
May 26, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Jupiter or Jove is no longer worshipped. The great interrelationships that held so much meanings in cultures and mythologies other than your own are no more, except in the lasting bounds of literature, poetry and so on. Yet, it is often a good and worthwhile thing to gaze back upon other cultures’ seeking for the truth, others’ seeking for definition of who they are and what the nature of the world in which they live is. Indeed, it is helpful to gaze at your own culture in this way. You might move ten thousand of your years into the future in your mind and then gaze back at the passion and the majesty of the Jewish and the Christian saga. Much would be put in perspective, both about the nature that the saga teaches that man truly is and about the nature of the world in which man lives.

May 19, 1985

Sunday meditation

L/Leema: However, there is one point which seems to be worth making at this juncture for those in this group. That, my friends, is that you are all chosen. We work with third-density individuals which are not aware to full extent of their selfhood, of their specialness, of their being chosen, yet they, too, are chosen and have been since before you can imagine, before there was time, before there was any created thing. Older than all the galaxies are the souls that move through levels of consciousness within those galaxies. More experience do you have in yourself than does this planet or the star which warms it. Many, shall we say, consciousness groups inadvertently foster an elitism based upon a truth which is seen but not comprehended logically, and that is that each person who believes in the ideals of love and service is chosen, is special, is anointed or passed by special vows, and that this specialness is a metaphysical and enduring specialness enduring far beyond what you think of on the surface as life. You may see those who have almost no consciousness at all apparently, and those whose consciousnesses, though competent, do not admit metaphysics. Yet these are not those who are lost forever; these are those who are learning a different lesson, taking a different road, going more slowly. There is time enough for all of consciousness which has been created to fully tap the birthright of that consciousness.

May 12, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: The thought we send may seem at times complex, but the message all may be brought down to one simple phrase: that you shall love one another is one of the greatest services that you are able to provide to your fellow beings as you inhabit those physical vehicles that have become your temporary home; to look beyond that which is apparent but not always concrete, as this instrument would put it, and to see that essence which lies behind and beyond the physical; to look into each other’s eyes and see the love and the light of the Creator reflected and to ignore that which is often a very convincing illusion. Strive to seek that which lies beneath and beyond the illusion, for the essence of the Creator may be seen in all and may be grasped and held and felt, reflected and returned. The wholeness is there, dear friends. Strive for that wholeness in what appears to be a world divided into portions.

May 5, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we desire to share with you a tale of two cities, so to speak. The first was a city of no great size, possessed of no great abilities, neither powerful in war nor in learning, yet a place of calm and of repose for the soul. For it was the nature of these people to seek that which cannot be acquired upon the physical plane. The other city, in contrast, was composed of individuals, of people who sought and fought, who pursued their ambitions, people who attempted much and accomplished less, for in truth, their conflicts interrupted the efforts of each to acquire that which he sought or to gain that which he pursued.

April 28, 1985

Sunday meditation

L/Leema: I am L/Leema [pronounced “Lahleema”]. I am of the Confederation, and I greet you in the love and light of the infinite Creator in Whose Oneness we dwell. What a circumstance! I know you have not called me. I have never spoken to humans. We are having a good time with this instrument, for we find that as we pick and choose that which we wish to say among the various oddments that she stores in her brain, there are many non-linear connections which cause communication using this instrument to be enjoyable for us.

April 21, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: As you spoke this evening, you were manifesting the means by which seekers of truth have from ages long past been able to accelerate their own journey of seeking; that is, you have shared yourselves, your thoughts, your experiences, your opinions in a way which has offered to others the harvest, shall we say, of your lives to this point. When one offers such a gift to another, it is an enhancement of the seeking of each for that gift to be offered, for each of you, being the one Creator and having chosen in this particular incarnation to express some facet or facets of the one Creator in your own way, have therefore a great deal which to offer another.

April 14, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would speak a few words upon a subject which is ever and always the focus of our being: that, of course, is love. There is much upon your planet that is written concerning this concept that is described so inadequately by the word “love.” Many upon your planet over all portions of time within your past have sought to express the experience of love. These in some fashion or other have been what you would call seekers of truth, those who seek the nature of the reality in which they move and have their being, for the human creature upon your planet is one to which has been given great self awareness, and with such a great gift then it is a natural function of that gift being exercised to seek the nature of the environment in which the entity finds itself.

April 9, 1985

Intensive meditation

Laitos: We appreciate the discussion that you have given to this topic previous to the beginning of your meditation, for it is helpful in such discussion to focus one’s intention more clearly and purely upon that which is the goal. As each shares each understanding and experience of this service of vocal channeling, each then learn from the other, and together you progress more quickly than if experiences were not shared and examined for their content. This is true, of course, my brothers, in all portions of your life, and is especially true as you set your feet upon this path of serving others by means of providing vocal channeling.

April 7, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: May all that you manifest be as true as that which you manifest at this moment. This would be a part of our thoughts to aid you. It is one often missed by your peoples who are always striving for more—more food, more recreation, more freedom, more of everything, and yet more and less are irrelevant for you are who you are and what you are now at this moment, at this crux. You may choose freely and you may do well, for as far as we know, the Creator is kindly and affectionate to those of us who are upon the path and to those who are lost.

April 3, 1985

Intensive meditation

Laitos: I am Laitos, and great you in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. We would wish before we begin to energize this group to the best of our poor ability, for each within this circle is weary and the weariness is only partially physical. Thus, we would ask your permission which you may give mentally to receive the energy of the spiritual and the emotional in order that we may have better contact through each instrument.

March 26, 1985

Intensive meditation

Laitos: I am Laitos, and I greet you, my friends, also in the love and in the light of the Creator Who Is All. We are aware that you seek us, yet we also are aware that in each mind there is the questioning. Therefore, we shall attempt to give a good balance between the working with each new instrument and the desire for answered questions. We would, as always when transferring to another instrument, wish to provide the basic information concerning who we are and in what guise we come.

March 24, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: We would speak with you this evening about those things that do occur within each of your minds that cause judgment to occur.

March 17, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening, we would speak of meditation and of love. Let us approach the subject from the standpoint of love being offered as a goal, as some proper name like a town or a city. Within this instrument’s mind we find many popular songs which use this term. “All you need is love,” is the one we find most firmly etched in this instrument’s memory. This is indeed so, my friends, for there is nothing but love, therefore all you need, regardless of what it is, is love. The tremendous danger in looking in love as a goal is that it becomes a kind of deity unto itself, one which is drawn within the imagination of man’s mind, not that of the Creator.

March 10, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Each of you has seen the picture of a drop of water which is then placed under ten times magnification and then fifty times magnification and so on until we are looking at the very nucleus of [it] and [the] surrounding electrons. You know, my friends, that each time you looked something had changed to that drop of water, something that was outside of that drop of water’s control. Scientists surrender to their technical informational equipment. It is left to those of the path to surrender in another way and that is to welcome, accept and encourage spiritual growth and change in themselves and others. What one may see as a drop of water, another may see ten times magnified and so forth. Each is looking at the same universe, caught whole and perfect in a microscope’s eye.

March 3, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: It is always to be remembered that adequacy cannot be discovered within the human condition, as you would call it. If you allow the illusion to become real enough to mask the metaphysical boundaries under which you actually have allegiance you shall therefore become unable to be of service to yourself or to others. Therefore, we urge each as we urge this instrument most of all to dwell as your holy work says, “under the shadow of the most high,” to allow the most high, that is infinitely about you, to move within your vibratory field in order that you may then be a true channel.