Topics: Cooperation of unseen beings; being of service to non-verbal entities; mixed polarity in family units; communication with discarnate loved ones; messages of the body; orgasm and kundalini.
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and with this instrument at this time. We greet each within this circle in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator, who is also a portion of this circle and all circles everywhere. This circle is special for us because it is aware that the Creator is within each here and everyone, everywhere.
We thank you for taking the time out of your busy days and lives, for joining this circle of seeking to help each other deepen the spiritual journey, to open the heart in unconditional love to all about you. This is the great path, the great work, and we are honored to walk upon this path with you at this time.
As we walk, we would ask you to look very carefully within your own being, your own knowing when we speak words in answer to your questions, that if they have that ring of truth that you already know, then take them and use them as you can. But if there is no truth in any word or thought, please discard it. We would not wish to be placing stumbling blocks in your journey.
With that said, we would ask if there is a query with which we may begin?
I’ll ask. So it seems, just based on channelings that I’ve sat in, that in the inner planes there are numerous groups, shall we say. Some groups that are called elemental beings, some groups that maybe are angelic, some groups that maybe walk with the planets or the stars. Maybe they’re not all in the inner planes, I’m not sure. But I’m wondering, do these groups work together in any fashion, or do they follow just various third-density beings? I’m kind of curious as to how that works.
I am Q’uo, and I’m aware of your query, my sister. You have asked a query that has so many facets, a jewel of endless sparkling beauty. We shall attempt to give a general overview of the types of groups of which you speak. There are so many facets of the One Creator within your planet’s inner planes that can aid you and each other and the One Creator in knowing Itself and yourself and theirself better and better by interactions in so many ways.
Sometimes within your third-density experience, there are those who are contacted within the dream state and given messages that are in conjunction with the subconscious mind of the being receiving the messages so that the spiritual path of such a being may be furthered by the message. Many of your peoples are contacted in meditation with that same general format to increase the spiritual journey. Some are given visions when asleep, or conscious, when asking for information.
There are guides. There are these beings of elemental nature that you can meet as you walk through your gardens in the early morning or late evening, when the light is dim and the presence is magical. There are beings who move in what you might call the angelic realms, to work together to send love and light to your planet earth and to various locations upon your planet where there are wars and divisions and destruction, and the seeming death of the entity, as the entity leaves its body and moves into the light to determine whether or not it shall go forward in the spiritual journey to the fourth density of love and understanding, or whether it shall return for more lessons of learning how to open the heart in unconditional love.
There are groups who are known to many of the Native Americans or indigenous cultures around the world who have appeared in what some would see as an object that moves through the sky of unidentified nature. Some have called these UFOs. These entities have been in contact with the indigenous peoples of your planet from time immemorial, [sharing] the message of the Creator, that all is one, working together to rejoin the Creator to help It know Itself better. These entities are many and varied.
Is there a further query, my sister?
Do the entities, thank you, do the entities cross paths? Do they help each other, or are they very specific in what their what their mission is, what their goal is?
I am Q’uo, and am aware query, my sister. Many of these groups do have a kind of, what you might call, tangential relationship with each other, as they trade information telepathically and by their very essence for anyone who has the desire to know what information they have to share in the furtherance of their path and the path of the entities of your planet.
There are often times joint efforts to work together in this manner. But most usually, they follow a path of what you might call the strings on an instrument with many strings. As one or two strings are plucked, there are messages that are given in what would seem to be a musical nature, which penetrates many levels of understanding, according to the place where the strings are plucked and the number of strings that are plucked.
So there is interaction, but most usually, each group has its own purpose that it travels as a journey of seeking and of service. Just as each in this group has its own type of service to offer to others, its own life pattern, the information that has been accumulated of a spiritual nature over not only this incarnation, but many previous so that all of you can be of the same kind of service as these entities who exist within your inner planes.
Is there a further query, my sister?
No, thank you. That’s helpful, appreciate that.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?
Questioner 1
I have a question that sort of piggybacks off of P’s question, in terms of ways to serve and all the varying paths. So I was speaking earlier about the podcast, The Telepathy Tapes. And just in case no one’s aware, it’s really mind-breaking information about non-verbal people, predominantly autistic people, who can speak telepathically, and they’re on this, they’re kind of on the next level of the journey collectively that we are walking.
My question is, what can some of us do that might not be so obvious to help these people? Especially ones that might not have the support system that are able to communicate telepathically. Is there anything we can do just in our day to day lives? Hopefully, that made sense.
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Yes, indeed, the desire to be of service makes all the sense in this world, in all worlds everywhere. For that is why all of us are here to be of service to others. And in this specific way that you have asked your query, the service that may be offered to those who are telepathic and what is called autistic is simply to send them your love and light. To hold them in your prayers that their journey may be successful. For they are here for a purpose: to help everyone on the planet know that there are higher ways of being, of living, of service, and helping the Creator to know Itself.
If you send your love and light and magnify their journey, you are becoming a part of their journey. And within your heart, your love, your light, and your sense of unity, [you] can become a light to the world around them and around you to help everyone see that there is more to this third-density illusion than has ever been imagined before. These entities can help everyone to penetrate the veil of forgetting, to see that we are all one, working together, dancing our way to the One Infinite Creator, to the rhythm of unity, of love and of light.
Is there a further query, my sister?
Questioner 1
No, thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. At this time, we would transfer our contact to the one known as Gary.
(Gary channeling)
We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and it is with our great joy and pleasure that we may blend our vibrations with this circle and this dance once again; of responding to your questions with our humble thoughts that we submit to you not as answers, but rather as a food for your own meal and material for your own contemplation which you may use or not use as you see fit to engage the gears of your own journey to realize the self as the Creator; and to be of service to those about you; and to expand your heart further and further so that unconditional love may shine through, regardless of the entity upon your mind or the circumstance within which you find yourself.
At this time, we would ask if there is a query to which we may respond. We are those of Q’uo.
Questioner 2
I have a question. Thank you for joining us Q’uo. My question has to do with incarnated families. Do service-to-self type entities incarnate into families with service-to-other type entities?
We are those of Q’uo, and have received and appreciate the query, our brother. Indeed, those of service to others and service to self—that is, those entities upon your plane who have made their choice to one degree or another, and are pursuing the path of the light or the dark—may indeed find themselves in shared circumstance together, which may include the familial configuration.
This may be a potent catalyst for entities upon both paths, as each polarity offers the other a gift of catalyst that, if used, may support the entity upon their respective path in polarizing more fully. This gift may galvanize or motivate or inspire the recipient of this gift to choose more firmly, more intensely, more authentically.
For example, the positively oriented entity—be they the brother or the sister, the mother or the father, the guardian, the cousin, the relative, the neighbor and so forth—is given opportunity after opportunity, testing after testing, when in contact with their loved one or family member (who has chosen a different path) to choose service to others again and again, or to release their power in a state of disempowerment, allowing oneself to come under the heel of the controlling and manipulative methods and ways of that entity earnest upon the path of service to self. Or [one may] be inspired by the mechanisms of control, the acquisition of power for the self in a way that seems tempting to the entity who had, to this point, been positively polarizing, such that they may themselves dabble or seek to practice that path until its own seductive gravity pulls the previously positively oriented entity into its own vortex, such that the entity switches polarities, as it were.
But, statistically speaking, the more advanced the entity is upon the path of service to others or service to self, the more firmly rooted they are and committed to their chosen path such that they will tend not to switch, but intensify their polarity further when in contact with those of the opposite polarity.
May we ask, if there is a follow-up to this question, we are Q’uo.
Questioner 2
Thank you, Q’uo. That was a very complete answer. I’m very satisfied with that. Thank you.
We are those of Q’uo, and we are happy to have offered something useful to you, our brother.
In the circle, is there another question to which we may share our thoughts? We are Q’uo.
Yes Q’uo, someone said to me recently that if my spouse dies, I don’t need to worry. I can connect with her even after her third-density existence is over. They gave me the example of a woman who used to be in this circle and channeled you, actually. She is able to communicate with her husband even though he’s died and is in spirit. My question is, is this true? And if so, how can we connect to those who have passed on? Should we even try to do this?
We are those of Q’uo, and have received and appreciate this sincere query, our brother. We can quite easily confirm that communication beyond the veil to those recently or long-past discarnate entities is entirely possible, and is facilitated all the more effectively when there was a bond—that bond of love and time spent together upon the journey, shared within the incarnation. For that which is forged between two entities of love, such that they have not only mutual affection for one another and dedication to one another and desire to support each other, but that they begin that journey of merging those illusory separate identities of individuality; they begin to share consciousness, to some degree; they begin or continue upon the path that, in the illusory lapse of time, will seem to conclude with becoming one with all things, and with the Creator Itself.
The love-based relationship of mutually strengthening, reciprocal offers of service is a primary mechanism for this long (from your perspective) journey toward becoming One. For each becomes the face of the Creator to each. Each becomes a portal of the Creator’s love to one another, such that when you gaze upon he or she or they who you love, you feel not just those lower rungs of love, of personal attachment and personal affection, beautiful as those may be, but that, through your devotion to the other-self, the Creator Itself has a window into the illusion to share and radiate that love which it has for all of creation, for all of its creation, for all beings within the creation.
The mated relationship offers this vehicle to lift the love into higher and higher expression, such that it transcends the mortal love and becomes love of the divine within the self; love of that eternal aspect which, through the long processing of catalyst, through the mill of the incarnation, the other-self is seen more clearly through their outer garment of the body and the personality shell.
We have spent some time articulating a smidgen of the extent and depth of this connection in an attempt to reach the point where we can say now that this connection transcends the illusory constructs of space and time and even death itself. Whether upon the death the other-self has moved to this or that sub-plane within the inner planes, or this or that density, or this or that galaxy, as the case may be, that connection remains.
That connection is not and cannot be lost. The only way that connection can be lost is by a forgetting within the conscious mind—or a blocking within the conscious mind, that either does not accept that connection, or rejects the connection, or has fear, or lack of trust, or is too overcome with grief and heartache which often accompanies the passing of the loved one—that their ears, shall we say, become somewhat deaf or muted to the message which the recently deceased loved one wishes to impart: of love, of wellness, and of peace and assurance to they who remain in the incarnation.
The self within the incarnation may cling too tightly, as it were, to that which was; to that transient, though cherished and meaningful, state of the shared incarnation. And in that clinging, preclude the openness of the connection which would allow the information and inspiration to flow into the self through the intuitive faculties.
You asked as to how this is effectuated, and we believe we have spoken to some degree in response to this question in terms of how the connection may be blocked, to which we would add that a self may have also not quite sensitized themselves to the subtle whispers and energies and messages that may arrive. Or [the incarnate self] may not know how to understand or see that the messages which may, depending on the unique configuration of this pair, not arrive as seeming words spoken in the mind, as some may perceive it, but may arrive with the sighting of the bird which is meaningful to the self, or the circumstance or the meeting of another person, or the way that the leaf drifted down and landed upon the lap on that day.
So we now then switch over to the more positive aspects of how to effectuate this connection by encouraging the self first and foremost, as is right for the self over time, to release, with encouragement and love, the other entity which has departed. To honor their memory, of course, to be with them in mind and body and spirit, but to no longer demand that the entity who has graduated their incarnation preserve that form which they had left behind upon completing their mission. But instead support their transition into the next chapter that they may be free to continue upon that very long journey that moves in and out of incarnation, onto the stage, inevitably to follow the exit of the stage.
And as you rejoice in who they are and in the successful completion of their incarnation, you may invite communication in whatever way feels most comfortable to you. Whether that be the dream, the notepad, the listening to the sounds of the wind and the animals outdoors, the psychic impression, the contact in the meditation. All things unfold as a result of the use of the will through faith and the setting of intention. And this balanced setting of intention may open those inner doors that sensitize the self.
We would also counsel that such a self seeking this connection exercise patience with the self as well. You mentioned our friend through whom we had channeled previously. This entity has a particular gift in her energetic wiring, we may say that can readily receive these sorts of psychic impressions in the form of clear communication from her [now discarnate] partner, such that a correspondence, you may say, is maintained and communication upkept. This tends not to be the norm upon your plane, but each entity is unique, and each receives, understands, and interprets the message received uniquely as well. So we would encourage you, our brother, toward persistence in this effort, if and when such a time should transpire, and it be important to you to maintain this connection.
And finally, we would suggest that which you do not need our encouragement towards, as it will, in any case, be likely unavoidable: to continue offering love. Love for the entity upon their present and future journey to come, and love for that which was experienced, and for the many, many blessings that you have additional time within the incarnation to continue to unpack with gratitude.
Death is not an end to the conversation.
We are Q’uo, and would ask if there’s a follow up to this query?
No, Q’uo, that was considerably more than a smidgen. I appreciate this rich communication. Thank you.
We are those of Q’uo, and acknowledge both our own verbosity and this instrument’s predilection in that regard.
We are Q’uo, and, before transferring our contact to the one known as Jim, would ask if there is another smaller question to which we may respond?
Well, actually, I have a small one if no one else has one. I’ve had illnesses and injuries that tend to be on one side of my body. What is the significance of this, if any, in a metaphysical sense? For instance, because the left side of the body is connected to the right brain. Does that mean injuries on the left side are a message that we need to be more intuitive? Or injuries to the right side might mean that we need to solve some sort of problem or be more analytical? Can you say anything about this please?
We are those of Q’uo, and thank you for the query, my brother. And indeed that you intuit that there is meaning in terms of where within the body things seem to transpire, or indeed what specifically manifests within the body, we would confirm this intuition. The body is indeed a mirror of the mind manifesting in outward, more palpable or visual form that catalyst which the mind has left not fully processed or considered, as a teaching mechanism and mechanism of communication.
Indeed, the polarity also may be examined within the body. We cannot decode this for you, but upon the right side of the body may be messages that pertain to the service to others, work of polarization, that is for the entity to interpret and apply.
We caution also not to take too literally the messages of the body always. For the mind, furnished as it is with the knowledge of your society—be that scientific or religious, cultural, superstitious or so forth—applies a repository or database and filter through which is processed the information of seeking to understand what the body is saying. And a literal interpretation may correctly apprehend the situation, but may also lead to misapprehension.
We suggest taking these questions into meditation that the rational analysis which would study the situation is given opportunity for contact with the intuitive faculties that they may cooperate to reveal what is being spoken, what balance is being sought. Is the self, for instance, martyring the self by expending and depleting itself in the service? Or, on the other end of the spectrum, is the self withholding and being stingy, so to speak, where service is needed and requested for a self-oriented or selfish reason? And so forth.
Many are the balances. Many are the messages. And however seeming pinpoint or specific the message, it must be integrated in a holistic fashion with the mind, body, and spirit.
We would conclude by recommending looking to those within your population who have made and offer a study of the energetic configuration of the body and its circuitry, and…the instrument is stumbling with this concept or word, but those lines of force through which energy moves within the body and its inextricable connection to mind and spirit. For we have but barely touched upon this subject in our response.
We thank you, our brother, for this question, and for the loving and patient presence of this circle at this time, and transfer our contact now to the one known as Jim. We are those of Q’uo.
(Jim channeling)
We would ask if there is a final query at this time?
Yes Q’uo, we have a question from a reader. This one’s about kundalini and ejaculation. D. is asking, “In order to preserve the sexual energy, and consequently awaken kundalini, is it necessary to avoid orgasm? Or is it possible to awaken the kundalini energy through sexual energy exchange?”
I am Q’uo, and am aware of this query, my brother. We would suggest that this experience of awakening the kundalini is one which can occur when the movement of the love and light, the prana, of the One Infinite Creator goes through each of the energy centers and moves through the indigo and violet in a manner which energizes each energy center. The ejaculation of the sperm may or may not be necessary, according to the particular nature of the being that is experiencing the awakening of the kundalini.
There is a kind of experience that is what you may call holistic in that the being’s energy centers are awake and fully functioning so that the indigo ray allows the contact with intelligent energy that moves as the spirit shuttles into the violet ray of the unity of all the creation and the sacred experience of the One Infinite Creator that can be felt at this time.
There is a type of kundalini awakening that can be a part of what is called the high sexual magic, where there is the experience of the ejaculation with another being that is in harmony with the one experiencing the kundalini experience. This is something that is most unusual for most of the population of your planet, and is utilized more by those entities within the Eastern religions that are more aware of the nature of the personal experience of seeking the One Infinite Creator in ways that involve the sexual relationships and the opening of the indigo-ray energy center that becomes the path to unity with the One Creator.
At this time, we would thank each person here for lending their energies to the circle of seeking of each of you, and of those of Q’uo as well. For as we march and dance in harmony with you at these sessions, we too move upon our spiritual journey, which is one that is seemingly endless, for it goes through the octave densities. And when there is a coalescence of all that the Creator has known through each experience of each entity throughout the infinite universe, it begins again. And there is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the present moment of now.
We thank each of you for lending your energies to this present moment of now; and we now leave this group and this instrument in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We shall be with you again. Adonai vasu borragus.