
September 9, 1980

Meeting with Jim McCarty

Hatonn: We would speak with you this evening a few words on the subject of the Earth changes which you have been discussing this evening. We are aware of your great interest in this phenomenon which has begun upon your planet. We would suggest that those people who shall survive the Earth changes which are approaching rapidly will be in great need of guidance, even more than they are now, for your reality shall, in the twinkling of an eye, be changed radically and such an event will have drastic effects upon the mass consciousness of your people.

September 8, 1980

Monday meditation

Laitos: As though we are one with you, a part of you, we love you, my friends; as we would love our own bodies, our own hearts and our own thoughts, we love you, my friends. Look around you. Who else in the creation of the Father loves you? Feast your eyes. Look at the rose that blooms in its enormous wealth of color and scent and form—because it loves. There is nowhere that you can truly look in the Creation of the Father that you cannot find love.

September 7, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would talk to you this evening about desire. Perhaps, my friends, you have heard of those who go on safari and [to] exotic places, discover remote islands, find new frontiers of learning, and it is an open question why some people do these things and others do not. Few are the people who are driven and this, my friends, is one of your planet’s deepest problems. For you are all conscious beings and your desire, whatever it may be, should hopefully be clear enough to you that you are literally driven to pursue it.

September 6, 1980

Morning meditation

Hatonn: Each of your souls have traveled infinite dimensions and taken many, many directions to reach this point in your evolution of spirit. You could have passed by this vibration and chosen another, for your travels have been extensive and your journeys many. This one plucked your attention and in the end plucked you from the one true fountain into a smaller fountain, a shadow of the water of the Creator. And as you move about in this water that is half Creator and half made by man, you know that it is not the true living water of the Creator’s fountain. Yet know within yourself that your stream of life runs clear. True and free from blemish or stain. You desire to cleanse yourself, then do so, my friends, from the inside to the out, cleansing your thoughts and purifying your emotions. Let your actions then be a delight unto you and a service to the Creator.

September 6, 1980

Evening meditation

Hatonn: We are aware of the physical plane problems of your planet. We know that young children lie naked in the streets of some cities in Africa and South America and other places, their bellies swollen and the flies buzzing about their closing eyes. We know the injustice of the wasteful man who takes what he cannot use and does not give it away. My friends, although we are of the Confederation of Planets, we are not blind. We do not paint a rosy picture where there is no rosy picture. Left to your own devices, you would soon become nothing but ghosts, my friends, ghosts in a living machine. We hope that you will do something about it.

September 4, 1980

Thursday meditation

Hatonn: We are very happy as we begin to blend various tonalities and vibrations of the Confederation with the somewhat more complex vibratory needs of capacities of each new instrument here present. We have been able to blend with those energies already existing in what seems to us to be a most satisfactory manner using the fellowship of those entities with whom each new instrument had already been in contact, sharing concepts and allowing the one great message of love to find [the] new channels. We shall be with each at any time that you may mentally request our presence.

September 4, 1980

Advanced Meditation

Hatonn: ...It is the individual seeking that is important – not the information, not the religious group, or not the particular experience that creates the conditions. The seeking itself, my friends, is the important factor. For without the seeking, there is no real growth in spirit. Seeking must come first, my friends. Seeking must come in order to make the information be made available for use.

September 3, 1980

Wednesday meditation

Hatonn: We have spoken many times to your meditation group. Always we have suggested that the journey which your people are embarking upon is a journey which each of you are responsible in some way for completing within yourself. We would hope that as you consider the proper path to take that you will always keep foremost in your mind and your heart and your soul the knowledge that you do not walk alone; that many beings of light are with you and walk beside you; that wherever you shall journey, there will be assistance available, and you are always encouraged to seek that assistance, for the Creator does not send the shepherds out without their staff, and we would suggest to you, each one, that you not be afraid to lean upon the staff from time to time.

September 2, 1980

Tuesday meditation

Hatonn: You have been conditioned for what you call a lifetime, you have been conditioned to think about certain things and certain of these things you consider important, others you consider unimportant, some you don’t consider at all. From our perspective, most of the things that the people of Earth consider important are not important at all, or of no consequence. Those things that they don’t consider at all often are the most important.

August 31, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we would like to speak about the sphere that you call Earth, and the experience that you call your life, and its relationship to what we may describe as love.

August 27, 1980

Wednesday meditation

Hatonn: Everything, as we have said many times, is but one thing: the Creation, or the Creator. Either is correct, for one is the other. This concept is the concept which the people of your planet must understand if they are to progress. It is unfortunate that this concept has not been communicated, in general, to most of the peoples of your planet. It is the lack of this concept that creates what they see as their present problems. A full understanding and application of this concept immediately eradicates all problems.

August 24, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: It came to pass in those days that the Earth was without water, and the seas were dried up. The Creator stayed His hand and war took place in great abundance among the beings of your planet. And then came the rains, and it was worse than the drought. And the Earth trembled and was lost in great abysses which opened in a moment. A remnant remained to know the ending of the rain and the beginning of a new cycle. Many of you in this room can cast your minds back in a subconscious manner to these sad happenings, for they marked the transition between the last cycle and this one upon your Earth-world.

August 23, 1980

Saturday meditation

Hatonn: The hunter goes forth, my friends, and knows the manner of his prey. His weapons he has carefully provided for himself and fastidiously placed in the prime condition, that they may do their work. The hunter has a single mind and knows his prey. Is it the dark of the moon? Even so, the hunter stalks. Is it damp and cold in the dawning hours? Even so, the hunter waits watchfully, for the hunter knows his prey.

August 10, 1980

Sunday meditation

Latwii: You are aware, my friends, that you do have physical bodies and that they function very efficiently as a type of furnace with an exhaust system for the by-products. We are sure that you understand that this particular type of furnace that is your body can burn some types of fuel better than others. However, my friends, we would urge you to keep your contemplation of the importance of diet on that level, for it is truly written in one of your holy works that it is not what goeth into the mouth of a man that defileth him, but that which issues therefrom.

August 3, 1980

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We hope that we can tell you enough that you can find the key to the door on the other side of which lies the truth. That is our highest hope. No more than that can we hope to do, for you have the key already, but you have largely lost the ability and the will to use it. You must understand that so much, my friends, of what you think and do is in vain, pertaining only to a daily life that is transient. What of your wisdom have you not found turned to folly? Of how many of your possessions have you not grown tired? How many of your words remain shining, and how many have become tarnished or forgotten? How many lives have you touched today, my friends?