
December 31, 1980

Advanced message new years eve

Latwii: We would like to open the meeting to questions at this time, for we feel that perhaps we may be of more help in moving from interest to interest than we be in giving what may be called an inspirational message, for each of those present are most inspired and are inspiring us at this time and we do not feel that we would add to your inspiration where happiness in each other and your harmony is that which causes joy among those of us who are in the Confederation.

December 28, 1980

Sunday meditation

Latwii: The light of this particular time of the year is so bright that it is harsh to many of your peoples, and there are many among your peoples at this particular time in the cycle that will leave this incarnation and pass on to other things. There are others who are very unhappy or sick or sick at heart or uncertain in many ways. If you are among the fortunate who have been caught up in the joy of this particular celebration which you call Christmas, may we ask your especial meditation and sending of light to those about you whom you may or may not know, for there are so many that it is necessary at this time that they be helped if at all possible for you to do so. Simply share the Creator with them by holding the love and the light of the Creator in your heart and releasing it to the world’s use. This is all you need to do. You do not need to know details.

December 14, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight, my friends, I am impressing this instrument with the subject that has not often been dealt with in these meetings, but we feel it would be of help to those of you here at this time, and so we would like to share some thoughts with you upon the anger that you may feel at times towards your Creator.

December 7, 1980

Pearl harbor day

Latwii: We wish to depart from our normal activities this evening by reversing the order of events, for we feel that there are questions in this group that we would like to have the opportunity to offer our thoughts upon and so we will begin with them and perhaps our messages will spring therefrom. Thus, may we ask each of you if you have a question for us and if so please feel free to ask it at this time.

November 30, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: It is said, my friends, that the one known as Jesus was incarnate by a virgin and was made man and dwelt among men and by them was crucified. This, my friends, is a much misunderstood story, a much misunderstood example, and a vastly underrated life. Around it has been built a great organization, all too lacking in the one thing that the entity known as Jesus to you desired and that is, my friends, the experience of being one with the Creator.

November 16, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: At one time, we of Hatonn were a warlike nation in that, although united as one planet, we were divided into many sects that strove to dominate or control the planet. We chose to combat one another in our efforts to achieve this control, however, none were able to dominate and all were weakened by the struggle. Finally a point was reached in which we of Hatonn were destitute. We had destroyed all of the resources that our planet had to offer and were unable to kill one another simply because we no longer possessed the raw materials from which to construct further weaponry. At this point, we had also destroyed our food chain and were near starvation. In many ways we were, at that time, very similar to you as your planet is today, fixed upon oblivion.

November 9, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: If you can picture with me the formation of mineral crystals, you will be aware that there is a great deal of rock that is not at all crystallized, and is therefore relatively insensitive to delicate vibrations. This is analogous to a large portion of the peoples of your planet, who feel the new vibrations of what you may call the “golden age,” but whose crystallization of purpose or intent in seeking the path of truth and the love of the Creator is so truncated that it does not matter to them and they go about their business and lead the lives that they would lead, their relationships being guided almost entirely by their needs for procreation, companionship and financial aid. This governs the relationships of most of those among your peoples.

October 26, 1980

Sunday meditation

Latwii: The minds of your people are so often disturbed by the waves and the storms of emotion, emotion which has been developed by the sense of separateness of one being from another. My friends, if we could but give to you the understanding of the one simple concept that underlies all of reality, the waters of your mind would ever be calm, and the springs of your inspiration would flow clear and sweet.

October 19, 1980

Intensive meditation

Latwii: We have very little in words to share with you this evening for we understand that we are, at this time, speaking to a group whose understanding of the basic truths of existence is fairly strong. We could attempt to deepen your understanding, but at this time we feel that you simply need to rest and that your minds have been all too active and so we ask you to come with us on a journey, floating up from your physical vehicles as you would float in the water, light as a bubble.

October 16, 1980

Intensive meditation

Laitos: This afternoon we would like to work in two ways. We would like to work with the new instrument, using the one known as Jim, in order that he may gain experience in the type of work which may be done with the newer instrument in order to familiarize him with our contact. The one known as L has already made some very impressive progress, for a newer instrument, and we are very pleased to work with each of you. At this time we would like to transfer to the one known as Jim. I am Laitos.

October 15, 1980

Advanced meeting

Monka: We are what you might call sociologists; we would not call it that. We share with you now what we would call it, insofar as words can be messengers of concepts, too deep for the bearing of words. We share with you a looking into the mirror. Yes, my friends, you cannot look away from the mirror. Look away from your mirror and up to the stars. The stars are a mirror. Look away from the stars and in the face of the person you like the least. Aha! A mirror. Look into the eyes of those you consider robots and thieves. Look into the mechanisms of you government. Behold the mirror.

October 5, 1980

Intermediate meeting

Latwii: We speak to you because of your need to hear and because of our growing understanding of the difficulties of your peoples at this time. When we first spoke to you as a group we did not understand these difficulties. We knew that the people of your planet dwell within a heavy chemical illusion, but our previous study had been of the various vibrations of what you would call your heaven worlds. They too are troubled, color fading into color, the qualities sometimes distressed, as you would call it, muddying the water of your higher plane. But as we come into your minds, as we enter your domicile and join you in meditation, it is as though we were inside a deep well. And we understand the claustrophobia of those like you who, knowing there are other ways to live, must live in this well, this deep well of sorrow, limitation and lack.

September 28, 1980

Sunday meditation

Latwii: We would speak a few words this evening upon the subject of harmony, for the vibration and condition of harmony is one which is not frequently found upon your planet, as is evidenced by the condition of your world situation at the present.

September 16, 1980

Advanced meeting

Hatonn: It has been our practice to begin our contact sessions with an opening message which is of general concern to those which are gathered to hear our thoughts. That this evening we would speak a few words on the subject of love as it is experienced or as it may be experienced in your daily life.

September 14, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would touch briefly upon an aspect of service. We have been concentrating in our talks with you upon the discovery of your inner self and of the seed of love within you. This evening we would talk about love in action, for there is no tree planted without help, and crop gathered without reapers. We have cautioned you many times not to be aggressive or abrasive in your contacts with others. But we would speak to you this evening about the confidence of the knowledge of who you are and whose glory you may manifest in this Earth world.