We are happy to announce a new beginning for the Bring4th Forums and a new direction for L/L Research: the launch of the Community Stewardship Circle (CSC). As the name implies, it is a community-sourced and community-run circle of stewards. Their twin and equal responsibilities will include ensuring that our collective agreement to adhere to the guidelines is honored, and serving as loving stewards of Bring4th’s online community.
Thanks to the thread Peregrine (now Sacred Fool) started, we took a hard look at the forums. A revisit of the Guidelines, Principles, and Moderator documents revealed that they are awesome. They lay out a solid vision for how an L/L Research-sponsored online community can study the Confederation philosophy, work to polarize consciousness together, and meet social needs in a balanced and loving environment with reasonable, carefully constructed boundaries.
But as a multitude of voices attest, something has been missing to help that manifest: active stewardship and moderatorship. There is a call for more. We at L/L Research agree. In our sense of it, Bring4th is viable but not quite achieving its potential. And for the first time since the hopeful beginning of this website, we are strongly seeing what it could be. The renewed vision centers on the novel idea of circle of community stewards: empowering the people most invested in the forums to care for and shape their own community in alignment with L/L Research principles.
So without further ado, allow us to introduce you to the first ever Community Stewardship Circle!
Aion | Diana | Flofrog | Glow | Louisabell | Patrick | Spaced
Spanning genders, ages, talents, and three countries, all seven have very generously offered contributions of time and energy in already busy lives. We invited the first three members and they, in turn, selected the next four. All seven have demonstrated integrity, compassion, and love of Law of One study, along with a deep and enduring responsibility and care for you who constitute the Bring4th forums. We could not be more grateful and happy for the work they are undertaking.
Autonomy & Partnership
The circle is being designed to balance between autonomous agency and partnership with L/L Research to ensure alignment with L/L’s mission.
In the former, the CSC will build their own procedures through a process of discovery and deliberation, including: terms of their roles, eligibility for the roles, size of the circle, division and rotation of duties, schedule of services, how to enforce guidelines, how to communicate to members, how to care for the needs of the community, etc. (Your replies to the questionnaire continue to be invaluable to these processes.)
In the latter, in partnership with L/L Research, the circle can request or advocate for change in forum structure, focus, procedures for membership, or changes to the Guidelines & Principles. Meanwhile, L/L will pay the bills, provide tech support, maintain the domain, offer counsel, step in when needed, and support the community in every way it can.
Our overriding intention is to empower the free will of this circle with as much latitude as possible in a mutually enhancing and supportive partnership. Our broad goal is to ensure that Bring4th remains a place aligned with L/L Research’s mission as these seven stewards become representatives of that mission in Bring4th ecosystem.
Next Steps
Bring4th_Plenum and Bring4th_Austin will continue their normal moderator duties while they help to show the new stewards the ropes of the moderator processes. Meanwhile, Louisabell, Glow, Patrick, Spaced, Aion, Diana, and Flofrog will work together to organize themselves and establish their procedures with support from Plenum (Garry), Austin, and Steppingfeet (other Gary).
Our tentative goal is for a launch date on or around March 1st, with flexibility as needed. When the CSC has completed their training and crystallized their internal procedures, the great Bring4th_Plenum will, of his own initiative, retire the moderator hat in search of new horizons after seven-plus years of unfailing service to the Bring4th community and L/L Research. That includes Garry’s new passion of holding small, in-person Law of One gatherings around the world.
Bring4th_Austin will also relinquish active moderator duties while remaining involved and fully available for support. Alongside Gary, they will meet with the circle regularly to keep abreast of forum developments.
Both Plenum and Austin will relinquish the “Bring4th_” prefix, thus concluding its lifespan. (2008–2021, RIP)
Positive Evolutions
Among the benefits, this arrangement will help the community meet its own needs, help stakeholders to take greater responsibility for their environment, and help lift the tuning of the forums. Furthermore, it will be a way for others to participate in partnership with L/L Research, amplifying and extending L/L’s reach to the larger readership in ways that we in Louisville cannot. In fact, both the CSC and the community in general can be the online communal representation of the Law of One and L/L Research in service to all who wander this way.
The Law of One readership continues to grow with every passing year and it will continue to do so as our struggling planet inches closer to fourth density. There are tens of millions more wanderers out there yet unawakened to their spiritual lights, perhaps yearning on one level or another for others like them. Bring4th can be a hub of connection, home, learning, service, and evolution. And on the level of time/space, Bring4th can literally help birth the new Earth.
The essence of our goal is to empower the community to help aim the ship toward Carla’s original seed vision of Bring4th as a place designed to help bring 4th density. This may be fulfilled by being a friendly and safe home for wanderers both weary and ready to learn what you have to teach, which is not merely information or textual study, but how to show up for each other, hold space for one another, and care for each other.
With each act of loving-kindness, with each attempt to work positively through disagreement, you have the opportunity to build and crystallize a culture here. In the mutually energizing ways of the positive polarity, that culture will reciprocally support you as it radiates outward to support the healing of our beautiful planet Earth.
Thank you to all who have hung on so far over the years. Thank you to all who have kept your heart open when sharing your love/light in this special place.
Now if you’ll please give the new Community Stewardship Circle a hearty welcome! They have taken on a big job, and they look forward to lending their light in the service of this community.
With love/light, Gary and Austin for L/L Research, with special guest, Garry Fung