
December 20, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: In this season, many do feel a new kindling of the warmth that begins to glow within as they stop the rushing, their selfishness, and begin to look about them and see needs of others, the needs of themselves as they take stock of what and how they acted, reacted during your year. Too often your peoples think that the giving to others of material things in this your Christmas season is an adequate way of expressing what many mistake for love. Many feel that giving in this way will bring them closer to what you call God, but we say that although for some the giving material things is a loving gesture, we say to you that the opening of oneself to the needs of others, be they spiritual, material, mental, as you would term it, is much more important.

December 13, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Your streets are crowded. We feel within your group the tensions and the expectations of this season which you call Christmas. We sink into gray evenings, the crowded parking lots, crowded schedules, many concerns. We find, my friends, that you are not alone, but that your people as a whole seem to have a great overdose, shall we say, of civilization. To the simple joys of a season in which the trees are bare and the roots rest deep, so much has been added that it almost seems that it is a gaudier season than the bright colors of June.

December 11, 1981

Friday meditation

Hatonn: As we mentioned previously, we are most honored to join our vibrations, and lend out inspiration to those who seek in this manner. We again remind each new instrument that this does not mean that the seeking shall be clarified beyond a shadow of a doubt. There will always be the necessity for continued seeking and clarification [of] that which is felt from within for each entity on your planet does channel information from the sources from which are [quite] beyond the small self, yet each entity needs to keep foremost in the mind the need for renewed seeking, for never resting upon any information whether it be felt of great inspirational nature or simply that found upon, shall we say, your bubblegum wrapper.

December 8, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: How high the snow is in the winter. How blue the cerulean sky. One lone eagle stalks far above, watching. His cohort, the eagle’s mate, watches. The air is crisp, the day is long. The eagle is patient. There is a rush, a sudden emptiness where once the eagle soared. The eagle has found its food. The beauty of the sky, the whiteness of the mountain and crispness of the air do not disturb the hunter, for its seeking is quite specific. In this fair creation of the infinite Creator which you call Earth are not only difficulties but many pleasant distractions, many lovely things. Find then within your being room for the eagle that seeks, keen-eyed and patient for the bread of heaven. Those things which will aid you will not come to you in a moment until that moment comes. Keep awake.

December 6, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Your walk upon this plane of existence is merely one lesson in a vast universe of endless classes and experiences. You on Earth are fortunate in that you are now culminating what you might call one of your major courses in spiritual growth. You are here to learn the meaning of love, without prejudice or prejudgment. You are here to learn to accept one another. You are here to learn to become an inhabitant of the Creator’s entire creation.

December 3, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: You seek the invisible and do not find the visible satisfactory or sufficient. You seek the idea and do not find practicality a reasonable excuse for action. You seek service and do not accept the philosophy that to be self-sufficient is service enough. You are, in fact, those in the minority among your peoples, those who consciously and deeply seek something beyond the petty, mundane round of existence that can be seen and heard and felt and experienced.

November 29, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight, we of Hatonn wish to share with you a small story concerning a child who was able to fly. Perhaps this may seem a rather preposterous beginning, yet we will continue with our story, for there is a purpose in our sharing it with you.

November 22, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We see that you are within your illusion about to enter into a time of your year which is reserved for the worship of the one known as Jesus, this time that you have chosen to celebrate the birth of the one who walked the Earth and became an example that many of your peoples have chosen to use in their seeking for the knowledge of what you term as God, which we would more aptly call love and light.

November 15, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Healing, basically, is a function of the one to be healed desiring to be healed. Those who wish to aid in this process may do so in a number of manners.

November 12, 1981

Intensive meditation

Hatonn: When you seek service as an instrument—a vocal channel for the one Creator—you’re attempting to condense or crystallize the experience, knowledge, beingness of the one Creator into what your peoples understand as words which form concepts upon the written page, more easily understood at one level when read ...

November 8, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we would speak briefly on an aspect of love, a part which allows you to remain open to surrounding experiences without judging, without hiding. As you become more and more aware of the true nature of this illusion in which you live, you will find as growth occurs a greater insight and knowledge of the actions around you. To continue growth one should remain open, for if one judges outside influences, even though a person may have greater knowledge than the outside influence, the act of judging is as though taking steps backwards along the path which an entity has begun to travel, for all within this illusion are part of the One and is no worse, no better, than any other within the illusion.

November 5, 1981

Intensive meditation

Hatonn: At this time we feel the need to share with you the thought of your identity. This identity is very easily lost, for you are strangers in a strange land, as this instrument would put it, dealing with many foolish and petty occasions, words and thoughts generated by yourself for your learning and by those about you for their learning. This is a confusing density, we can make no bones about it. It is a difficult one in which to remember your identity. But there is, shall we say, a master and you are his children. And the mark within you is that as his children, you are children of light. And the light within you marks you as the Creator’s own. No circumstance, no thought, no behavior, no error, no difficulty, no limitation can remove this mark from your very being and you rest in the arms of the Creator. There is no moment in eternity when this is not so.

November 1, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: There was once a young woman whose talent with an instrument you call the violin was so great that all who knew her were aware that this young woman was truly remarkable. She had, in the early days of her childhood, been given a small instrument and had been given lessons by a teacher who was neither bad nor good and this child prodigy learned so quickly that she soon outstripped her teacher. There was no effort in her excellence. It flowed from her as a gift and it was as little thought of. As a young woman this person had quickly achieved great fame and she traveled and played before great audiences and received applause and acclaims for this great gift which she had, yet she did not appreciate it, learn from it nor think of it, for it had always been with her and there was no effort involved in her art.

October 25, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight, my brothers and sisters, we would share with you a small story pertaining, perhaps, to ones such as yourselves. The story concerns a small child abandoned on a sea coast through an accident of his parents. The child left behind was forced to rely upon his own devices and his meager knowledge for survival in that his parents, lost as they were themselves, were unable to retrace their steps or recover the offspring of their actions.

October 18, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would speak to you this evening of an aspect of love that is seldom understood among your peoples. It is an aspect of love that is one if the most creative and offering the most freedom of all the aspects of love. And that, my friends, is endurance.