
December 20, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: In this season, many do feel a new kindling of the warmth that begins to glow within as they stop the rushing, their selfishness, and begin to look about them and see needs of others, the needs of themselves as they take stock of what and how they acted, reacted during your year. Too often your peoples think that the giving to others of material things in this your Christmas season is an adequate way of expressing what many mistake for love. Many feel that giving in this way will bring them closer to what you call God, but we say that although for some the giving material things is a loving gesture, we say to you that the opening of oneself to the needs of others, be they spiritual, material, mental, as you would term it, is much more important.

December 13, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Your streets are crowded. We feel within your group the tensions and the expectations of this season which you call Christmas. We sink into gray evenings, the crowded parking lots, crowded schedules, many concerns. We find, my friends, that you are not alone, but that your people as a whole seem to have a great overdose, shall we say, of civilization. To the simple joys of a season in which the trees are bare and the roots rest deep, so much has been added that it almost seems that it is a gaudier season than the bright colors of June.

December 11, 1981

Friday meditation

Hatonn: As we mentioned previously, we are most honored to join our vibrations, and lend out inspiration to those who seek in this manner. We again remind each new instrument that this does not mean that the seeking shall be clarified beyond a shadow of a doubt. There will always be the necessity for continued seeking and clarification [of] that which is felt from within for each entity on your planet does channel information from the sources from which are [quite] beyond the small self, yet each entity needs to keep foremost in the mind the need for renewed seeking, for never resting upon any information whether it be felt of great inspirational nature or simply that found upon, shall we say, your bubblegum wrapper.

December 8, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: How high the snow is in the winter. How blue the cerulean sky. One lone eagle stalks far above, watching. His cohort, the eagle’s mate, watches. The air is crisp, the day is long. The eagle is patient. There is a rush, a sudden emptiness where once the eagle soared. The eagle has found its food. The beauty of the sky, the whiteness of the mountain and crispness of the air do not disturb the hunter, for its seeking is quite specific. In this fair creation of the infinite Creator which you call Earth are not only difficulties but many pleasant distractions, many lovely things. Find then within your being room for the eagle that seeks, keen-eyed and patient for the bread of heaven. Those things which will aid you will not come to you in a moment until that moment comes. Keep awake.

December 6, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Your walk upon this plane of existence is merely one lesson in a vast universe of endless classes and experiences. You on Earth are fortunate in that you are now culminating what you might call one of your major courses in spiritual growth. You are here to learn the meaning of love, without prejudice or prejudgment. You are here to learn to accept one another. You are here to learn to become an inhabitant of the Creator’s entire creation.

December 3, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: You seek the invisible and do not find the visible satisfactory or sufficient. You seek the idea and do not find practicality a reasonable excuse for action. You seek service and do not accept the philosophy that to be self-sufficient is service enough. You are, in fact, those in the minority among your peoples, those who consciously and deeply seek something beyond the petty, mundane round of existence that can be seen and heard and felt and experienced.

November 29, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight, we of Hatonn wish to share with you a small story concerning a child who was able to fly. Perhaps this may seem a rather preposterous beginning, yet we will continue with our story, for there is a purpose in our sharing it with you.

November 22, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We see that you are within your illusion about to enter into a time of your year which is reserved for the worship of the one known as Jesus, this time that you have chosen to celebrate the birth of the one who walked the Earth and became an example that many of your peoples have chosen to use in their seeking for the knowledge of what you term as God, which we would more aptly call love and light.

November 15, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Healing, basically, is a function of the one to be healed desiring to be healed. Those who wish to aid in this process may do so in a number of manners.

November 12, 1981

Intensive meditation

Hatonn: When you seek service as an instrument—a vocal channel for the one Creator—you’re attempting to condense or crystallize the experience, knowledge, beingness of the one Creator into what your peoples understand as words which form concepts upon the written page, more easily understood at one level when read ...

November 8, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we would speak briefly on an aspect of love, a part which allows you to remain open to surrounding experiences without judging, without hiding. As you become more and more aware of the true nature of this illusion in which you live, you will find as growth occurs a greater insight and knowledge of the actions around you. To continue growth one should remain open, for if one judges outside influences, even though a person may have greater knowledge than the outside influence, the act of judging is as though taking steps backwards along the path which an entity has begun to travel, for all within this illusion are part of the One and is no worse, no better, than any other within the illusion.

November 5, 1981

Intensive meditation

Hatonn: At this time we feel the need to share with you the thought of your identity. This identity is very easily lost, for you are strangers in a strange land, as this instrument would put it, dealing with many foolish and petty occasions, words and thoughts generated by yourself for your learning and by those about you for their learning. This is a confusing density, we can make no bones about it. It is a difficult one in which to remember your identity. But there is, shall we say, a master and you are his children. And the mark within you is that as his children, you are children of light. And the light within you marks you as the Creator’s own. No circumstance, no thought, no behavior, no error, no difficulty, no limitation can remove this mark from your very being and you rest in the arms of the Creator. There is no moment in eternity when this is not so.

November 1, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: There was once a young woman whose talent with an instrument you call the violin was so great that all who knew her were aware that this young woman was truly remarkable. She had, in the early days of her childhood, been given a small instrument and had been given lessons by a teacher who was neither bad nor good and this child prodigy learned so quickly that she soon outstripped her teacher. There was no effort in her excellence. It flowed from her as a gift and it was as little thought of. As a young woman this person had quickly achieved great fame and she traveled and played before great audiences and received applause and acclaims for this great gift which she had, yet she did not appreciate it, learn from it nor think of it, for it had always been with her and there was no effort involved in her art.

October 25, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight, my brothers and sisters, we would share with you a small story pertaining, perhaps, to ones such as yourselves. The story concerns a small child abandoned on a sea coast through an accident of his parents. The child left behind was forced to rely upon his own devices and his meager knowledge for survival in that his parents, lost as they were themselves, were unable to retrace their steps or recover the offspring of their actions.

October 18, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would speak to you this evening of an aspect of love that is seldom understood among your peoples. It is an aspect of love that is one if the most creative and offering the most freedom of all the aspects of love. And that, my friends, is endurance.

October 15, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: It is a great pleasure to be able to use this instrument once again, and also a pleasure to be able to work with each of you at this time. May we say to you that as you come into this place of peace and dedication to service, let all those things slide from you that cause you to be caught in the world of illusion where it is difficult to see the one infinite Creator, for here, as you are banded together to seek to be of service, is the Creator. There is a spirit of which we are messengers and of which you wish to be messengers also. As you offer yourselves to this service, my friends, know that you are among the great many friends of we of Laitos, and those of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator and many of those whom you call angels are all of a single wish, and that is to be of aid to those who wish to offer themselves as channels of the love and the light of the infinite Creator.

October 11, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We of Hatonn would like to exercise the various instruments present, if such is within the will of those who have previously sought such contact. At this time our brother Laitos will move among you and if you will but request, he will attempt to share with you his conditioning vibration. We will pause at this time and, for those who request it, our brother of Laitos will perform this function. I am Hatonn.

October 4, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, this evening we would say a few words about the perception of love by entities upon your planet. We would begin by saying that there is no shortage of that commodity, shall we say, of love. Many times each of this group, we are certain, has wondered if such a thing as love might actually exist upon this planet, for much seems to be of an inharmonious nature.

September 27, 1981

Sunday meditation

Laitos: You are constantly exposed to situations in which each makes his own conscious decisions as to whether that individual will serve others or only partially help others or to shut the others out. In your search to become aware you find that ever increasingly so in the situations you will less and less refuse others but will become more in tune with the feeling and needs of others in relation to your dealings with them. But we say that to aid, serve the others, we say that it occurs only as you begin to know self or to know oneself is to know the other, for it ultimately boils down to the awareness of that we all are one.

September 22, 1981

Intensive meditation

Tonight we enjoyed listening with you to the music, and we are, as you, sometimes sad when the sounds come to the end.

September 21, 1981

Monday meditation

Hatonn: We would speak a few words this evening upon the subject of harmony, for the vibration and condition of harmony is one which is not frequently found upon your planet, as is evidenced by the condition of your world situation at the present.

September 20, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening, my friends, we would speak to you upon the subject of the love which you may manifest towards yourself and your fellow beings. This is a difficult subject. It is easy to speak of meditation and of the love that created you but as those upon a path of seeking begin to enter the domain of the meditative life, each seeker finds the daily practice, which this meditation engenders, to be the greatest challenge.

September 13, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would like to share with you a small story. It is the story of a person who was seeking. This person was seeking, not for food, nor for labor, nor for rest, nor for companionship, for this young man was weary of the ways of the world and sought only one thing—the knowledge of the Creator. He spoke to many, for many are the teachers among your peoples and many are the opinions that they hold. From one great teacher he would hear that the Creator is that which is within a great vastness apart from this little life, which is called heaven. From another great teacher he heard that the Creator lurked in the running water and was in fact a state of nothingness. He continued seeking. Another great teacher—and a very convincing one—sought to teach the Creator is honor, righteousness and a graceful way of life. This seemed to make more sense to the young man and yet, the young man was not satisfied.

September 6, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would like tonight to share with you a small story. There was once a very steep mountain. So precipitous were its heights that clouds formed across the face of the cliffs so that the valley never saw the sky and those who lived upon the heights never saw the valley. Those who lived in the valley were very jealous of the land and of the possessions, one of the other. Their methods of sharing experiences with each other was harsh in the extreme and disharmony reigned under the clouds.

August 30, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we would like to present to you a small story concerning a young child in a wilderness. The child, as the story goes, found himself abandoned in a wilderness in which the very milieu within which he found himself was antagonistic toward his own growth and survival, but being a child he was not aware of the circumstances surrounding him, for a child is much more aware of those circumstances which he wishes to see and to encounter and this being the actuality of his perceptions, he was unaffected by his surroundings and quite happily and successfully grew and learned in his hostile environment.

August 23, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We of Hatonn long have sought the love of the infinite Creator. We are no different than any of your people except, perhaps, we have journeyed that path of seeking love a little longer than have most of the entities upon you planet. Because we have so journeyed, our seeking also has been rewarded. We of Hatonn have been blessed by the Creator that is within us all with a small understanding of the love of the one infinite Creator. Because it is this love that we are learning, it is also our honor and our duty to teach this love to those who seek this learning. Only because we are students of the vibration of love may we also serve as teachers to others who seek this knowledge.

August 16, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Long have we sought to share our simple message with those people of your planet who call for our service. Many are there upon the surface of your planet who seek the experience of love. It is the lesson of your density which has escaped, shall we say, the notice of many of the students upon your planet, though everywhere is this lesson of love taught. You cannot walk your streets; you cannot recline in any seat; you cannot climb any mountain; you cannot experience any event upon your planet that does not contain within it one facet of the lesson of love, yet, so many upon your planet do not seem to be aware that it is this lesson they have chosen to learn at this time in your density.

August 9, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would speak to you this evening of ships. You may see yourself, my friends, as one upon a ship. There are many different configurations in the sky and there is no land in sight. The ship is equipped with rudder and sail and the wind is keen and swift, yet there is much that needs to be done before you can set sail and move before the wind.

August 6, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: I am Laitos. The question that you ask is somewhat complex. The relationship known among your peoples as marriage is a vehicle for service. The polarity between two entities draws them together and forms within each a bias to be of service. This is the basis of the relationship. This relationship is heavily laden with heavy difficulties inherent in the non-flexible structure which is lacking in the bias toward service.

August 2, 1981

Sunday meditation

Orcas: I am Orcas. I am told that in your race is a saying that, “God helps those who help themselves.” While it is indeed not necessary to become overwhelmed with attention to the physical future, it is also of a potential benefit to receive advice concerning the interaction between your physical vehicle and the realm within which it exists. The advice or information that I may provide at your request is not necessary, just as the information provided by other members of the Federation is not necessary. Does this answer your question?

July 12, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would speak to you this evening about the process of allowing that channel which is within you to flow without blockage, that channel for the original Thought which, when blocked, can cause such great misery and confusion among your peoples.

July 5, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We speak to you of love, for it is the original Thought and it is the cause of our being with you this evening. In the difficulties and the hurly-burly of your daily existence, how easy it is to mistake the surface weather of your moods and your emotions and your thoughts for the deeper sources of the being, and to think that you are as you feel. Indeed, my friends, it is good to know just how you do feel and how you do think at all times, that you may be careful to use the experiences of your daily life, yet it is well also to realize that that which is deep within you is the true reality of your being and often bears no resemblance whatsoever to your thinking or your feeling on the outer planes. For your true self, my friends, is one which is beyond the human joys and sorrows that you experience in this illusion. Your true self, my friends, is one which is part of the creation of the Father and as such, experiences the entire creation outside of time, outside of space, outside of all things but the unity of the eternal present of the creation.

June 28, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We have spoken to you very often, my friends, about how love can be realized and manifested between yourself and the other persons who are your fellow travelers in this your life experience at this time. Tonight we would like to say a few words about love, the original Thought and how you may manifest and realize this in relation to the world of things.

June 21, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would speak a few words upon the concept of confusion and its relationship to love. It might not seem, at first glance, as an area which could be connected to love, but consider, my friends, the state of confusion. Surely, each of you can remember many times when you found yourself in such a state. Look at the response which is confusion. Confusion is, as you know, a state whereby there is little activity, for activity has been brought to a halt because certain messages do not, shall we say, jibe with your ideas or your preconceived notions about what should be. We would suggest that in such a situation described as confusion that it is most beneficial to rest within that position for a few of, what you might call, your moments of time.

June 14, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, we have always spoken to you of one very simple Thought that is the original Thought of the Creator. This original Thought is love. Thus, we bring to your peoples the love of the Creator. All that you see about you that is material, is made of the material of love, which is light, and it is for this reason that we greet you in love and in light. We speak always to that point and attempt in many different ways to approach it according to your various circumstances. Tonight we would approach this understanding of love by speaking to you of a concept which is generated by your peoples. That concept is security.

June 7, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we would like to tell you a small story concerning one of our brethren who was, a long time ago and in a distant place, a seeker. He felt as though his efforts were not sufficient, yet was unable to arrive at a decision or realization of the next step upon his path of awareness. It seemed to him that the more often he tried to establish a foothold upon his next slope of climb, so to speak, the more often his outstretched foot would simply pass through his illusive goal and land him once again upon the all too solid earth upon which he trod.

May 31, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, we would speak to you in parables. Once there was a young man. This young man roamed the highways. He was homeless and carried that little which he had upon his back and in his arms. This young man was consumed with the knowledge of his imperfection. From time to time when he was not hungry and not sleepy, he would take the guitar from his pack and play it in what little way he could and attempt to distract himself, for he was a most troubled young man. When he looked upon himself, he saw nothing but error, mistakes, imperfections and faults. With his ears he could hear much beauty, for bird call and the rustle of the wind are the friends of those who live by the road. With his eyes he witnessed an unending panorama of the creation of the Father. His skin was touched with sun and welcomed rain from the heat. And the flowers greeted his nose with that beauty that is so careless that it gives itself regardless of the witnesses it may have.

May 24, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, to the best of our understanding, there is no justification. You are never justified. You cannot ever be justified, nor can you be wronged, nor can you wrong except intentionally. When you think to yourself, “Ah yes, I shall drink a toast to myself. Such and such an action was justified,” step back, my friends, and see the perfection that created both yourself and whatever else seems to be in conflict with yourself. What is it, my friends, that requires that you be justified? What is it but a lack of seeking to know the truth, that in reality disharmony is not necessary, that in reality those things about you are perfect as they are, without justification.

May 17, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We feel that it is not only our privilege, but also that which we must do in order to be of most service to you as you seek the truth, to speak to you about some of the aspects of love which are not recognized by your peoples and, therefore, which in many people’s minds blur the image of love past all recognition in the cosmic sense of the word, if you would term it such. We speak to you, my friends, of the freedom of love. Many, many times it comes to the attention of all of those who seek that there is a concept called right and wrong, virtue or sin. This concept is much like one who willingly builds a jail house and locks himself within it.

May 10, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My brothers, this night is one of calm, for although there is much strife in your world, there is also a peace in the hearts of many who have been blessed this day. It is a custom on your planet and your world as you know it, to honor those receptive entities that you term mothers, on this day and the effect—correction—the cumulative effect of this vibration is one of the creation of a state of receptivity upon an area of your planet that is often responsible for much of the strife that exists on the surface of your world. Therefore, the result has been an increase in the receptivity and in the quantity of peace, if you will, within the hearts of many of the entities of your planet, not only in the geographic area in which you reside, but across the surface, for peace has a cumulative effect that increases beyond its original numbers.

May 3, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We of Hatonn are engaged at this time in a study of your manifestations, for we find them to be often confusing. It is not that they are confusing in their substance, but rather in their contradiction, for we do not understand sometimes how you are able, as a people, to pursue that which you simultaneously deplore. My brothers, the lessons of your dimension are many and can be difficult, therefore, we urge you to maintain an awareness whenever possible of the fact that you exist within an illusion of your own creation. If your creation, your illusion, is contradictory, then you will find that your growth is impeded in that you expend your energy praying for and rejecting at the same time.

April 26, 1981

Sunday meditation

Oxal: We would speak to you this evening, my friends, about dissatisfaction. In your illusion dissatisfaction is the watchword. There are few indeed among your peoples who can be said to be satisfied with their condition, either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. The reaction of your peoples is to attempt to eliminate dissatisfaction by correcting those items which cause dissatisfaction.

April 19, 1981

Sunday meditation easter

Hatonn: My brothers, it is with great pleasure that we of the Federation are able to share with you once again our simple thoughts and aspirations for those of your planet and dimension. It in easy enough for us to see areas of improvement that you may strive towards, yet, my brothers, you must understand that your confusion is similar to the confusion that we experience on our own level. Therefore, my brothers, be not down-hearted at our seeming unwillingness to communicate to you those lessons which you are striving so hard to learn in your struggle for growth. We of Hatonn are pleasured in that we are often sought by those of this group and other groups for our advice, yet we are reluctant often to communicate to you the answer to those questions you pose. For, my brothers, it is not our place to prevent your growth by handing you the answers as one schoolboy with a crib sheet to another.

April 12, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: It is for the purpose of sharing this one simple Thought that we feel the greatest of honors in addressing your group each session where it is possible for us to be with you. This evening we would speak a few words once again on the subject of love. This subject which is the focus of most of our communications with you is yet the subject which is not well understood by many of your people and, indeed, we would say that few really understand the concept of love, though many times have they heard the concept reviewed. It is for this reason that we speak again and again on this simple concept, for simple though it is, yet much seems to stand in the way of the peoples of your planet and their understanding of this simple concept.

April 5, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, it in written in your holy works: “I have waited for the Lord more than the watchman for the morning, more than the watchman for the morning.” We would speak to you this evening of the love that manifests itself to you more slowly than you would perhaps wish. We would speak to you of patience and waiting. It is very difficult for your peoples to wait for anything for among your peoples it is understood that each entity has rights and privileges and these include prompt results from any energy output. And yet we say to you, my friends, that when your day is done and you look back upon it you find, perhaps, all too much of your precious time has been spent waiting for inconsequential and petty things, those things which shall not outlast this transient illusion nor even last until your next week, your next month, your next year.

March 29, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We know that those of you who have been attending these meditations for a period of time now are very familiar with the message which we have to offer. The message of love seems very simple to those who have heard it, but, my friends, we ask you in truth, how simple is the Creator? Is it not a simple thing to consider that the Creator is all about you? Is it not a simple thing to consider that the Creator, being all things, loves all things, each part of Its creation? Yes, my friends, it is simple, a simple thing to consider this simple truth, yet so many of your people find it so difficult to express such a simple truth, such a simple recognition in their daily lives. It seems, by observation, so much simpler for entities to consider only their own momentary interests as they go about their daily round of activities. It seems so much simpler to forget that the Creator is within each being that you meet, is within each experience that you encounter.

March 22, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, we have spoken to you often of love. We know that those to whom we speak are seeking that ineffable power and substance that is the creative force of all that there is, the simple, single substance of creation. And yet how hard it is, my friends, to constantly remember that we are seekers and that what we are seeking is love, for do we not seek other things, my friends, during each day? How many other things has each of you sought during this day? Many, many times my friends, it may seem to you that you are on a runaway freight train, as this instrument would put it, that you have begun a sequence of events, gotten on a track from which there is no removing yourself. My friends, this is not so and is a condition of the illusion which is reinforced only by your belief in it. There is no track that cannot be replaced with one which you more truly seek. The secret lies not in catching the right train but in knowing yourself; knowing enough about yourself to seek your deepest desires.

March 8, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Imagine yourself, my friends, as a young man at the dawn of [inaudible], contemplating with some despair the difficulties and limitations of responsibility and adulthood. Imagine then a guide, a guardian, coming to this young man and saying, “Come with me and I shall show you the alternative to your difficulties and your limitations.”

February 4, 1981

Intensive Meditation

January 28, 1981

Intensive meditation

Hatonn: We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator do not ask you to believe. We ask you to question. We do not pretend to have the answers although we do have information to share. We are not those who know, we are those who seek. And when we speak to you we ask you to join us in that seeking, but not against the backdrop of those things which your people wish to limit themselves by defining as the limits for seeking. We ask you to seek against the backdrop that to us is meaningful. That is the backdrop of the infinite creation, the one Creator. It is our understanding that this one Creator is the very core of each and every thing that exists, and that each ear that hears these words is part of some of the Creator. We are one being.

January 25, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We do not have a language adequate to give to you the concepts which we offer. Those concepts are not complex but very simple. Simplicity, my friends, defies description in your language. The beauty defies description in your language. The truth defies description in your language. For your language, my friends, is not based in the system of thought which encompasses reality.

January 21, 1981

Intensive meditation

Laitos: My friends, we wish to reassure you about the nature of love, for in many cases it seems as fragile as a newborn rose in the snow—beautiful but transient. As you continue in your seeking you will find that the rose may wither, the preserved odor may fade but the memory and the knowledge of that beauty is as infinite as your being. You hold each perception within you and you assign to it that value which seems proper. Look then to each moment, for in even the most difficult or confused circumstance love resides, and not as a fragile thing but as the very heart of your experience.

January 18, 1981

Sunday meditation

Oxal: I wish only to share with you the image, my friends, of the center of all things. When there is that which spins, you may call it a top or a gyroscope, there is always a center which allows the whirling to continue to be balanced. As you are light beings, the energy which spins you is called love. The balance must come from the coordination of light and the polarities of love. Therefore, please think upon the virtues of the balanced gyroscope, which is always aware of the level and true path. And in your meditation seek always to know your own center.

January 11, 1981

Sunday meditation

Laitos: My brothers, at this time I would share with you a small story. At one time in the past of your planet, a man came from a small town in a poor country proclaiming that he was able to hear the words and the voice of a father who existed in another realm from his own physical, [visible] father. Naturally, his neighbors knew he was crazy, for this, they knew, was not the way the universe worked. Still the man persisted. He was very insistent. He claimed that his father, of all things, was everyone’s father and that, for this reason, everyone was brothers and sisters. Surely, my brothers, this was a calamity, for how could one hate or cheat or kill his own brother or sister? There was but one thing to do: the man must be silenced.

January 5, 1981

Advanced meeting

Hatonn: We are, at this time, initiating several, what you would call modes, for sending these messages which we have for your people. One of these programs has to do with your radio communications. We are, at this time, preparing certain communications to be substituted for some of your programming. This, I am sure, is a surprise to each of you, as it is to the instrument to which I am speaking through, but let me assure you, in the very near future that we will be using your radio communication to influence, shall I say, the thinking, without infringing upon those [inaudible] but we will bring them, without pain, to the limits of what you call [inaudible] of our reality or existence.

January 4, 1981

Sunday meditation

Latwii: We wish you to understand the utter simplicity in which we come. We do not have a complex story to tell. We speak one word and that is love. The original Thought that created all that there is, is love. This simple and consuming fire is the fire of creation, is the fire of change, of transformation and of infinity. There is no end to love. You may think of love in many ways. There are many words for love—in many languages. And many different words have been used by your peoples to attempt to express the plenitude of the original Thought, for love is all that there is. Thus, we are not only your brothers and sisters, we and you are one for we are love. Look into the face of the one next to you, my friends. You are seeing love.