Topics: Healing and guilt; realizing one’s potential; the current political environment of the USA.

(Austin channeling)

I am Q’uo. We greet this circle in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We have been called to this group, not just by your invitation and request for us to join you and to share our perspectives and thoughts on the queries that you’ve collected in your journey within the third density, but we are also called by the joining together of open hearts of communion with other-self and discovering the shared love between each entity, and the discovery that the heart within you is the same heart within your other-self and the same heart within us.

We admire the vulnerability created by the joining of these open hearts, and would comment upon the nature of love as you have discovered it and shared it today. Love does not always need to feel pleasant and comfortable. In order to truly love within the third density, one opens themselves to the difficulty and pain of loss of the connections that you forge here in grappling with the nature of third density, and how love can be so intense and powerful that it carries you high, but can also bring you down and help you to realize that all of it is love, not just the pleasantness, but the pain that you feel inside of you comes from your open heart. It is part of your journey here in the third density to honor the process of love as it unfolds within your being, as you move through the illusion.

We cannot express how deeply we admire your choice to walk this path on your planet at this time, for we understand that it is intense and difficult, and opening your heart in such an environment opens you to all manner of other types of experiences that one must grapple with in the name of love. But we have discovered within the seekers here and all around your planet, that this love also provides infinite strength that, if it is realized, can transmute all experiences so that the face of the Creator can be seen in all of creation.

Before we open the circle to questions, we would ask our typical favor. And that is that when we share our perspectives with you, that they are received as only that: perspectives that we have gained upon our journey. It may be true that we have journeyed further than you, at least in terms of sequence and beginning and ending, but our perspective is no more real than yours and should be no more favored than yours. If there is anything that we share that would serve as a stumbling block for you that prevents you from discovering the truth of your own self, then we would ask that you dismiss these words. We do not wish to impose upon your journey, and only wish to honor the journey as you discover it for yourself.

If you grant us this favor, it will allow us to speak more freely, to share more deeply of our own perspectives with the comfort knowing that we are sharing as co-Creators and equals with you, and that we are only providing catalyst and not instruction for you to accept without question.

At this time, we would ask if there is a query to which we may respond?

Hello, Q’uo. I had a question around healing. In the Law of One, it talks about healing and physical healing, and I find that there’s almost a guilt in me that is forming based on current situations, that if only I would spend more time studying healing, that maybe I could be of more service to others. And I was just wondering if you could talk to that dynamic of healing and guilt that I feel for not spending more time trying to learn?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of the query, my brother. As usual, we appreciate the opportunity to speak to this dynamic, for it is one that we find is very common among spiritual seekers on your planet. We discover this dynamic of guilt-versus-potential very alive within this instrument, and so we have some deep concepts that we can utilize within this instrument to speak to this dynamic.

We would begin, as we often do, by offering the most zoomed out perspective possible, and that is that all is well, no matter the circumstances. Regardless of whether you are focusing on the health of an other-self or your own feelings of guilt or inadequacy or unmet potential, all of these things are proper. They exist within a perfect creation. There is nothing that can be improper in the eyes of the Creator.

It is essential that this perspective is provided as a touchstone for seekers, for it is very easy within your third density to get lost within the illusion, to go astray, to lose touch with that thread of perfection that is discovered within your heart. This backdrop of perfection informs all acts of service, especially the act of healing, for healing—regardless of the type of healing, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual—is done through the self-realization of perfection and oneness with all. Healing is available once the entity comes to this realization deep within the self, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously, or sometimes a mix of both.

We would reflect the dynamic in this query of the guilt that you have expressed in yourself and the seeing a need for healing of an other-self, and point out that the guilt that you feel is, in its own way, a wound asking to be healed. As you are looking outward in an attempt to serve others admirably, there is a world inside of you that is also asking for healing, and that situations like this do not arise by coincidence. When you perceive a circumstance that you feel called to service to others within, and that calling generates within you a certain angst or guilt or feelings of inadequacy or lack of self-worth, an incapability to rise to the task, [remember that] this is all a divine creation of catalyst. Your perceptions have provided you this catalyst for a reason, and that the ability to offer healing externally to others is predicated on the ability to realize healing within the self. It is impossible to share the realization of healing with others if it does not exist within the self in some way.

And so we would frame this dynamic to you as a situation in which one must seek within as well as without for healing. And this can be done through various means. One perspective that is helpful in attempting to move inward and understand the wound that is discovered of guilt and inadequacy is to offer the self patience. [Much] as you offer your other-selves the love that you feel for the other-self in need of healing, [this] can also be aimed inward in order to treat yourself with the same type of patience and care and desire for healing.

When sitting with this guilt, allow it to exist within you as the gift that it is, the catalyst that is being offered to allow you certain types of transformation, to allow you to travel the inward journey that will then allow you to configure your thoughts and actions and behaviors that then might serve as a catalyst for your other-selves in terms of healing. We emphasize this as a primary approach, that of patience, for it is very common, as we said, within this illusion, that a seeker such as yourself sees only those things that they are lacking, the things that they should be doing, the things that they feel they have not accomplished and are unable to meet the task. And so often [you] forget the things that have been accomplished, the journey that has unfolded so far that has brought you to the station that you are now asking this question from.

We would reflect to you how meaningful it is that an entity within your third density would desire so strongly to serve another in healing that it generates guilt within them. This itself is indicative of the heart of a seeker that desires intensely to share the love and light of the Creator within an environment that is designed to make the discovery of this love and light a challenge, a difficulty, but here you are. The desire itself is an expression of love. The fact that you recognize that you feel guilt is because of the heart that you have opened.

We would suggest any grappling with this dynamic, whether in relation to healing or any deed or service that one wishes to accomplish in the outer world, to approach the inner world with humility, but also recognition that you have arrived at a divine station of love, and these questions are only relevant from that station, and you are surrounded by that love and it is available to you at any moment.

We would offer a final thought in a more practical sense, that as you attempt to grapple with this guilt, to ensure that there is an inner sanctum within yourself that allows this guilt to have its say, to express itself. For we find that within your third density, entities commonly and understandably attempt to avoid the discomfort of such feelings and attempt to bury them, to push them aside, to find a way to operate by leaving them behind. But these friends such as guilt do not stay behind. They remain with you, whether seen or unseen, felt or unfelt.

And so to dedicate yourself to a regular practice of silence and developing an inner space where friends such as guilt can exist freely and speak to you and tell you exactly what they want to say, so that you can listen and hear and accept, you can discover a deeper truth behind that guilt. And this can cause a shift of your inner configuration that makes the efforts of applying yourself to understanding how to go about discovering your own healing capacities and serving others a more natural flow.

The inspiration and motivation will arrive more readily in times of need if you dedicate yourself, on a regular basis, to discovering this inner sanctum and allowing the gifts of catalyst and emotions, difficult or otherwise, to have their say and to do their work with you, so that you can together discover the love and light of the Creator and radiate it in a more true and essential sense. Is there a follow up to this query, my brother?

My heart is full of gratitude for your words. Thank you.

I am Q’uo and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Thank you. Thank you for taking my question, and that is, how can I improve on my potential for energetic and spiritual growth so that I might better serve?

I am Q’uo and I’m aware of the query, my sister. We would again begin, as we often do, on one of our favorite topics to elaborate upon, and that is simply to point out the prerequisite of any question such as this. [That] is the initial establishment of a meditation practice that, as we spoke in the previous query, allows one to build an inner sanctum where these potentials can exist freely, and that you can visit them and interact with them regularly and more reliably and consistently.

We find that many seekers upon your planet who have great potential, as you have described in your query, do not often approach this potential mindfully and consciously and with care and gentleness. Often it is tapped into somewhat forcefully and in a dire situation of need. This is, of course, proper for an entity at their stage of evolution. But what we are recommending is that this potential be placed within the self in a way that it can be accessed more regularly through regular dedication to silence and discovering the inner self.

We understand that you have traveled far upon your own journey, and this is not necessarily new information for you, and so we would reflect a deeper approach to understanding your own potential and how you can interact with it. Having established this inner sanctum where these potentials can be reckoned with, [you can] refine an understanding of the reflective nature of your outer circumstances, understanding that as circumstances arise to you as a seeker within the third density, they have a purpose, a divine purpose, that is often hidden because you, as a veiled seeker, cannot witness the dynamics behind the manifestation of these circumstances. They can often seem random. However, once a seeker reaches a certain point of inner clarity, the messages being delivered to you by your outer circumstances can be realized more and more in an archetypal sense or a symbolic sense.

When you find yourself in certain circumstances, you can discover that there are guideposts, perhaps not immediately obvious, but embedded in reality around you. This is a slow and difficult task that is somewhat advanced for spiritual seekers, but we have found that once a seeker begins to clarify their inner world and discover the resonances of their inner world with the outer world, the pathways of communication from what you might call spirit broaden greatly

The seeker can be moved into their potential by the hand of the Creator, guiding them through their circumstances, through these small signals and synchronicities, through the symbolism that lives in your waking world and your dream world. All of these things are reflecting to you, not just your current circumstances and your current inner world, but the potential in front of you and how to take that next step and tap into that potential.

As with the previous query, this can be a slow process that requires patience, but we commend you to this task and recommend that any seeker finding themselves in this position do so offering the self much love and patience. For the third density, as you experience it, is not intended to be an environment of clarity. It is intended to offer you challenges and difficulties, and often times when you feel lost and unsure, this is part of the lesson for you and the journey in front of you. This is the process of creation at play. And we suggest approaching it by honoring that process and resting within it, knowing that it is doing its work, and that is the work of the One Infinite Creator through you and about you.

Is there a follow up to this query, my sister?

No. Thank you for your time and your response.

We are Q’uo and we thank you, my sister. At this time, we transfer the contact to the one known as Trisha. We are Q’uo.

(Trisha channeling)

We are those of Q’uo and we are now with this instrument. May we ask if there is a query to which we may speak?

Q’uo, I would like to ask about our current political environment in the United States. We know that it affects all inhabitants of the Earth. How do we come to an acceptance, and how do we bring love to all of the changes? How do we bring courage to all of the changes that are before us?

We are those of Q’uo, and we are aware of my the query, sister. We appreciate this particular line of questioning, for we know that it is upon the hearts and minds of many in this room and many across this portion of your planet. Indeed, from our view above, it would seem that the populace of this country is facing a rapid change. However, we would also state that change may sometimes come with negative connotations that may not be fully representative of the situation. We remind you that each piece of this illusion, be it the human body in the seat, be it the rug on this floor, be it the interactions you have with one another, the buildings in which you meet—every piece of this creation is divine and intentional, and every situation is also divine and intentional.

So one may see these changes and feel discomfort. One may see these changes and feel great pride. Both avenues, both roads that you walk upon, are valid, for both experiences are intentional. To navigate these changes, be it changes that you look forward to or changes that you fear, the compass may be tuned to the one of love, for that will steer you in the direction of acceptance.

It is with the open heart, the open hand, the open mind, that one may walk down that path seeing each and every entity engaging in this particular play as divine, as intentional; seeing them as every piece of the creation, seeing them as the hurt child, seeing them as the one who profits, seeing them as the one who is in need, seeing them as the one in control, seeing them as the one who is neutral. They contain all things, and their actions come from places within them that contain all things.

With the eye of compassion and the desire to understand, one may look upon these seemingly drastic movements in your society with space in one’s heart and reconcile it as part of this play, part of these choices, these actions, these purposeful pieces that were all designed to provide lessons for the ultimate goal of love, unconditional love.

So while these times may seem for some quite difficult—and again, we would absolutely not want to negate the validity of that difficulty—they are pregnant, potent opportunities to rest in one’s heart, not only to practice love, but to hone one’s will and faith. As we have stated, the mantra of “all is well” is true. The undercurrent of all things is a well, a well of all, and those seas are calm. That love is ever calm, is ever warm, and is ever present.

It is in the costumery that we have all decided to wear on this stage that we provide the currents, the white water, the crashing, the waves, the disturbances, as they may seem. And it is through our reflections upon those choppy waters that one may find the space for forgiveness and for understanding, to look at those choppy waters and know that the water underneath is ever still full of life, full of light. We understand that it is, and can be, incredibly challenging to remain in a place of peace and faith during any environment or moment that is one that perhaps challenges what you have been used to, or one that creates a sense of danger or destruction.

And again, those are valid experiences. We see the despair, we see the fear. We also see the love. We see the excitement. Hold in your hearts, at your center, that what you truly desire from this illusion is love, that the lessons you hope to learn were ones of love, were ones of the kind of love that is unconditional, and that is what you shall manifest. For all things are that love, even those painful moments that try and challenge you, even those joyful moments that bring tears to your eyes.

It is in the practice of intentional reflection and in the practice of silence that one may drop that costume that you wear in this illusion and tap into the ultimate reality of unity. Strip away the identity you attach to yourself, the identities you attach to others or to situations, and see each moment, each fragment as everything, as something that contains all things.

We know again, that this can be incredibly difficult, but it is within your ability. For you are capable of all things. You are this most perfect piece of the Creator, as is your neighbor, as is your seeming foe, as is your seeming friend, all equal parts to this divine mystery. Look upon those with much gratitude for what they serve, for what they provide, and then look upon the self with equal gratitude for your choice to incarnate here at this time, to take on these challenges, to take on these amazing moments, to progress and to learn.

And when you witness challenge in others, regardless of how they identify, see them for the true beings that they are, inspired and made by love. Hold them within your heart. Witness them for their perfection, the kind of perfection that is inherently imperfect. When you see that challenge in others, reach out the hand in love, not in judgment. Allow the egoic self, the labels you assign to, fall away and just see them for the fellow self that they are, attempting to navigate this bustling illusion. And know that all will continue to be well.

Bumps in the road there may be; moments that may instill fear, moments that may instill great pride. But know that with the heart open, the direction is always forward, is always upward, open yourself to that forward movement and trust, practice faith in that mantra that all is well.

May we ask if there is a follow up to this query, my sister.

Just thank you so much for the inspiration and the reminder on how to serve. Thank you.

We are those of Q’uo and we thank you, my sister. May we ask if there is another query to which we may speak?


We are those of Q’uo, and sensing that we have come to a conclusion with the questions, we shall transfer our contact from this instrument to the one known as Austin, that we may bid our farewell at this particular meeting. We are those of Q’uo.

I am Q’uo, and I’m again with this instrument. We again offer our gratitude to the instruments for their dedication to the tuning and challenging process that sets the stage for our entry into this circle, and our gratitude to this circle for receiving us and allowing us to respond to your queries and interact with you, and through this process, gain our own taste of the potential of third density that you experience about you.

We offer our gratitude to all who are aware of our words and energies and who are opening themselves to us to form a greater and greater relationship with your peoples and your planet. It is through this process of relationship, service, and calling that we ourselves are able to discover more of ourselves; to further our own journeys. And to gain the traction, if you will, that allows us to continue on our own path home to the Creator, where we will all find ourselves again, together, with all separation and divisions realized for what they are, and that is illusions; but illusions that play a part and a role in allowing the One Infinite Creator to have an experience, to come to an understanding of its own nature, of the nature of love and wisdom and light. We are honored to take part in this process of creation with you.

At this time, we leave you as we found you, in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus.