
December 17, 2006

Sunday meditation

The question this week, Q’uo, has to do with teaching and learning. We’re wondering just how teaching actually occurs as the result of our desire to teach and our attempting to teach certain subjects or topics. Much occurs by the very nature of our being, of who we are and how we are. Could you speak to the topic of how teaching and learning really occur?

December 10, 2006

Sunday meditation

The question today has to do with discrimination. How or what is the root cause of the prejudice that various groups of people have against other groups, whether it be because of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, the place where they live? Whatever the reason, everywhere around the world there are groups of people that discriminate against other people because they are different. Q’uo, could you give us some idea about what really are the roots of this type of discrimination and disempowerment of other people by majority groups? And what can we do about it as individuals?

November 19, 2006

Sunday meditation

The question this week has to do with the conflict between what we project as a personality in our daily round of activities and our soul essence that moves with us through various incarnations and really has the basic plan for evolution in mind. Frequently, our personality seems to be at odds with this deeper self that knows what we need to do. When we are in catalyst situations in our daily round of activities and we’d like to punch somebody out, there’s this little voice that says, “That’s probably not a good idea.” We were wondering if Q’uo could give us some information on how we can deal with our personality. Because it is our personalities that we would use to deal with it. Do we need to refine our personalities? Do we need to get rid of our personalities? Do we need to balance our personalities? How can we most skillfully deal with what seems to be a conflict between the personality that wants to do certain things in this illusion and the deeper soul-self that really knows what we ought to be about and what we ought not to be about.

November 16, 2006

Special meditation

Question from W: I believe that my child is an indigo child. Can you confirm this for me?

November 12, 2006

Sunday meditation

Question from M: Ever since 9/11, I’ve been concerned that this planet may be heading towards a catastrophic war. I feel a sense of failure, helplessness and hopelessness. I feel myself heading towards complete despair. I’m beginning to question whether all is well with the birthing of fourth-density Earth. Has the planetary experiment gone awry? If so, what spiritual principles are involved in transmuting despair into hope and doubt into encouragement?

October 8, 2006

Sunday meditation

The question this week has to do with balancing our energy centers and continuing on the path of seeking when it seems difficult. When we feel despair, doubt and darkness, it feels like there is really no good reason to continue. Is there some way that the spiritual seeker can even out these high spots and low spots? Is there something that is a signpost of when we’re seeking in the right direction? Or should we just wing it and take it as it comes and do the best that we can with seeking and balancing? What could Q’uo tell us in the way of spiritual principles to which we should be attending as we try to balance our energy centers?

October 1, 2006

Sunday meditation

The first question today is from J: “Exactly what is the central sun of our galaxy around which all the stars revolve? P considers it to be a super-dense mass equivalent to thousands of our suns. It is constantly emitting powerful, omnidirectional rays, punctuated by periodic mega-bursts that flow out to all parts of the galaxy. “He feels that these travel just below the speed of light. Do any emissions, these so-called trigger points, travel at the speed of thought, in other words, instantaneously? “I’ve considered that the central sun was another name for a black hole. Are they or are they not the same thing? Can these be compared and discussed as to the role that each plays in creation and the evolution of consciousness? I want to know what the central sun is. Does it have anything to do with black holes? And what is the effect of the central sun and of black holes upon the evolution of consciousness?”

September 26, 2006

Special meditation

Question from M: In this situation in which I find myself, I can see a fundamental pattern. I see some fear and resistance around becoming more determined! I fear to trust in the use of my own talents in music, business and other things. Therefore, I remain in a threshold zone, repeating experiences until I destroy this deep fear. By experiencing this situation of the lack of a job, the feelings of uncertainty and hazard, and the load of the responsibility to support and provide for my family, how can I process this experience to transform the inner chains I still have as fear and pride?

September 17, 2006

Sunday meditation

The question this week, Q’uo, has to do with the state of the world as perceived by those of us who are in it. We were wondering if you could give an idea, just in general, of the types of energies that are available now for people who wish to grow and how people who are able to open their heart in some degree can accept these energies and what you could expect in your daily life, your pattern of growth, the amount of catalyst, the ability to deal with it, and then contrast that perhaps to people who are having difficulty opening their heart, maybe not being able to do that at all, and the types of experiences they might expect from being unable to open their hearts to these energies. Could you tell us about the energies and how people are able to experience them with harmony and without harmony?

September 3, 2006

Sunday meditation

The question today is, what work is necessary to be done by the seeker upon the chakras or the energy centers in order to facilitate the raising of the kundalini and of what value to the seeker is this raising of the kundalini?

August 25, 2006

Special meditation

Question from J: My main question has to do with knowing and understanding more about what I am and why I am here. Am I on course in fulfilling my highest potential as a wanderer and as a soul? My greatest desire is being of service to others. Please offer me any thoughts.

July 7, 2006

Special meditation

Question from A: What guidance can you offer for my spiritual seeking? What spiritual principles would you recommend that I take thought on in my development?

May 28, 2006

Sunday meditation

Question from A: “You’ve mentioned before that the harvest of this particular sub-logos, planet Earth, is not typical. You’ve said that other sub-logoi have had considerably less difficulty at their times of harvest. Would you consider our sub-logos’ use of combined free will, together with strong veiling, to be an inefficient combination? And can you compare that to the harvest of third density on Venus? Both Mars and Maldek had warlike societies, and we were wondering what the third density was like on Venus and what major factors and catalysts went into their societies to bring them to a service-to-others choice. They must’ve done something right. So could Q’uo speak to the harvest that is now happening on planet Earth and perhaps contrast it with the harvests on Mars, Maldek and Venus?”

May 22, 2006

Special Meditation

(Question chosen by PLW poll) I noticed sort of solar flares for a moment or two after they happen. I will be interrupted by a tingling sensation of the nerve endings over a large part of my body. Mentally, I often notice a type of rift in consciousness, where a moment in time seems to expand dramatically, stretching five minutes into three or four hours… two or three hours. It feels tangible. The problem is not the flares, but the geomagnetic storms a couple of days later. Is there any way to combat the physical fatigue and mental stimulation and sleeplessness problems associated with it? It disrupts my life dramatically.

May 7, 2006

Sunday meditation

“I would like to ask the Q’uo for your thoughts on the spiritual principles involved in the process of disease and in the process of healing disease both in ourselves and in our serving as conduits for the healing of other selves, such as in Reiki healing.”