
July 12, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would speak to you this evening about the process of allowing that channel which is within you to flow without blockage, that channel for the original Thought which, when blocked, can cause such great misery and confusion among your peoples.

July 5, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We speak to you of love, for it is the original Thought and it is the cause of our being with you this evening. In the difficulties and the hurly-burly of your daily existence, how easy it is to mistake the surface weather of your moods and your emotions and your thoughts for the deeper sources of the being, and to think that you are as you feel. Indeed, my friends, it is good to know just how you do feel and how you do think at all times, that you may be careful to use the experiences of your daily life, yet it is well also to realize that that which is deep within you is the true reality of your being and often bears no resemblance whatsoever to your thinking or your feeling on the outer planes. For your true self, my friends, is one which is beyond the human joys and sorrows that you experience in this illusion. Your true self, my friends, is one which is part of the creation of the Father and as such, experiences the entire creation outside of time, outside of space, outside of all things but the unity of the eternal present of the creation.

June 28, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We have spoken to you very often, my friends, about how love can be realized and manifested between yourself and the other persons who are your fellow travelers in this your life experience at this time. Tonight we would like to say a few words about love, the original Thought and how you may manifest and realize this in relation to the world of things.

June 21, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would speak a few words upon the concept of confusion and its relationship to love. It might not seem, at first glance, as an area which could be connected to love, but consider, my friends, the state of confusion. Surely, each of you can remember many times when you found yourself in such a state. Look at the response which is confusion. Confusion is, as you know, a state whereby there is little activity, for activity has been brought to a halt because certain messages do not, shall we say, jibe with your ideas or your preconceived notions about what should be. We would suggest that in such a situation described as confusion that it is most beneficial to rest within that position for a few of, what you might call, your moments of time.

June 14, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, we have always spoken to you of one very simple Thought that is the original Thought of the Creator. This original Thought is love. Thus, we bring to your peoples the love of the Creator. All that you see about you that is material, is made of the material of love, which is light, and it is for this reason that we greet you in love and in light. We speak always to that point and attempt in many different ways to approach it according to your various circumstances. Tonight we would approach this understanding of love by speaking to you of a concept which is generated by your peoples. That concept is security.

June 7, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we would like to tell you a small story concerning one of our brethren who was, a long time ago and in a distant place, a seeker. He felt as though his efforts were not sufficient, yet was unable to arrive at a decision or realization of the next step upon his path of awareness. It seemed to him that the more often he tried to establish a foothold upon his next slope of climb, so to speak, the more often his outstretched foot would simply pass through his illusive goal and land him once again upon the all too solid earth upon which he trod.

May 31, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, we would speak to you in parables. Once there was a young man. This young man roamed the highways. He was homeless and carried that little which he had upon his back and in his arms. This young man was consumed with the knowledge of his imperfection. From time to time when he was not hungry and not sleepy, he would take the guitar from his pack and play it in what little way he could and attempt to distract himself, for he was a most troubled young man. When he looked upon himself, he saw nothing but error, mistakes, imperfections and faults. With his ears he could hear much beauty, for bird call and the rustle of the wind are the friends of those who live by the road. With his eyes he witnessed an unending panorama of the creation of the Father. His skin was touched with sun and welcomed rain from the heat. And the flowers greeted his nose with that beauty that is so careless that it gives itself regardless of the witnesses it may have.

May 24, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, to the best of our understanding, there is no justification. You are never justified. You cannot ever be justified, nor can you be wronged, nor can you wrong except intentionally. When you think to yourself, “Ah yes, I shall drink a toast to myself. Such and such an action was justified,” step back, my friends, and see the perfection that created both yourself and whatever else seems to be in conflict with yourself. What is it, my friends, that requires that you be justified? What is it but a lack of seeking to know the truth, that in reality disharmony is not necessary, that in reality those things about you are perfect as they are, without justification.

May 17, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We feel that it is not only our privilege, but also that which we must do in order to be of most service to you as you seek the truth, to speak to you about some of the aspects of love which are not recognized by your peoples and, therefore, which in many people’s minds blur the image of love past all recognition in the cosmic sense of the word, if you would term it such. We speak to you, my friends, of the freedom of love. Many, many times it comes to the attention of all of those who seek that there is a concept called right and wrong, virtue or sin. This concept is much like one who willingly builds a jail house and locks himself within it.

May 10, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My brothers, this night is one of calm, for although there is much strife in your world, there is also a peace in the hearts of many who have been blessed this day. It is a custom on your planet and your world as you know it, to honor those receptive entities that you term mothers, on this day and the effect—correction—the cumulative effect of this vibration is one of the creation of a state of receptivity upon an area of your planet that is often responsible for much of the strife that exists on the surface of your world. Therefore, the result has been an increase in the receptivity and in the quantity of peace, if you will, within the hearts of many of the entities of your planet, not only in the geographic area in which you reside, but across the surface, for peace has a cumulative effect that increases beyond its original numbers.

May 3, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We of Hatonn are engaged at this time in a study of your manifestations, for we find them to be often confusing. It is not that they are confusing in their substance, but rather in their contradiction, for we do not understand sometimes how you are able, as a people, to pursue that which you simultaneously deplore. My brothers, the lessons of your dimension are many and can be difficult, therefore, we urge you to maintain an awareness whenever possible of the fact that you exist within an illusion of your own creation. If your creation, your illusion, is contradictory, then you will find that your growth is impeded in that you expend your energy praying for and rejecting at the same time.

April 26, 1981

Sunday meditation

Oxal: We would speak to you this evening, my friends, about dissatisfaction. In your illusion dissatisfaction is the watchword. There are few indeed among your peoples who can be said to be satisfied with their condition, either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. The reaction of your peoples is to attempt to eliminate dissatisfaction by correcting those items which cause dissatisfaction.

April 19, 1981

Sunday meditation easter

Hatonn: My brothers, it is with great pleasure that we of the Federation are able to share with you once again our simple thoughts and aspirations for those of your planet and dimension. It in easy enough for us to see areas of improvement that you may strive towards, yet, my brothers, you must understand that your confusion is similar to the confusion that we experience on our own level. Therefore, my brothers, be not down-hearted at our seeming unwillingness to communicate to you those lessons which you are striving so hard to learn in your struggle for growth. We of Hatonn are pleasured in that we are often sought by those of this group and other groups for our advice, yet we are reluctant often to communicate to you the answer to those questions you pose. For, my brothers, it is not our place to prevent your growth by handing you the answers as one schoolboy with a crib sheet to another.

April 12, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: It is for the purpose of sharing this one simple Thought that we feel the greatest of honors in addressing your group each session where it is possible for us to be with you. This evening we would speak a few words once again on the subject of love. This subject which is the focus of most of our communications with you is yet the subject which is not well understood by many of your people and, indeed, we would say that few really understand the concept of love, though many times have they heard the concept reviewed. It is for this reason that we speak again and again on this simple concept, for simple though it is, yet much seems to stand in the way of the peoples of your planet and their understanding of this simple concept.

April 5, 1981

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: My friends, it in written in your holy works: “I have waited for the Lord more than the watchman for the morning, more than the watchman for the morning.” We would speak to you this evening of the love that manifests itself to you more slowly than you would perhaps wish. We would speak to you of patience and waiting. It is very difficult for your peoples to wait for anything for among your peoples it is understood that each entity has rights and privileges and these include prompt results from any energy output. And yet we say to you, my friends, that when your day is done and you look back upon it you find, perhaps, all too much of your precious time has been spent waiting for inconsequential and petty things, those things which shall not outlast this transient illusion nor even last until your next week, your next month, your next year.