
December 31, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the development of the magical personality. How do we go about developing the magical personality, and what, actually, is it that we develop when we develop the magical personality, and of what value is it to us to do so?

December 17, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening is a continuation of the information we were receiving on how to discover the gifts one has that will allow one to be of service to others. Part Three.

December 10, 1989

Sunday meditation

How to discover one’s gifts, how to determine what it is that might be the most helpful and beneficial thing for a person to do in the life pattern?

December 3, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with glory and the meaning that glory would have as we say the Lord’s Prayer and think about the concepts of “the Kingdom and the power and the glory.” What is the glory that belongs to the Father, or to the Creator, and what part in that glory do we play, how do we offer glory, and... that’ll do.

November 26, 1989

Sunday meditation

What is the function of emotions in the life of the spiritual seeker, and what value is there to the seeker in attempting to uncover or develop or feel the full range of emotions, especially the caring for those about one and feeling the vitality of life and being able to express the feelings that move through one?

November 12, 1989

Sunday meditation

What is the function of emotions in the life of the spiritual seeker, and what value is there to the seeker in attempting to uncover or develop or feel the full range of emotions, especially the caring for those about one, and feeling the vitality of life and being able to express the feelings that move through one?

November 5, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with joy. What is the function of joy in the evolutionary process in this particular experience and how can we find and utilize joy in our daily round of activities in a way that sustains our growth and service to others?

October 29, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the great variety that exists in types of beings, those that are incarnate and who go through the incarnational process, those who are incarnate and perhaps do not go through the incarnate process, those that we might call angels that provide guidance and assistance from the inner planes, other types of beings that perhaps do not individualize themselves, maybe the type that we would call the logos or the godhead that comprises the totality of the octave of experience [which we are enjoying,] and provides, actually, that octave for us to go through the evolutionary process. We are wondering about these beings that may not incarnate, those that may not partake as we do in the evolutionary process, and how it is that they exist, how it is they function, and how it is they might progress themselves, if indeed it is necessary for them to progress in any fashion.

October 22, 1989

Sunday meditation

How can people who are interested in pursuing in a life’s work and being of service to others and developing their gifts discover what exactly the gifts are that they have, and then, if, say, they have more than one gift, how can people determine what the best way of service is, how to use the gifts or gift that they have in developing themselves, and then in being of service to others?

October 15, 1989

Sunday meditation

Pot luck.

October 8, 1989

Sunday meditation

We have a two-pronged question this evening, the first portion being, is there any additional way in which entities of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator, such as we contact in our group, can expand their contact with us and their teaching to us? For example, the inner-planes masters frequently take entities to other densities, or to other areas within the inner planes where [there are] experiences that are especially helpful to them. And then, once we have gathered information from whatever source, whether it be from the inner planes, from a guide, from a book, from a channeling, from a friend, or from whomever, how can we further put that information to work in our lives and produce more of the spiritual fruit, and the evolution of mind, body and spirit and the service to others that we have come here to accomplish?

October 1, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening concerns worship. We would like to have some information along the lines of the purpose of worship in a person’s growth, the elements that go into worship, concerning perhaps something along the lines of awe, of thanksgiving, of praise. We are wanting to know something about the means by which one can accomplish worship. Can it be done as simply as meditating and attempting to make a contact with the soul self, the higher self, the Creator, in a feeling of unity? Some people experience worship most profoundly when in the very strict and ritualized setting of the church. That would include singing of sacred music, the taking of Communion, the singing of song, and the listening to an inspirational message. Other people have begun to form their own “churches,” shall we say, and find worship in meditation, in dance, in other types of ritual. So, we would like to have information concerning worship.

September 24, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening is a long one. Practices, such as long fasting for purposes of purification, whirling dervish dancing past exhaustion to achieve unitive insights, marathon running to the point of ecstasy, and any practice which takes us beyond our normal limits and which is done with the intention of expanding our normal awareness seems to be significantly effective in doing just that. They also seem to be small, intensive symbols of how an entire incarnation is offered as an opportunity for growth, as will and faith are continually taking us beyond our limits, and eventually result in the metaphysical realization of our soul’s goals. Could you comment on the degree of accuracy of this observation, and expand upon it, please?

September 17, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with stress, and the predominance of stress in more and more people’s lives and more and more intensely as our modern round of activities every day seems to include so many things to do, people to see, and hurdles to jump that a lot of people really don’t have too much time to sit and meditate, or to even contemplate the more spiritual aspect of their lives. So, what our question this evening is: How can we, in this type of society that moves so quickly and seems to leave so little time for the contemplative and prayerful and meditative of our lives, how do we manage to cope? How do we deal with our stress?

September 10, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the fact that when one observes the study of astronomy in the various cultures around the world, the roots of all the studies in the various cultures seem to show that each culture, whether independently or through some sort of cooperation or a trade of information, arrived at four cardinal points: North, South, East, and West, and what is normally seen as a mandala with the cross in the middle. Many also have a perpendicular point or line rising from that mandala, going into the infinite ethers, supposedly supporting the universe and also symbolizing a world or universal view, the structure or source from which we all come. And our question concerns, “How did each culture or why did each culture arrive at the same four cardinal points and have so many other similarities regarding the cosmological view of the universe through the study of astronomy?”