Using unsalted butter, all-purpose flour, white sugar, brown sugar, water, oil, and Granny-smith apples, Steve, Bring4th’s webmaster, locked himself in his Bring4th laboratory to produce the ultimate homemade pie. Toiling and laboring for days on end, he discovered that his talent is not in pie making.
Re-envisioning his project, he took the same ingredients and built something entirely better, something that will continue to serve, inspire, and fuel the journey long after the last crumbs of the pie have been digested. Steve created the “Daily Q’uote”.
Each day, Bring4th will feature a new “Q’uote” - a hybrid of the word “quote” and “Q’uo” - on its home page just below the Bring4th News section. For those of you who may not be familiar with Q’uo, they are the primary source channeled by L/L Research since 1986. Their channeled words can be located on the L/L Research Transcript Library page. The featured Q’uote will include a link back to the session from which it was excerpted.
Filling in these Q’uotes is a longtime friend and volunteer, Fox. She has amassed a collection of Q’uotes that have moved and inspired her during the course of readings. Fox continues to read and collect, and will keep an eye to those excerpts that feel like they have the most universal appeal. She thanks everyone for the opportunity to be of service in this way.
Our thanks be to Steve and Fox for making a daily Q’uote a daily reality!