Beloved Friends of L/L Research,
It is the season of Thanksgiving and praise for the blessing of this year in which we have been able to share the Confederation philosophy with spiritual seekers around the world. It is because of the generous donations of readers like you that we are able to share this material for free and keep this little but determined mission bright and shining in the world. Whether it be financial support, open-hearted love, or volunteer aid, we are forever grateful for whatever assistance you may offer.
Here is a list of the work that your contributions have helped to manifest in the past year:
- Launched the “multisite”: a large-scale project to create foreign-language versions of Thanks to the hard work and loving collaboration of many translators, we were able to launch sites for German, Indonesian, Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Chinese, Farsi, Turkish, Russian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Czech, Serbian, Romanian, Hungarian, French, and Korean. Next up on deck: Arabic, Swedish, and Hebrew. Read more about the project here.
- Celebrated the website’s second year, kept pace with development, and quietly began intensive and internal work on 2.0: an overhaul to the website that will create user accounts w/loads of cost-free features that will allow users to interact more deeply and creatively with the library. Stay tuned for 2024.
- Continued our Q’uo channeling circles, publishing the transcripts to the Conscious Channeling section of the Library Site.
- Hosted/co-hosted four wonderful in-person gatherings: the Louisville Homecoming, Prague Law of One, a day-long Spiritual Afternoon in Berlin, and Seattle Coming Home to a New Earth; striving always to keep cost down to attendees, including by way of scholarships.
- Completed the Ra Contact YouTube Series. Read more about the project here.
- Published A Channeling Handbook and A Book of Days audiobooks. You can find links here.
- Squeaked out <checks notes> oy, two podcast episodes… Though in the latest, #107, you can meet the team!
- Continued our work with amazing translators to publish books and transcripts, including Ra’s debut in: Greek, Farsi (Persian), Korean, with Arabic, Hebrew, and Hindi soon to come. Also published material in: Spanish, German, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese, Indonesian, and Czech.
- Shared inspiration from Confederation sources daily via our social media platforms and Jim’s Camelot Journal; and published comprehensive records of L/L’s activities via the Blogworthy Report.
- Served incarcerated seekers through L/L’s Prison Ministry, offering free books and written correspondence.
- Continued our Seeker Ministry, responding to virtually every email and letter from seekers around the world.
- And many more continued services and upcoming projects!
Your donations help us maintain these services and more, enabling interested seekers to find the inspiration and perspective they seek. We could never do this without your help.
If you are able to donate, you can find instructions on our Donate page.
We are most grateful for being able to share our material with spiritual seekers who find it a useful and supportive resource upon their journey; and we are honored to play even a tiny part in helping them to shine the Creator’s love and light to all others in this troubled world of conflict and separation. May peace and joy be yours.
Blessings in Love & Light, Jim McCarty for the home team and a global network of L/L Research volunteers and family
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations are tax deductible and will receive a tax receipt.