December 25, 2009 marked the one year birthday of
It’s been a bit busy at L/L Research with work, health challenges, family emergencies, and the holiday season - so we’ve unfortunately not been able to put together something grander for Bring4th’s first birthday.
In lieu of the party, we at L/L sincerely thank each who participates in daily creating a sacred space of shared love and light. The outstanding vibration of this website is a direct result of the energy you each pour into Bring4th on a daily basis. If you each decided that the effort to be and express your deepest truth were not worth the time, this website would crumble into disrepair and oblivion.
With each interaction you make through and with this website, you help to create and sustain a current of energy, a momentum which carries us all along the upward spiraling path - accelerating each of our journeys as we combine and transfer our love, wisdom, and power. Your daily energies not only keep this place alive, but help it to thrive into its fullest, most beautiful bloom.
We raise our glasses to further evolution and many successful years ahead for Bring4th.
We always see the divine within you, L/L Research