Getting Started

Welcome to the L/L Research Library website. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to discovering and sharing information to aid in the spiritual evolution of humankind and healing of planet earth.

Best known for the Law of One or Ra Material, we offer books, transcripts, articles, podcasts, community support, and more. If you’re new to the site, these links will help get you quickly oriented!

About Us

Find out more about our mission, vision and history of the organisation.


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The Ra Contact

The teachings of the Law of One, a profound trance channeling with a focus principally upon philosophy and timeless spiritual principles.

Channeling Transcripts

Everything we've ever channeled over the last 50 years.

Many seekers who are drawn to the information on this website are wanderers and spiritual outsiders who are experiencing awakening and transformation. We want you to feel welcomed, nourished, vindicated, embraced, supported, encouraged and loved.

Are you a wanderer?

Information for wanderers or spiritual outsiders who are experiencing awakening and transformation.


Join thousands of meditators, prayers, visualizers and fellow wanderers in our daily meditations for world peace.

The particular energies of this particular time and space for each of you have an unusually strong and generous energy at this time for the simple reasons that your entire globe is in that area of time/space in which your Earth’s fourth density is coming into birth. We cannot say how long this labor shall last but while it is occurring there are great needs within your people and your planet, great pressures for change that are the product of this particular phase of planetary labor. And these things are affecting not only each of you in subtle ways but also the nature of time and space and the nature of light. In other words, your world is changing around you [and] there is some urgency to expressing the truth of the self and that in order to better express this truth…[it] is and shall be prime time for finding new ways more fully to express the self in its heart and in its soul.

The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One
Living the Law of One 101: The Choice
A Wanderer's Handbook
The Ra Contact Resource Series