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Photographs from the original Law of One books
RA, Session No. 2, January 20,1981: “Place at the entity’s head a virgin chalice of water. Place to the center the book most closely aligned with the instrument’s mental distortions, which are allied most closely with the Law of One—that being the Bible that she touches most frequently. To the other side of the Bible, place a small amount of cense, or incense, in a virgin censer. To the rear of the book symbolizing One, opened to the Gospel of John, Chapter One, place a white candle.” (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
From the Introduction to The Ra Material: “When the session is over, Don waits a few moments for Carla to return to her usually quite stiff body; he calls her name a few times until she responds, helps her to sit up, rubs her neck a bit, and gives her the chalice full of water to drink after he and I have filled it as full of our love vibrations as we can.” (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
Jim is transcribing Session No. 89 on the afternoon of June 9, 1982, while Chocolate Bar, one of our four cats, observes. (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
The exterior of the Ra room: the door and corner windows are part of the outside of the room in which the Ra sessions have taken place since January 1981. (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
Carla holding our longtime friend, thirteen-year-old Gandalf. (Photo taken June 26, 1982.)
Don, in the office, talking to picture-taker, Jim, and attracting a feline audience as well. (Photo taken June 26, 1982.)
Jim and Carla prepare for the meditation that always precedes a Ra session. (Photo taken June 26, 1982.)
Carla (Photo taken after Ra session No. 92, July 8, 1982)
RA, Session No. 69, August 29, 1981: “At this particular working there is some slight interference with the contact due to the hair of the instrument. We may suggest the combing of this antenna-like material into a more orderly configuration prior to the working.” (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
“We hook up three tape recorder microphones just below her chin so that we don’t miss any of the session if tape recorder one or two malfunctions, which has happened.” From the Introduction to The Ra Material. (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
RA, Session No. 2, January 20, 1981: “The proper alignment is with the head pointed 20 degrees north-by-northeast. This is the direction from which the newer or New Age distortions of love/light, which are less distorted, are emanating, and this instrument will find comfort therein.” (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
RA, Session No. 2, January 20, 1981: “The instrument would be strengthened by the wearing of a white robe. The instrument shall be covered and prone, the eyes covered.” (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
From the Introduction to The Ra Material: “We average about one session every week or ten days now, which allows us to prepare for each session with the greater degree of care that seems to be required as sessions accumulate. A great deal of thought goes into the questions which Don asks during each session.” (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
From the Introduction to The Ra Material: “Each of us contributes ideas, but the great bulk of the line of questioning is accomplished by Don, who is the questioner, since he has years of experience in investigating the UFO contactee phenomenon necessary to develop the intellectual foundation which is required in any attempt to fit the diverse pieces of this puzzle together.” (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
From the Introduction to The Ra Material: “After Don lights the candle and incense, he and I walk the Circle of One around Carla and repeat the words which begin each contact. At some point after that Carla departs her physical body and Ra then uses it to make the words which form the responses to Don’s questions. I meditate and send light to Carla for the duration of the session, only taking time out to flip the tapes over as they finish each side.”
In this picture Carla is not channeling Ra but is singing “Amazing Grace” as per Ra’s instructions for the instrument to be constantly speaking if her eyes are covered during the picture-taking session. (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
This picture was taken immediately after Carla responded to her name and the eye-covering was removed from her face, somewhat mussing her hair. (Photo taken June 9, 1982.)
Photographs from the Ra Contact books
Before the session with Ra, Don aligns the appurtenances: Bible opened to the Gospel of John, Chapter 1, chalice, incense, and white candle.
Don checks his questions while Carla lies prone with microphones attached and eyes covered before beginning a session with Ra.
Don rubs Carla’s very sore and stiff shoulders after completing a session with Ra. The weariness, Ra said, was the equivalent of “many, many hours of harsh physical labor.”
Fearless Carla L. Rueckert. Though we operated as a group, Carla alone would face the risk of serving as the instrument and entering into trance. Ra said also that she took the “brunt” of the greeting.
Carla, her glow subdued by significant fatigue, sits beside the driveway of our house with our flower garden and kitchen windows behind her.
Don in the L/L office at the Watterson Trail house. Joey Wackerbath sits on his desk while Chocolate Bar rests in the foreground. Gandalf and Fairchild are elsewhere.
Jim at work in the office with Chocolate Bar in the foreground and Joey Wackerbath in the background.
Carla dances in the leaves while Jim sits on the porch of our Lake Lanier house where we had session #106, our last conversation with Ra.
The corner room of our Watterson Trail house which served as the Ra session room.
Carla, near her 84 lb. channeling weight for the Ra contact, handing Jim a bouquet of marigolds as they enjoy the afternoon in the little orchard behind the Watterson Trail house.
Don on the phone in the L/L office at the Watterson Trail house where 105 sessions took place.
The appurtenances that energized and nourished the instrument placed at Carla’s head for each Ra session.
Carla poses for a picture, her steady determination showing.
Jim sitting in the living room of the Watterson Trail house.
We three posing in the driveway of the Watterson Trail house on a beautiful summer’s day for one of only two pictures ever taken of us together.
Calm, courageous, fearless, serene: Carla awaits the unknown.
Carla being lovingly attended to by Jim before beginning a session with Ra.
Jim combs Carla’s hair into an “orderly configuration” just before beginning a session with Ra. (69.0 & 75.33)
Carla looks to the picture-taker before beginning a session with Ra. Jim’s chair in the background.
Carla with three microphones attached to record the session with Ra. Carla’s energy had an adverse effect upon electronics that necessitated three recorders.
Notebook full of questions for Ra in his lap, Don observes Carla singing “Amazing Grace” to be sure that she doesn’t go into trance while the pictures were being taken.
Jim begins visualizing light moving through the instrument. He will sustain this meditation with single-pointed attention throughout the entire session, breaking only to flip the cassettes.