
December 31, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the development of the magical personality. How do we go about developing the magical personality, and what, actually, is it that we develop when we develop the magical personality, and of what value is it to us to do so?

December 17, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening is a continuation of the information we were receiving on how to discover the gifts one has that will allow one to be of service to others. Part Three.

December 10, 1989

Sunday meditation

How to discover one’s gifts, how to determine what it is that might be the most helpful and beneficial thing for a person to do in the life pattern?

December 3, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with glory and the meaning that glory would have as we say the Lord’s Prayer and think about the concepts of “the Kingdom and the power and the glory.” What is the glory that belongs to the Father, or to the Creator, and what part in that glory do we play, how do we offer glory, and... that’ll do.

November 26, 1989

Sunday meditation

What is the function of emotions in the life of the spiritual seeker, and what value is there to the seeker in attempting to uncover or develop or feel the full range of emotions, especially the caring for those about one and feeling the vitality of life and being able to express the feelings that move through one?

November 12, 1989

Sunday meditation

What is the function of emotions in the life of the spiritual seeker, and what value is there to the seeker in attempting to uncover or develop or feel the full range of emotions, especially the caring for those about one, and feeling the vitality of life and being able to express the feelings that move through one?

November 5, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with joy. What is the function of joy in the evolutionary process in this particular experience and how can we find and utilize joy in our daily round of activities in a way that sustains our growth and service to others?

October 29, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the great variety that exists in types of beings, those that are incarnate and who go through the incarnational process, those who are incarnate and perhaps do not go through the incarnate process, those that we might call angels that provide guidance and assistance from the inner planes, other types of beings that perhaps do not individualize themselves, maybe the type that we would call the logos or the godhead that comprises the totality of the octave of experience [which we are enjoying,] and provides, actually, that octave for us to go through the evolutionary process. We are wondering about these beings that may not incarnate, those that may not partake as we do in the evolutionary process, and how it is that they exist, how it is they function, and how it is they might progress themselves, if indeed it is necessary for them to progress in any fashion.

October 22, 1989

Sunday meditation

How can people who are interested in pursuing in a life’s work and being of service to others and developing their gifts discover what exactly the gifts are that they have, and then, if, say, they have more than one gift, how can people determine what the best way of service is, how to use the gifts or gift that they have in developing themselves, and then in being of service to others?

October 15, 1989

Sunday meditation

Pot luck.

October 8, 1989

Sunday meditation

We have a two-pronged question this evening, the first portion being, is there any additional way in which entities of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator, such as we contact in our group, can expand their contact with us and their teaching to us? For example, the inner-planes masters frequently take entities to other densities, or to other areas within the inner planes where [there are] experiences that are especially helpful to them. And then, once we have gathered information from whatever source, whether it be from the inner planes, from a guide, from a book, from a channeling, from a friend, or from whomever, how can we further put that information to work in our lives and produce more of the spiritual fruit, and the evolution of mind, body and spirit and the service to others that we have come here to accomplish?

October 1, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening concerns worship. We would like to have some information along the lines of the purpose of worship in a person’s growth, the elements that go into worship, concerning perhaps something along the lines of awe, of thanksgiving, of praise. We are wanting to know something about the means by which one can accomplish worship. Can it be done as simply as meditating and attempting to make a contact with the soul self, the higher self, the Creator, in a feeling of unity? Some people experience worship most profoundly when in the very strict and ritualized setting of the church. That would include singing of sacred music, the taking of Communion, the singing of song, and the listening to an inspirational message. Other people have begun to form their own “churches,” shall we say, and find worship in meditation, in dance, in other types of ritual. So, we would like to have information concerning worship.

September 24, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening is a long one. Practices, such as long fasting for purposes of purification, whirling dervish dancing past exhaustion to achieve unitive insights, marathon running to the point of ecstasy, and any practice which takes us beyond our normal limits and which is done with the intention of expanding our normal awareness seems to be significantly effective in doing just that. They also seem to be small, intensive symbols of how an entire incarnation is offered as an opportunity for growth, as will and faith are continually taking us beyond our limits, and eventually result in the metaphysical realization of our soul’s goals. Could you comment on the degree of accuracy of this observation, and expand upon it, please?

September 17, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with stress, and the predominance of stress in more and more people’s lives and more and more intensely as our modern round of activities every day seems to include so many things to do, people to see, and hurdles to jump that a lot of people really don’t have too much time to sit and meditate, or to even contemplate the more spiritual aspect of their lives. So, what our question this evening is: How can we, in this type of society that moves so quickly and seems to leave so little time for the contemplative and prayerful and meditative of our lives, how do we manage to cope? How do we deal with our stress?

September 10, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the fact that when one observes the study of astronomy in the various cultures around the world, the roots of all the studies in the various cultures seem to show that each culture, whether independently or through some sort of cooperation or a trade of information, arrived at four cardinal points: North, South, East, and West, and what is normally seen as a mandala with the cross in the middle. Many also have a perpendicular point or line rising from that mandala, going into the infinite ethers, supposedly supporting the universe and also symbolizing a world or universal view, the structure or source from which we all come. And our question concerns, “How did each culture or why did each culture arrive at the same four cardinal points and have so many other similarities regarding the cosmological view of the universe through the study of astronomy?”

August 13, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with service and the direction of our service. How we can discover the direction and pursue it and accomplish service in the most harmonious and effective way possible?

August 6, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening is: misconceptions and unclear communications seem to be a continuous difficulty in mated relationships. Could you recommend any practices or development of attitudes that couples could share in order to clear their communications and still be able to communicate from the heart?

July 30, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the ability that many seekers have when concentrating carefully and working diligently to stay centered within themselves so that they are aware of their feelings, their actions, and the meaning of both. But what do you do when you partake in the daily round of activities and you don’t have that steady concentration? How do you maintain a contact with the center of yourself so that you’re able to take advantage of the opportunities for growth that present themselves? How do you keep from getting off the track and getting lost in the television, the mundane activities, the conversation, the emotions of the moment?

July 23, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with catalyst and the use of catalyst in the seeming synchronicities or coincidences in our lives where there is a change in direction or attitude or content of the life pattern. How do we utilize catalyst in this way? Do we draw it to us by our previous work? How do we prepare ourselves for it, and when it shows up, how can we best take advantage of it so that we actually do move ourselves along the evolutionary path?

July 16, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening deals with the common situation which everybody at some point in their lives find—that there is difficulty that is almost unsolvable; that we have to find our way out of frustration, repeating patterns of behavior that continually bring us into situations in which we are tested. Is this test something that we have devised for ourselves? Are we being tested by some source outside of ourselves? How can we learn from our experience and find some peace or grace or means of dealing with the difficult situations that seem to add up to a cross that each of us bears in our life? Is there any alternative to bearing the cross? Or are we destined to suffer? Or is there some meaning in the suffering that we can take inspiration from, and continue on the same path with a better means of feeling about it, dealing with it?

July 9, 1989

Sunday meditation

Concerns abortion and the ramifications to both the entity that is aborted, what type of difficulties or opportunities are presented by being aborted, and to the entities that are conducting the abortion, what sort of difficulties or opportunities are presented to the mother and the father that decide upon an abortion?

July 3, 1989

Special meditation

Has to do with two concepts, the first of which being the necessity for remaining open-minded and willing to process new information and to change as we travel on our journey back into unity with the Creator, and the second concept has to do with the individuality that we construct that is our personality, the core of ourselves, which makes choices, makes decision, and is open. We would like to have some information concerning the relationship between the somewhat fixed and stable nature of the personality that makes these choices and the ability to remain open and flexible so that one can change and become a new being and eventually become more unified with the Creator.

July 2, 1989

Sunday meditation

Has to do with the concept of the kundalini energy. In many of the teachings of the East it is suggested that the student of evolution not attempt to energize or raise the kundalini energy on his own, but rather should attempt to do this only in the presence of a guru or an enlightened master, and when this is done with the guru, that it is much more effortlessness and much safer. And what we are wondering this evening, if it is possible in any other fashion for the conscious seeker to be able work upon the kundalini and to move it along its upward path?

June 25, 1989

Sunday meditation

Concerns self-esteem or self-worth. There are a lot of people in the world who, on conscious reflection of their life patterns, do not feel that they have produced enough worthwhile information, inspiration or products or service—enough things—to feel that they deserve to be on the planet, alive and living. Now do we, in the spiritual sense, look at ourselves and come away with a justified feeling of self-worth? In other words, how can you feel that you have a reason and a purpose and a value in your life? How do we measure such things spiritually?

June 21, 1989

Special meditation

It is said that our main goal or lesson is to learn to love, to serve, to give of the self to others. Is there a point beyond which one should not give, because it damages the self too much? For instance, giving one’s free will to a dominating person or giving health to unreasonable demands of non-supporting family members or destroyed self esteem to the constant criticism by a mate.

June 18, 1989

Sunday meditation

Most people feel that the spiritual journey should become easier, happier and healthier the further and longer that you travel. This doesn’t seem to be so. In many cases there seem to be more difficulties or challenges, shall we say, that are put in the path of the sincere and persistent seeker. Why is it that the path does not necessarily become easier or happier or healthier the longer that you travel?

May 28, 1989

Sunday meditation

Has to do with what we might call a spiritual kind of coincidence in our lives, which ranges from how the various events of the day that aid our learning and understanding occur, whether it might be we meet the right person, the right book or the right travel agent, or whether it might be that the entity that incarnates through us as a child comes into our lives. It is said by many that there are spiritual entities of various densities and degrees of understanding located within various of the realms of the astral level and of the devachanic levels of our Earth plane that are attracted to us by our current vibrations or understanding or seeking for information. How are all of these entities and ideas, peoples and events brought together in our lives in what seems later to be an appropriate configuration so that just the right learning occurs and just the right service at the right time?

May 14, 1989

Sunday meditation

Has to do with how we might recognize adversity in its early stages, so that we might do whatever is necessary in order to diminish the more traumatic effects, shall we say, or to avoid it completely.

May 7, 1989

Sunday meditation

About feelings. As we move through our daily round of activities, day after day, we come into situations in which we have various feelings that we either accept and let move through us, or, if the situation seems to be something we want to avoid for any possible reason, we might cut the feelings off, armor ourselves against them, and push them aside. When we actually begin feeling the feelings then, does this feeling of the feelings help us to move through the situation and to increase or enhance the general flow of energy through our energy centers or chakras and to make our experience more vivid or harmonious or real?

April 30, 1989

Sunday meditation

As our world becomes more interrelated and interdependent there seems to be a new generation that is experiencing a breakdown of traditional cultural and religious mythologies in the way that we are raised, so that there is a blending of some of these various traditions from person to person. Could you speak to this reforming of the various traditions and to a personal mythology or path to the Creator? And is there any difficulty that might come from the radical change in our upbringing so that there seems to be fewer reference points made between the way children are raised now and the way they used to be raised.

April 23, 1989

Sunday meditation

The spectrum of queries for the evening revolves around the concept of is there a basic descriptive equation or simple set of factors that can tell you what a fern can be made from, what a musical phrase can be made from, what a human being is made from, sounds [are made from]; what is our relationship to each portion of the creation, and how can we know that we have a relationship to it? Is it worthwhile to attempt to find the reason why an acorn will produce an oak tree every time, and why any specific seed will grow a specific plant each time that it is grown? What’s the basic equation to which each can be reduced? And how are we related to each thing that has being?

April 16, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening, J, has to do with the basic sounds, shapes, colors, and mathematical equations that are found in nature. Is there a fundamental mathematical equation or relationship between any, or among all, of the basic shapes, the manifestations that we see in everyday life within the primal nature environment? Is there a correlation between the manifestation? Does it have a shape and a sound and a color and a mathematical equation that will tell us what it is if we only know one of those factors about it?

April 12, 1989

Intensive meditation

The question this evening has to do with dreaming, the use that we can make of dreams in our lives and the various kinds of dreams that we might experience and how each might have something to offer us.

April 9, 1989

Sunday meditation

The question this evening has to do with the issues that exist between the Orion, or the so-called renegade UFO type of entities, and the Confederation entities, both of which seem to be [in] contact with the population of our planet. What are the issues between them and how does our planet fit into the scheme of things and to the scheme of issues between the Orion and the Confederation entities?

March 25, 1989

Saturday meditation

How do we reconcile the concept of death with our earthly lives?

March 19, 1989

Sunday meditation

Taking potluck questions tonight.

March 12, 1989

Sunday meditation

Concerning how our (most importantly) mated relationships are perhaps a manifestation of our love for our self. And to carry this further, how all relationships that we might come in contact with, however brief or long, intense or shallow, might also be some kind of a manifestation of our love for our self.

March 11, 1989

Saturday meditation

Focusing around the phrase, “the willing suspension of disbelief” and the clearing of the lower energy centers, information concerning the red, orange and yellow.

March 8, 1989

Intensive meditation

February 26, 1989

Sunday meditation

“The soul is the essence of remembrance.” What is the meaning behind that phrase?

February 19, 1989

Sunday meditation

How does one decide what particular action to take in any situation where neither the culture, the religion, or any other normal means of deciding right and wrong or good and bad do not any longer apply. When one is able to see both sides to a question, and there is no obvious right or wrong, how does one decide one’s actions?

February 12, 1989

Sunday meditation

This concerns the spirit world and how much of the thoughts that we experience in our daily lives are influenced by the so-called world of spirits, guides, teachers, angelic presences, and so forth? And what is the real difference between whatever influence this supposed other or outer world has and that which we experience interiorly?

January 31, 1989

Intensive meditation

January 29, 1989

Sunday meditation

Is there individuality in our lives, or are there forces that guide us that are beyond our perception—for example, astrology, predestination from previous incarnations—that goes into decision-making so that our lives seem to come out with relative order in relationship to the chaos? And how might all of this, in a general sense, relate to S’s current condition in which she feels a great degree of stress and would like to have some inspirational word or message that might help her make sense out of this all?

January 25, 1989

Intensive meditation

What is the first step to open your channel and what does it mean to open your channel?

January 18, 1989

Intensive meditation

January 15, 1989

Sunday meditation

Has to do with passion. How does one develop passion? How does one direct it most efficiently for the spiritual growth?

January 1, 1989

Sunday meditation

No matter what the sophisticated or old-fashioned method of consciousness expansion a person tries, what spiritual growth really seems to boil down to is a lot of trial and error and being able to deal with a lot of disappointment when we see ourselves fall short of our ideals. Would you speak to the idea that there really don’t seem to be any shortcuts in spiritual growth, and to the part that disappointment and faith play in the path of the seeker of truth?