Topics: Former human civilizations; stargates; the “plasma state”; the Merkaba; the variety of experiences after death; Jesus’s resurrection; activating the pineal gland; the return to the Creator vs. the continuation of evolution.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and we greet each here today in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator, who has made this entire creation out of Itself so that each of you may help the Creator to know Itself as you live your life seeking unity with that same Creator through each person that you meet, each experience that you have. These are times when we feel most happy and joyous to join your group. For this is a group that has the open heart to share with all about them. That open-heart energy is what we are powered by ourselves, shall we say: that energy of the love and the light of the Creator. We see it shining forth from each heart here, and we thank you for gathering and asking for our presence to speak to your queries today.

We would make our perennial request that you not look at us as authority figures. For we are but your brothers and sisters who have moved somewhat further along the same line and path that you travel—that upward spiraling line of light back into unity with the One Creator. We have taken a few more steps than have you, and we are happy to try to answer your questions. Though we ask you take that which we say with a grain of salt. Use that which is helpful to you. Leave all the rest behind. If you will do this, then we can speak more freely.

At this time, we would ask if there is a query to which we may begin?

Q’uo, Chris O’Connor visited last week and described that there were humans previously, perhaps in between the cataclysms, that have colonized other planets, maybe one hundred to one hundred twenty planets, most of those benevolent, maybe some malevolent. And he described many other things like the smallest moon around Saturn being a space station, the eighth density, and so forth. Could you confirm these types of events he’s encountered? He reports 130 different species of ETs, and says the higher you go up, the more humorous you become, is one of the comments he made.

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my brother. We find this is a fascinating subject for many people upon your planet at this time. For there is an awakening occurring that is seeking more of the nature of the reality of the One Infinite Creator’s universe. And we can say that there are so many more realities that are available to each on their spiritual path that there is no end to the variety. Each seeker will find that which it is seeking most fervently for. The answers to questions come when you knock on the door of the One Infinite Creator’s love and light.

The type of experiences that you are explaining is what might be called the extraterrestrial nature of various forms of the Creator that had moved into resonance and residence within various portions of the One Infinite Creator in just the way in which has been described to you. This is a portion of the nature of reality, an infinitely small portion, that, seen from the viewpoint of the third-density illusion, seems to be magnificent. For the veil of forgetting has caused the sight to move very frequently in a short distance, rather than in the long view, the overview.

The perspective of the higher self is that which is more humorous, more seeing the balance of the creation being between light and dark, between knowing and unknowing, between being conscious and unconscious of the nature of one’s own being, and attempting to expand that nature whenever possible by looking into these types of areas to see what has resonance to you, to your friends, to those about you; to gather together with those who are of like-mind and to share as your friend has done with you, so that each may consider this as food for the growth, grist for the mill, and accelerate the path of seeking that each is upon.

This type of information has a limited kind of value if you see it as the end-al-be-all of what is. See it as a step along the way. A step that makes you go a little further in your thinking, a little further down into your being that is the One Creator, and to see more facets of that jewel that exists within you as you explore these concepts of the outer reality, your inner reality, and the nature of what is.

Is there a further query, my brother?

Thank you. No, that’s fine. Appreciate it.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Hello Q’uo. This is B. My question for you is how many stargates there are in this version of planet Earth, and what is the purpose on the ascension process of the planet and all life forms on it?

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my sister. [In] the ascension of not only this planet but of those beings that are the children, shall we say, of Mother Earth, [they] are making a joint dance further along the song of unity, the path of seeking the One. This path has, as you would say, various steps along the way. And at this time, the planet itself rests firmly and fully within the fourth-density environment, the vibrations of love and of light, of understanding.

This is what is the most important consideration. For as your Mother Earth moves forward into those feelings and expressions of love, there is an environment provided for each of the population, the children of Mother Earth, to continue their journey in the same fashion. This is a journey that each is on, here within this room. This is the place. [In] places like this, this journey can be enhanced. For when those like-mind gather together to share their journeys, there is the expansion of thought, the consideration of more than what was before, the feeling of connection, the traveling together of this path that is infinite in its nature and yet has seeming lines of demarcation and vibration within the various densities as you move higher and higher into this octave of creation.

This is a journey, though, in fact, that even when the octave is completed, will begin again, so the journey is infinite. And at this time, your Mother Earth and her population are looking forward to being able to have the experience of the love and the understanding together in the fourth density.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Yes, what is the relationship between the stargates and the ascension process?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The stargates, to the best of our knowledge, are what some of your peoples have described as portals that allow a certain kind of movement through them for individuals who have made the progress to move into the love vibration in a manner which is individualized through their own spiritual journey, though it is shared with many others that are able to do the same. The stargates are those places where there is a flow of those entities who move in harmony with the vibration of love and move through it as an individual sense, but which share it with the Creator itself, with others who have moved into that level of being and understanding. The stargates are places where entities may move to join the others that have moved through there, so that there is a grouping, a social memory complex forming on, what you would call, the other side of a stargate.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Yes, so to be able to connect with a certain type of stargate, you have to have the codes of your DNA need to be activated towards strength of light?

I am Q’uo, and we believe that we understand your query, my sister, please correct us if we do not. The movement of those of like-mind is that which is achieved by those who work together in some fashion to alleviate difficulties that have stopped the spiritual progress in the past, and have found a means by which to use the difficulties of this type of catalyst to grow further into the nature of their own being so that they are an expansive being as they move through the stargate, a greater being, a being that has a larger, shall we say, reservoir of information, of love, of light, to depend upon, to share, and to utilize as a fuel for the ascension progress.

Is there another query, my sister?

So it has to do also with the activation of the dormant DNA, or the 12th strand, which we don’t have at this moment?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The process of the looking at this ascension in the language of the DNA is that which is most difficult to describe in words. For this is a process which goes beyond the abilities of words to fully describe. This is a process that requires the energies of the pineal gland that has been activated, and that provides a shuttle to the intelligent infinity of the One Infinite Creator. This could be seen as being something that is a result of certain DNA, but as we have said, it is not one-to-one in its relationship; it is that which is individualized in a certain fashion.

Is there a further query, my sister?

No, thank you Q’uo.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Yes, hi Q’uo. I am wondering about thinking about it from the perspective “as above so below,” the plasma state of form or density. I would like to know the connection between that plasma state and consciousness, if one could use the plasma state for connection on a greater consciousness level. I hope that makes sense. If not, I can clarify.

I am Q’uo, and we shall attempt to query to ask if this is the plasma state of consciousness that is flexible and expansive, that moves into infinity for the seeker of truth?

Yes, it is the plasma state that is connected to the source field of all that is.

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my sister. This plasma state is a way of describing the activation of the indigo-ray energy center, the pineal gland, which has connection to the One Infinite Creator through the formation of a shuttle that moves through the intelligent infinity of the violet ray chakra.

This type of movement, this movement that is flowing forward in all directions at all times, is a kind of movement that is paradoxical in that it takes one to that place within one’s own being and within the creation around one that is of the One Infinite Creator. So this is that place of the eternal present moment where all things are happening at once, and that this is where the seeker of truth may choose the direction of how the plasma state is utilized in where it wishes to go, realizing it has infinite choices, and all of those infinite choices lead back into unity with the One Infinite Creator.

This is the journey that each here is upon, though it may not be consciously known. There are various ways of describing this journey, and the plasma state is one of those.

Is there a further query, my sister?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Yes, Q’uo, a little bit about J’s question where you were saying about the vehicle through the pineal. Are you talking about the Merkaba?

I am Q’uo, and we would ask you to repeat the query, as this instrument’s otic complexes did not quite understand.

When you were answering J’s questions about the pineal being or creating the vehicle with the plasma. You know, that’s what I heard. Probably I’m wrong. Were you talking about the Merkaba as the vehicle?

I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my sister. Thank you for restating it. This has a relationship to the Merkaba. For that which is the Merkaba is that which has expansive qualities that can go into those directions that are unified and multiply in an infinite way, so that one may travel the spiritual journey as one travels the infinite possibilities within the galaxy, the infinite possibilities within the universe, the infinite possibilities beyond all thinking and all being. There is the possibility of moving into unity with the One Infinite Creator at this time one is experiencing the pineal gland that is activated, moving as a shuttle through the violet ray energy center. As the Merkaba is that which signifies this type of movement into the unity of all that is.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Oh, no thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Yes. Q’uo. Various spiritual traditions ranging from conservative Christianity, to Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and a million others, all describe the physical passing from this life and what happens next in different outcomes. I’m wondering if, based on your experience with third-dimensional deaths, if there is something of a clearing house that occurs that all souls initially go through, or do they follow unique pathways created by the spiritual traditions from which the deceased soul is raised up?

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. This is a kind of transition that has many definitions or descriptions, much as the gem has many facets in its being. We would suggest that there is a basic experience as one moves from the physical body and into the light. This light then shines upon the entity moving into it in a fashion which allows it to move as far as is comfortable within that light, and when it is uncomfortable to move further, then there is the movement away into the level of vibration that is most comfortable for the entity moving into the light.

It may be that the entity has moved beyond the third density into the fourth density of love and understanding. And it may be that this experience is seen by the entity to have different facets, as this is not one type of experience that can be described accurately in words. Once again, words do not always have the capacity to describe what is occurring here.

However, this is much of what would be called a perennial philosophy, so that the various religions of your planet can see how this happens in their own light, in their own lens of viewing the nature of reality. For there are those who have made the transition through to the higher densities, and who have been able to become, what you might call, the guides or the exemplars that communicate with those who are still within the third density and have communicated in a certain way which has, what you would call, a framework that is understandable by the entities that are yet within the third density illusion.

So this is something that is personalized by various religions, by various groups, and can become individualized to each and for each entity. For it is one experience with many facets.

Is there a further query, my brother?

Oh, yes. A follow-up query involves the example of some Christian denominations [who] claim that everybody follows in the footsteps of Jesus, as expressed through some Christian acts of belief or prayers of belief, statements of belief. Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell, and on the third day, he rose again. And I’m thinking and wondering if Jesus descended into hell, given the pure life that he lived on Earth, is that a process that we all go through, preliminary to finding our unique spiritual tradition pathway?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, we would say that this experience that the one known as Jesus the Christ experienced is one which is most inspiring to all who have gone through the process of dropping the body and moving into a different realm, a higher realm of experience. The fact that the one known as Jesus the Christ descended in what is called hell into that of the burning fires of Hades, is another way of seeing how advanced this particular entity was in its own unique experience that may or may not be shared by anyone else.

This is something that is that of much, much learning, much desire, much love, much willingness to sacrifice, to become the martyr, to set the stage, to set the pattern, to make the journey that symbolically can be made by anyone else, in some fashion, another facet, another possibility, perhaps not as pure, perhaps not as inspired, perhaps with not as much love. However, each has the capacity to reproduce this experience in some degree. For are we not all one with the One Creator that created everyone within the infinite creation to have unique experiences that the Creator could know Itself better through these unique experiences. Though even many have shared beliefs as to how this might occur, each one has its unique take or interpretation or experience of how this occurs.

Is there a further query, my brother?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Hi Q’uo. I am curious as to what is the best way to open the pineal gland or to connect with that such that I’ve been hearing a lot about and is being spoken of today. What are some practical ways or some understandable ways, other than things like meditation and breathing and the things that we’re being taught right now. Is there anything else that’s practical that you could share?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. The activation of the pineal gland is what might be called a work in consciousness. The consciousness is the One Infinite Creator that exists within each entity within the pineal gland, if that gland can be activated.

The work that one can do to help to activate the pineal gland, the indigo-ray energy center is, to look upon the self in the meditative state to see where there are distortions or imbalances that you are aware of due to your experience with your fellow seekers of truth, or with anyone with whom you have contact and experience, that has left a mark upon your mind, within your heart, positively or negatively.

You can look at this experience within your meditative state on a daily basis, when this is necessary, to see that as what you wish to balance so that it is not imbalancing you, not causing you to lose your steps, shall we say. The positive, the negative, the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the impatient, the patient—all have a facet in helping you to become a 360-degree being, to become the One Infinite Creator activated within your own pineal gland when you have continued over a long period of time, perhaps many incarnations, to do the balancing that will help you to know yourself, to accept yourself, and to become the One Infinite Creator through your working consciousness.

Is there a further query, my sister?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Yes, Q’uo. How many versions of Earth has been, and what number are we now? Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we would like to repeat the question to be sure we understand it. You are asking how many versions of Earth are there at this time or have there been?

Has been, yes,

I am Q’uo, and we believe that we understand your query. Please correct us if we are not correct.

The various versions of Earth, your Mother Earth, have the same relationship to beingness as the octave of creation. The first density of those earth, wind, fire and water beings that allowed the Earth to become shaped so that earth and water could produce life; so that there was more opportunity for the One Creator to know more of Itself through these four qualities: the earth, wind, fire and water.

Then the second density of Earth is that which has the simple awareness that is expressed within the animals and the beings that you call plants, so that there is the beginning of the movement towards the light that is facilitated as the entities become inspirited and have a consciousness of themselves, such as what is experienced by thir-density entities. This portion of Mother Earth, then, is that which, at this point, has these three types of experiences and levels of being; and has itself, as we have mentioned before, moved into the fourth density itself in hopes that there is a great harvest or graduation of the third-density beings that will allow a fourth-density Earth to continue its evolution as well.

This continues through the fifth density of wisdom, the sixth density of the balance of wisdom and love, the seventh density of foreverness, and the eighth density of the octave of creation. The condensing and coalescing of all of the creation has been infinitely expressed through the various levels of what you would see as your Mother Earth, as the One Creator knowing Itself, as the complete coalescing of the creation back into the total unity of the One Infinite Creator, only to begin again infinitely forward moving, having moved infinitely from, what you would call, times past.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Yes, it was not… I’m sorry, probably I should have explain myself better when I said about what version of Earth. I was not talking about densities. Do you know, for a second I was talking more about version of the…I don’t like the word that I’m going to use, but I don’t know how to call it, experiment? So we have the original time, the Lemuria time, the Atlantis time. Those times never didn’t work. So we are trying again with consciousness, to try to elevate our consciousness to unconditional love. That five, six, seven, eight density that you were talking about. So in those past versions of Earth didn’t work. So that is what I was trying to ask. What many versions of the experiments have been done in this planet so far?

I am Q’uo and believe that we are aware of your query, my sister. You are talking about various civilizations that have lived within the 75,000-year master cycle of Earth and have had more or less success in being able to join together in, what we would call, a social memory complex of blending their desires to seek the One Infinite Creator in a unified fashion.

The failure of these various civilizations, such as Atlantis and Lemuria, was due to the inability to unify, to feel the presence of the Creator. We would say, however, that those of Lemuria were more successful in doing this and had to experience the cataclysmic effects of the tectonic plates that shifted during their time of experience on Earth, so that it was no more. These entities then moved into various places within your Mother Earth to begin again. These types of civilizations have not all been recorded in your history. Only those that were, shall we say, large enough to make an impact over a period of time have been listed or recorded in history in your books, in the memories, in the Kabbalistic fashion of word-to-mouth and word-to-ear.

This is something that has made it difficult to say just how many civilizations have made the graduation, have been successful. For there are many among your indigenous peoples who have not had the ability to be seen or heard by the majority of your history of Earth but have success in making their contacts with each other to move into the unity with the One Infinite Creator once again.

Is there a further query, my sister?

No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Yes, Q’uo. This question comes from C, who writes, “Can you talk more about how it is that reaching the eighth octave and returning to the source of this creation is not an ending but continues on into new experiences? And what might that continuation look like?

Many spiritual teachings on this planet talk about returning to the love and peace of source, God and staying in that eternally. But other teachings talk about us being eternal beings who continue to learn and create and evolve through experience. How would you clarify/reconcile the seeming discrepancies between these sorts of teachings?“

I am Q’uo and am aware of the query that you have asked for our friend abroad. The movement into the octave level of unification where there is the coalescing of all that is made of light—which is to say, everything that is is made of light through the power of love of the One Creator—this coalescing into the octave or the black hole, as those of Ra have called it, is an experience which will then proceed into what might be seen as a timeless period where there is a chaotic kind of blowing and burning of the fires of the love of the Creator seeking to become manifested once again. This is a period which cannot be measured, as we said, in time.

Then there is a period in which what we have previously described as the first density of another octave of beingness, begins with the earth, wind, fire and water and continues forward in the way that we have described previously. This is an experience which has no real time present. For there is that which is called the eternal presence, that this begins and ends in that eternal presence, that mystery that is the One Infinite Creator. This can be seen by various religions or philosophies to be interpreted in many ways. For each sees with their own eyes what they have experienced or have heard about.

We would say that all are correct. There is no incorrect answer. For all are the Creator, moving forward out of the state of mystery into manifestation in the various octaves of creation, again coalescing in mystery and beginning again. There is no end to the beginnings. There is no end to the endings. It is an infinite mystery that we are very glad to share with you.

We know that each travels that path and will interpret it in a certain way, and there is no wrong answer, no right answer, where all are wrong and all are right. There may be no real answer. And yet, the creation moves forward, and the Creator sings with joy with every experience of every entity within it.

This is the great mystery that we are honored to share with you, and it has been a great honor again for us to be with you this afternoon. You have asked us questions that have expanded our experience of knowing what you are going through, appreciating the difficulties you face, the perseverance that you express, the love that you share, the open hearts that are here, the connections that have been made. That this light shines forward into the universe around you, and there are many angels that sing with joy knowing that there are entities like you who gather all over this planet and have made more and more progress in helping the light and the love of the One Infinite Creator to be shining and sharing upon the oneness of all beings.

We thank you for this opportunity to share with you this afternoon. We are those of Q’uo, and we shall leave you at this time, leave you in that love and light that we found you, which you shall always be in. Adonai vasu borragus.