We would like to take this opportunity to announce a retreat that is being offered by a dear friend of the organization, present L/L Research Board member, and devoted Law of One student, Beatriz Gonzales.
Following a near-death experience in West Africa in 1990, Beatriz has spent a lifetime independently conducting what she calls The Art of Healing Circle. She conducts these as an adjunct to her primary healing practice of working one-on-one with individuals that has helped people from around the world.
As Trisha reported in a previous Blogworthy Report, she, Suzanna, Jim, Gary, Austin, and a few other loved ones met in Louisville in January 2023 to experience one of Beatriz’s healing retreats over the course of a weekend. It was a profound experience, with a few of us experiencing life-changing results. Subsequently, we realized that we wanted the readership also to have access to the same benefit.
Toward that end, we are happy to share that Beatriz will be holding an Art of Healing Circle Retreat in Pennsylvania this March. If you are interested, you can find contact information below. Whether through an opportunity such as this or another catalyst, may your operation of will and faith bring to you the healing that you seek.
With love and light, L/L Research
The healing circle is run completely independently of L/L Research. No money is exchanged in either direction. Please direct all inquiry to the contact information below.
Art of Healing Circle Retreat
March 14-16, 2025
Wallingford, Pennsylvania
The Art of Healing Circle Retreat was created for the purpose of facilitating self-healing. Through a series of lectures, guided meditations, personal sharing and the forming of intentions, we learn about our nature as beings of love and light and how we evolve through the energy centers within, known as our chakras, into higher states of being. Regardless of our level of spiritual evolvement, we all have access to the sixth chakra within, the gateway to God, to Intelligent Infinity. This is the chakra of self-healing. Within this chakra is the Higher Self.
People who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE) such as Anita Moorjani and Eben Alexander, were spontaneously healed because they accessed this Divine within. We can access the Higher Self without an NDE. The purpose of this retreat is to facilitate this experience for participants.
The Circle Retreat features the “Miracle of Self-Healing” exercise which allows us to identify issues that underlie our most prominent concerns and to heal these from within. We learn to use our life experiences as catalyst to facilitate personal healing and spiritual evolvement
This event is facilitated by Beatriz Gonzales and is hosted by Sarah Hudgings. It will be held at Pendle Hill Conference and Retreat Center in Wallingford, PA, March 14-16, 2025. This is a weekend event that begins on Friday evening at 7:00 pm and ends on Sunday at 4:00 pm. Cost for participation is $335 and is due upon registration. To register, please contact Beatriz. You will receive a Registration Form that you can submit with your personal information and payment for participation. The retreat is limited to 15 participants.
Recommended reading: Letting Go by David R. Hawkins, Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani. (Reading one or both of these will enhance your weekend experience.)
For information and registration:
Email: moc.gniebetinifnimai @ofni
Website: iaminfinitebeing.com