
February 26, 1985

Intensive meditation

Laitos: The process of channeling is in some ways simple enough that it confuses those who are attempting to learn the techniques involved. We do not ask you to refrain from discrimination. Indeed, we ask each entity who wishes to learn to become a vocal instrument to tune carefully, to remain surrounded in white light, and to challenge each and every entity each and every time that entity appears.

February 24, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Once there was a man who wished to build a fence of bricks. This man was a proud man and he wished his wall to be perfect. It was with exquisite care that he laid the plumb line and found the perfect horizontal level. The man was happy as he took fastidious care to begin his task rightly. The sun shone down upon him until he was very warm, yet he welcomed the sun. Indeed, the entity welcomed the chance to do the work that was necessary in order to begin to build his wall.

February 23, 1985

Saturday meditation

Hatonn: We wish to tell you a parable, a little story. Once upon a time there was an old man who with his trusty walking stick was making his way through the cobblestones of the village in which he had lived and his father before him and his father before him. This man had married and yet his wife had died, and in dying had lost their only unborn child. More than years bent the old man’s back as he picked his way along the cobblestones.

February 17, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Tonight we would like to relate a tale, a story concerning a small elfin creature.

February 10, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would speak to you about that portion of seeking which is involved in manifestation. To put it another way, we would speak with you about service to others. When each individual embarks upon the spiritual journey, there is a time when the seeds of seeking are tender and young and need to be guarded carefully and in private. This is usually known instinctively by seekers. They feel fragile and indeed they are fragile as very small children are fragile, unable to defend themselves within the new life and environment of seeking. As the seeker pursues the journey, however, there is another stage which might be called that of adolescence, spiritually speaking. The seeker has become excited by the power and mystery of the excellence of the path and is often on fire with the desire to share with others the awakening which he may have had.

January 27, 1985

Intensive meditation

Hatonn: Once there was a horse. It was a young horse with a wild mane and a flying tail that roamed free across a plain where no people lived. Untrammeled and bridleless, the horse went its way and it thought many things. It would sip water and eat its grass and roll in the Sweet Timothy fields. Trees nodded serenely and the sun shone in summer and in winter. However, the horse, though free, and though unknowing, was unwittingly very lonely.

January 27, 1985

Sunday evening meditation

Hatonn: This evening we would speak to you about that which is called love among your peoples. We would speak to you of what that may mean and what you may hope from its pursuit. More especially we wish to speak about being channels for the one original Thought which created all that there is and is known among your peoples as love.

January 22, 1985

Intensive meditation

Laitos: Meanwhile, we would like to speak a bit about channeling and about being an instrument. There is a saying among your peoples, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” This is extraordinarily true of metaphysical work of all kinds. The one who takes no risk is the one who will not advance. The more carefully one guards one’s gifts, the less that gift will come to mean and the less good that gift will come to offer. It is as though as there were inflation in spiritual gifts so that it is necessary always to attempt more and more regardless of what has gone before. Therefore, one which has little must attempt enough that that little may become a bit more. One which has already had much must attempt a great deal. The responsibility for spiritual seeking is that eternal upward spiral. Seeking does not end. The road does not end. The journey goes on and on, as far we know, forever.

January 13, 1985

Sunday meditation

Hatonn: Once upon a time there was a tavern by the side of an old muddied road. Those who frequented this tavern came to it by horseback or walked, never rode in a carriage, for it was not a wealthy tavern but the tavern of those who work hard and long for the little pittance that enables all for whom they are responsible to live. Through the years, the farmers, the herdsmen, and those who ran the toll upon the toll road came to be in such a habit of coming to this tavern that it became something other than a tavern, it became a haven. We now transfer.

January 6, 1985

Sunday meditation

Oxal: Within your minds there is always the question, “Is there a Creator?” It might surprise you to experience the reversal of that question, “Is there anything which is created?” We say to you that there is that which is created. The next question is, “Why should the Creator of all that there is create that which is thrown apart from the Creator, divided by illusion upon illusion upon illusion, separated by dreams and fantasies and phantasmagoria of all kinds?” The answer to that question may be important for you to consider, for within it lies the reason for your being. The ethics of your being lie within other questions. The reason for your being is very simple. You are experiencing, as we are experiencing, as if we were separate from the Creator. If you look out upon a vast bleak landscape, the skeletons of trees without their leaves standing proudly against the winter sky, the dead leaves scurrying along, blown by a bitter wind, you may have some idea of the creation without the created. All is potential; nothing experiences.