May 19, 1985
Sunday meditation
L/Leema: However, there is one point which seems to be worth making at this juncture for those in this group. That, my friends, is that you are all chosen. We work with third-density individuals which are not aware to full extent of their selfhood, of their specialness, of their being chosen, yet they, too, are chosen and have been since before you can imagine, before there was time, before there was any created thing. Older than all the galaxies are the souls that move through levels of consciousness within those galaxies. More experience do you have in yourself than does this planet or the star which warms it. Many, shall we say, consciousness groups inadvertently foster an elitism based upon a truth which is seen but not comprehended logically, and that is that each person who believes in the ideals of love and service is chosen, is special, is anointed or passed by special vows, and that this specialness is a metaphysical and enduring specialness enduring far beyond what you think of on the surface as life. You may see those who have almost no consciousness at all apparently, and those whose consciousnesses, though competent, do not admit metaphysics. Yet these are not those who are lost forever; these are those who are learning a different lesson, taking a different road, going more slowly. There is time enough for all of consciousness which has been created to fully tap the birthright of that consciousness.