As of August 7, 2011, it is our great pleasure to announce the completion of the Spanish translation of the Law of One books!

Almost two years ago on August 28, 2009, our good friend Pilar, living and working in Spain, committed to the giant volunteer task of translating the Law of One books into her native language. Living a busy life of work, duties, obligations, and the many tasks that fill our days, she set forth translating the conversation between Ra and Don Elkins session by session, week by week.

We are proud to share her work with you and all Spanish-speaking seekers across the globe who may be aided by the Law of One. The final version is not yet published to the archive website, but will soon be available from the home page of

Our greatest gratitude to Pilar for her diligent, unceasing, professional work in making the Law of One available to second-most spoken language on planet Earth. :)