai vasu borragus.