The channeling intensives are a series of workshops held in Louisville, Kentucky, designed to teach a new generation to channel Confederation sources as Carla Rueckert and other L/L Research channels have been doing for over thirty years. (To see the fruit of that channeling, go to our online library at
The first introductory training weekend was held in February, 2008. Since that time, everyone who attended the intro weekend has been eligible to return for other channeling intensive workshops. We held three workshops in 2008 and will have held a total of three in 2009 by the time the year is over. And we will continue holding them indefinitely into the future as long as people are interested.
In order to join the stream of channeling intensives, a new Channeling Intensive attendee must complete an introductory training weekend. We at L/L Research are happy to announce a new introductory weekend to take place during the following dates and times:
Begin: Thursday, October 22nd at 6:00 pm Conclude: Sunday, October 25th, around 9:00 pm
More details follow:
The curriculum for the weekend is not yet finalized, but if you would like a preview, please visit the curriculum for the first channeling intensive held in February 2008. The curriculum for this new introductory intensive will be very similar to the previous one. While the details of the curriculum are not yet finalized, the dates are, so if you plan on attending, please feel free to begin making travel arrangements.
I can provide a comprehensive list of virtually all hotels within a five mile radius of L/L upon request. I always advise those visiting L/L to lodge at the Microtel Inn because it is reasonably priced at usually $50/night, is just a few minutes from L/L, is well maintained and clean, and is usually a convenient way for car pooling given that most people end up staying there.
To anyone flying into Louisville’s International Airport (airport code: SDF), we can provide roundtrip transportation to and from for a taxi fee of $5.00 to cover gas.
Tuition will be $180, plus the cost of groceries divided up by everyone in attendance, usually about $25, which will cover ALL breakfasts and lunches. Additionally, there will be the cost of two or three suppers at local restaurants.
Each participant will be required to write a no-wrong-answer essay on the question “Who Am I?”, and each will have been required to read at least the first seven chapters of Carla’s very slim book, A Channeling Handbook. During the intro weekend, Carla will give lessons that correspond to the first seven chapters of the book, with time for Q&A, practice tuning, and some channeling circles.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! And if you would like to add your name to the registration list, just let me know!
Gary – Admin, L/L Research gro.hcraeserll @tcatnoc