Following the 2019 Prague Law of One Gathering, we L/L’ians had the opportunity to spend three days in southern Germany with two newfound friends, Nadine and Thomas. With Nadine filming on a home camera and Thomas providing support, we recorded some impromptu thoughts on various topics in the Law of One, on L/L Research, and aspects of our personal journey. Our intention was only to give a quick flavor of and orientation to the Law of One.
We are happy to announce the publication of the first two episodes in what will be a 20-part series over the coming weeks:
Episode 1: L/L Research
Episode 2: Contact with Ra
Many many thanks to Nadine Konzack, a professional who works in video production, and her husband Thomas Florian Dopfer. They volunteered six months working with us to prepare, followed by three intensive days shooting in Germany, and another seven to eight months in a collaborative post-production process that they gifted in spite of a busy life and global pandemic.
Many thanks to Jochen Blumenthal who provided the gentle guitar strumming for the videos. To Trisha Bean and Karin Petersen for their logistical support. And to Misha Deschreider (French translator), Vojta Schlesinger (Czech translator), and Jochen Blumenthal (German translator) for appearing on camera to share their experience with the Law of One. And to Matthias Galke for his steadfast sound work and good company.
The entire project was a labor of love among a band of spiritual seekers created in an atmosphere of resounding harmony and mutual affinity.
Hopefully our sedate presentations will not put anyone to sleep (unless they want to go to sleep, then you are welcome).