
September 5, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: As I was saying, my friends, to attain mastery on the physical planet a great deal—sometimes it may seem an infinite amount—of knowledge must be gained. It is, of course, an aspect of your physical illusion that it does seem as though a certain quantity of intellectual information will constitute the knowledge that you do need to attain understanding.

August 29, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Man must learn all that he can in the time that he has, for this is his purpose for being here at this time. The purpose for the existence of all things is the unfoldment of consciousness, or to simply state, it is for the experience of love. My friends, as you are well aware, throughout your life love is a continually growing and learning process. If you allow yourself to become stagnant in that which you have discovered, you shall find yourself becoming, shall we say, eventually ill at ease with your position. So allow yourself to be continually seeking greater and greater portions of the immeasurable love which is available to you. Seek this through all of your actions, through all your thoughts. Allow this to be your goal.

August 22, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We of the Confederation consider man, upon the planet Earth, to be of great importance. We consider him to be our brother. For throughout our experiences and what you might call our travels, we have come to realize that there is a greater unification between all things within this universe or creation than one can realize through the processes of the intellect. Many of the philosophies which are shared among your people speak of the concept of oneness, oneness of creation. And, indeed, we have found that this concept expresses most easily the truth of the existence of our creation.

August 15, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, as you travel along that which you consider to be your path, you shall share with many the knowledges you have gained through all the avenues you have traveled and studied. You shall carry with you the accumulation of all the knowledge—not only gained through this experience of life, but through all experiences prior to this life. This knowledge is continually attained within you and is constantly available for your usage.

August 8, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, I would speak with you tonight on the subject of progression. For, my friends, since you have started on the path, so far away now, you have sought after that knowledge which is accompanied by progression. My friends, in fact you have done well. As you know, you were all brought together in order to teach, and learn from, each other of the knowledge of love.

July 25, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Love, my friends, is the word which created all that there is. What vibration is to the physical world, love is to the consciousness that created the physical world. Love is all that there is and all that you see about you, day by day, are manifestations of love.

July 18, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: There is a tree outside your dwelling, my friends. And on this tree are many, many leaves. And some of these leaves are almost perfect. Their shape is completely symmetrical and their color is beautifully green, as it should be. And there is no mark or damage and all within this particular leaf is perfect. And on the same tree, other leaves have been damaged by insects, or they have grown in a crooked manner, or their coloration is not as it is expected to be. And yet these are not good leaves and bad leaves. For within them, each, is the same perfect leaf, which is not separate from the leaf, as an ideal, but is within that leaf and is the true reality of that leaf.

June 27, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: I would like to share with you now a little story. There was once a boy who had grown wise to the ways of the world about him, for he saw much in his daily life, and he understood much. He understood how to act, and he understood what people wished him to think. And he was a good boy.

June 20, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Perhaps it would be best to say a few words about our reasons for contacting you at all and our reasons for contacting you at this time. Our mission within your skies for many years was part of our plan to enable the people of your planet to make a choice, the choice towards a progress of seeking.

June 13, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: As you have made your way to this dwelling, my friends, each of you has witnessed an unending series of miracles this evening, for you passed through many of the creations of the Father. And this evening we would like to say a few words about this creation.

June 6, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: And so we say to you: in time, with patience, the questions that are troubling you will become very clear. Questions and problems are a result of the illusion in which you are now experiencing your existence, so that what is actually a unity seems to be a process and things seem to take time. In actuality, my friends, from your birth to your death and long before your birth and long after your death, to infinity, all is one time, and one creation.

May 30, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would like to begin by speaking with you about meditation. It is a technique that can be approached in endless ways. Tonight, we would like to say a few words about your physical body and its relation to meditation. Become aware, my friends, at this time of your symmetry as you sit comfortably in meditation. Your two legs, balanced. Each arm resting comfortably. Your eyes, my friends—the space between them, just balanced. That which you hear is being received symmetrically, stereophonically, by your ears. And you are in balance, each side in balance. You are a creature, in the body, of this duality—your right and your left. It is a symbol for all to see of the nature of the physical universe: that there are always two sides, two qualities, to be reconciled in balance.

May 16, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: I would speak to you this evening of several things. First, one thing: you may have wondered, because of the recent increased activities of our craft within your skies, why our messages to you have become more, shall we say, involved not with politics and reasoning about our appearances in your skies, but on the contrary, our messages to you who have meditated together with us, have become more and more on the strictly philosophical or spiritual level. Our appearances are part of the plan which you are all aware of, to alert those upon your planet who are sleeping, in such a way that they will begin to search for a way to wake up. ... Secondly, we wish to speak with you about the circumstances of your daily lives. Again and again we have suggested meditation. There is a method of dealing with the illusion, by which you can use those happenings which are within the illusion in such a way that they become reality, and are so constructive in helping you along your spiritual journey.

April 18, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: There has been a request within the group for information about reported psychic predictions. Although we do not normally deal in specific information, we will attempt at this time to speak on a somewhat more specific level, due to the request, for we feel that the request was made in a spiritual manner and not in a manner of trying to find proof. Therefore, we will go to the limit of our ability to speak without infringing upon free will.

March 28, 1976

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We were saying: many of those who have come into the world by incarnation have experienced in other incarnations a structure in society, as you call it, which was substantially enough different from the structure of society as it is today that there are remarkable and far-reaching conflicts. This is absolutely understandable and reasonable but only so when you understand that the problem between individuals and their so-called society is that the individuals involved do not have experience with this type of structure but with other structures, which are, may we say, perhaps more conducive to spiritual growth than this particular type of structure.